SE-0203 — Rename Sequence.elementsEqual

That argument is not how I'm approaching this problem. As I see it, the issue boils down purely to the fact that elementsEqual does not convey that the equality is order-dependent. If the term Sequence is good enough for Swift to use for an ordering of elements, why is it not surpassingly clear that the equality of sequentiallyEquals is in terms of the sequences' orderings?

Being concise is indeed a bonus -- it's not the primary goal, of course, but given two names that are equally good except that one is concise and one is verbose, you would of course choose the concise one. Verbosity is not a virtue on its own -- it's a price we pay for clarity.

Again, I'd really like to see an example of where sequentiallyEquals is misleading. I'd happily accept that using the term "elements" is required if that could be shown in a concrete rather than philosophical manner. If it is impossible to come up with such an example, then I can't see how the arguments against it hold water.


The complication here is that there three kinds of equality that we might be talking about:

  1. Whether two sequences are regarded as equal, regardless of actual differences in their elements. The simplest concrete example I can think of is a type conforming to Sequence where all values or instances are == to each other, regardless of what their elements are.

  2. Whether two sequences are regarded as equal, because they consist of the same elements in the same order. Concretely, this covers all cases where == and (the current) elementsEqual are the same.

  3. Whether two sequences consist of the same elements in the same order, regardless of whether the sequences are regarded as equal.

#1 is an equality test on sequences, #3 is an equality test on elements, and #2 is both simultaneously.

The objection to sequentiallyEquals is that (grammatically) it tends to suggest an equality relationship between sequences. That puts it into category #1 or #2, when in fact it's intended for category #3.

Another way of saying this is that a satisfactory method name really needs the word "elements" in it somewhere, and really needs "equal" rather than "equals".

That perhaps brings us to elementsSequentiallyEqual, which isn't a bad name, but it's not significantly shorter than elementsEqualInSequenceOrder (which is my current preference for the method name). That is not very different from elementsEqualInIterationOrder, but I believe this may be mis-interpreted as imposing an iteration order that's somehow different from the sequence order, even though they're really the same thing.

Please note that none of the above is about Set or Dictionary, just about Sequence in the abstract.

Also, after @adamkemp's recent comments, I'm wondering if the correct thing to do is to simply delete the elementsEqual API from Sequence. The use cases depend so much on the semantics of the conforming type, the convenience method may be more inconvenient than useful.

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That's definitely not what I was suggesting! :slight_smile:

I believe this method is useful enough to keep. I've used the .NET version numerous times. You just have to know what it does. The argument then is why don't people know what it does? And my opinion is that we're focusing too much on the name of this function as the reason it's misunderstood, when in reality the problem is that people misunderstand what Sequence is. Renaming this function isn't going to fix that problem. Removing this function won't fix that problem either.

Let me put it another way: if people think this function will work on two Sets today then if you remove this function then those same people may just reinvent this function when they think they need it, and it won't work for the same reason. This function isn't the problem.

And I certainly wasn't trying to shift the responsibility onto you! :wink:

I was puzzling over this comment. If it's the truth in general, then there's no use-case for a generalized elementEquals under any name. There's no possibility of comparing elements in order unless you have some reason to believe that the sameness of order can be relied on.

There are also (I think) two dimensions to this. One is where the order is unknown until iterated. The other is where the order changes when the sequence is mutated.

Again, I don't quite understand. A Set has a stable order already, because it has Indexes, provided it's not mutated. So, what doesn't work? You haven't actually said, AFAICT. If you mean that mutation may scramble the order, then I think I'd say the function is the problem, in the sense that it shouldn't be there.

Well, exactly that well-defined order is the key characteristic of a sequence...

This thread (and afaics the other discussion) is going in circles, and without acknowledging that Swift breaks with the common definition of sequence and set, there can't be a real debate if there is a valid justification to do so (which might be the case... I just haven't read anything about that).

Math is something people have been thinking about much longer than Swift or programming languages in general exist, the mathematical definitions of set and sequence are sound, and we shouldn't ignore them - just imagine we did the same with int and float:
If those concepts were mixed, we could have Double.isEven and CGFloat.% - but that makes no sense, just like Set.starts(with:).


You can rely on it if the Sequence comes from a source that you know does have those properties. For example, an Array has those properties so you can rely on it for an Array. But also any function that takes in a Sequence and gives you another Sequence that preserves the ordering can be fed into this function as long as you know the original source was ordered (like if it were an Array).

So, for instance, you could take an array, use map to convert it to a different array, and then use this function to compare the output to another array. That's useful. Not all the time, but it does come up.

It's not stable in that it depends on the order in which the elements were added, and could change from one run of the process to another. That means given two Set objects that have the same elements if you iterate over them as a Sequence you may get different orderings.

Some people are arguing that this means Set shouldn't implement Sequence, but the thing is Sequence doesn't have that requirement.

I disagree, but if you want to make a different proposal to rename Sequence then feel free. That's not this proposal, though. I'm sticking to the discussion about this proposal and reasons why it should or should not be accepted.

It's fine to acknowledge that, but as I wrote in the proposal, it's entirely outside the scope of this proposal and likely outside the scope of the current phase of Swift Evolution entirely.

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(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

Finally ;-)
So when we agree that Swifts definitions are in contradiction with fundamental mathematical terms:
Wouldn't it be sensible to have some patience and accept that a "real fix" won't make it into Swift 5 (probably... maybe it could be done rather quickly)?
I think it is, especially as Set now supports ==, which lessens the danger of elementsEqual drastically.

Actually, with your explanation, I don't disagree with anything you said, including the above, except that I come to a different conclusion:

If elementsEqual isn't meaningful in the general case, I would want to conclude that it shouldn't be defined without restriction.

Part of my reasoning is that there are very easy ways to make the same check (under the assumption that the sequence is well-enough-ordered for the specific problem at hand), so the function doesn't bring a lot of benefit.

I realize that's a judgement call, so it's ultimately a judgement others will have to make.

I don’t disagree with the mathematical definition. I disagree with your assumption that the word “sequence” has only one meaning, and it must be this particular one.

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Do you have a link to a definition of "sequence" where order isn't mentioned as a key characteristic?

I find the arguments about mathematical definitions not particularly useful here, and the comparisons to defining + as multiplication to be hyperbolic. Everyone acknowledges that there is a difference between a sequence and a set, but should also acknowledge that a set (or at least a Swift Set) can be used as a sequence by imposing some arbitrary order on the elements. For practical reasons, there is always going to be some way of using Set as a sequence, regardless of the mathematical definition, so the question is how should that functionality is exposed.

The current implementation just conforms it directly to Collection which seems like a reasonable option, though it results in a few possibly confusing or useless methods being available. Perhaps it would have been a little better to have a Collection view on Set and Dictionary that you had to explicitly invoke (though this makes things like for-in loops less ergonomic), or some more complex protocol hierarchy, but I don't think it's sufficiently better to justify the change, and I'm not aware of this causing much confusion outside of elementsEqual being an attractive nuisance when == wasn't available.


This is clearly a really bad name and warrants change. This is clearly a change that would be a positive step forward for the Swift language. I loathe the name that has been chosen but I cannot come up with anything better and this has the advantage of clarity.

Thank you to @xwu for addressing this

I don't think it's confusing that Set is a Collection - it's confusing that every Collection is a Sequence.
Obviously, an Iterator protocol would be sufficient to be used in for ... in, but it wouldn't have the methods that depend on the actual order.
Note that this not only includes elementsEqual but also reversed, starts(with:), lexicographicallyPrecedes and others.
Renaming one of those is like putting a warning sign in front of a big hole, and it may save some people from falling into that trap. But shouldn't it at least be evaluated if it's not better to fill that hole?

The only arguments against that have been "it has to be that way" and "this is out of scope" - and if that's enough to not even start a real discussion, imho Swift evolution has failed.


2 A set of related events, movements, or items that follow each other in a particular order.

If you iterate over a Set you will get a particular order. It may not be the order you want, but it will be some particular order. That’s a sequence.

As @jawbroken said, this argument is pointless. This proposal isn’t about Sequence.

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The Oxford dictionary supports my standpoint as well:
There's a difference between something can be transformed into a sequence and something is a sequence:
We can easily transform a Float into a SignedInteger. This works even better than turning a set into a sequence, because there are simple and transparent rules for that transformation, whereas the order of Set is a black box.
But would it make sense if Float conformed to SignedInteger?

I couldn't find a reference, but I always considered a protocol to be more than a bunch of methods, something that has a meaning.
Sequence should be an abstraction that enables us to write algorithms that allow its user to choose freely wether they want to store their items in an array, a linked list, or something else.
But when I use this abstraction (something like stepsHappenedInRightOrder), I automatically allow people to use my API with Set - although I know that this absolutely makes no sense!
Someone could use it with Set, could write some unit tests which succeed by coincidence, and end up with a program that is inherently wrong, just like the use of elementsEqual in the past.

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Every Collection has comparable and advanceable indices so they're all inherently sequenced, right?

I'm not sure I understand this at all. In what way is for-in loop itself not effectively a method that depends on the actual order. Or a next() method on an Iterator?

I'm not seeing great harm in any of these other methods. reversed and starts(with:) are probably not particularly useful on a Dictionary or Set, but I can't see it being common for them to be used incorrectly. Have you seen them causing confusion or bugs? lexicographicallyPrecedes seems slightly more likely to be misused, as someone might feed it two Dictionary or Set instances like elementsEqual, but it has an unusual and precise enough name that I'm not concerned.

Even if this discussion was starting from first principles I'm not sure it wouldn't end up with a similar design. Scanning the documentation, there's a lot of useful Sequence API that makes sense on Dictionary and Set, with a couple less useful parts and a single particularly harmful method with an unfortunate name. It might be simpler just to rename the harmful part than to have some more complex protocol redesign (e.g. somehow separating Sequence and Collection) or making things clunkier to use (e.g. hiding the Sequence and Collection conformances inside a view).

Questions - great! ;-)

Absolutely right - and because of the way our computers work, they can't even represent something that's truly unordered. The difference is wether that order exists because some programmer decided intentionally that he needs it (array, list...), or if that order happens more or less accidentally (set, dictionary).

Right as well. But the iterator doesn't care wether next() returns something that was put into its position consciously, or a random element.

But it makes a difference for the algorithms we write.

Let's take a simple example where the source of order matters:
It is quite useful that I can search a substring in a string, which is nothing but a bunch of ordered characters (let's ignore Unicode for a while ;-).
You could perform the same search in a set of characters... but why should you ever want to do so?
Would it be useful if CharacterSet had all methods of String, or would it be harmful and confusing?


If we rename this at all, then we should call it lexicographicallyEquals. We already have lexicographicallyPrecedes when Element is Comparable, and this is the natural relaxation of that to Equatable.

The objections in the proposal don’t carry water. In particular,

Right, the proper term is “equals”.

This is a good thing. We don’t want people reaching for this method when “==” is more appropriate.

Irrelevant. If I see two words (sequences of characters) in a foreign language, I may have no idea which one comes first alphabetically (so they are not Comparable to me) but I can still tell whether they are the same word.

That is, I can tell whether the words are lexicographically equal, even when I don’t know which one precedes the other.

And this is not just a statement about my ignorance. We can imagine a language which *does not have* a canonical ordering of its alphabet. So two different lexicographers in that language could arrange their dictionaries differently.

In that case, it is meaningless to ask if one word lexicographically precedes the other (except with respect to a provided dictionary), but it is *still meaningful* to ask if two words are lexicographically equal. Because equal words are equal in every dictionary, and distinct words are distinct.

No more so than the existing lexicographicallyPrecedes. I don’t think this is a real-world concern. A name like lexicographicallyEquals is sufficiently esoteric that people will consult the documentation to make sure they are using it correctly, unlike elementsEqual.