Roadmap for and state of single element tuple types?

Unless the Generics Manifesto disallows a protocol to which all tuple types conform, you can imagine Tuple in my example being that protocol. (Does the manifesto disallow such a protocol?)

Here is an attempt to rephrase my code example (without any such protocol and) using the notation from the manifesto:

extension<...Elements> (Elements...) {   // extending the tuple type "(Elements...)"
    func foo() { ... }

I'm not sure what the manifesto says about that, but my guess is that it's considered to be equivalent to:

extension<T> T { // error: neither a structural nor a nominal type

But is it really?

Anyhow, so far this points towards case 1 being the case.

Furthermore, the Generics Manifesto seems to be confident that the number of tuple elements is zero or more (not zero or two or more).

As can be clearly seen in this example from the manifesto.
public struct ZipIterator<... Iterators : IteratorProtocol> : Iterator {  // zero or more type parameters, each of which conforms to IteratorProtocol
  public typealias Element = (Iterators.Element...)                       // a tuple containing the element types of each iterator in Iterators

  var (...iterators): (Iterators...)    // zero or more stored properties, one for each type in Iterators
  var reachedEnd = false

  public mutating func next() -> Element? {
    if reachedEnd { return nil }

    guard let values = ( {   // call "next" on each of the iterators, put the results into a tuple named "values"
      reachedEnd = true
      return nil

    return values

So I guess this means that the answer to my question is that:

  • Case 1 is the case, ie: All types T are tuple types, since T == (T). Except eg unconstrained generic type parameters, which are "neither structural nor nominal types". (Which makes me wonder if there are any other types that are not tuple types?) Perhaps a more correct formulation could be:
    "All nominal and structural types T are tuple types, since T == (T)"? (And this seems to imply that all nominal types are also structural, since tuple types are structural ... Could someone who knows this stuff please explain, @Douglas_Gregor ?)

So according to my interpretation of the manifesto, the language reference is wrong when it says:

A tuple type is a comma-separated list of types, enclosed in parentheses.

This is not true, because eg Int, which is the same as (Int), is also a tuple type, as is eg [Float?], none of which is a comma-separated list of types. And it's also wrong when it says:

All tuple types contain two or more types, except for Void which is a type alias for the empty tuple type, ().

This is not true, because a tuple type can contain zero or more elements.

Even the grammar is wrong:


tuple-type              → ( ) | ( tuple-type-element , tuple-type-element-list )
tuple-type-element-list → tuple-type-element | tuple-type-element , tuple-type-element-list
tuple-type-element      → element-name type-annotation | type
element-name            → identifier

How can The Language Reference and The Generics Manifesto be in such fundamental disagreement?