[Review] SE-0172: One-sided Ranges

Yeah, I wasn't trying to take a side, just identifying where David might have heard "Protocol" in an official Apple presentation. I'm staying out of this one. :-)



On Apr 20, 2017, at 00:21, Gwendal Roué <gwendal.roue@gmail.com> wrote:

Well, IteratorProtocol, LazySequenceProtocol weren't imported from ObjC.

They set a precedent for the -Protocol suffix.

Now, even if you don't like RangeProtocol, this doesn't make RangeExpression better.

"Expression" and `1...` don't belong to the same level of the language: one is a concept of that belongs to the compiler, when the other is a plain value used in a program:

When a program does `1 + 2`, it both sums two integers, and builds a expression from two other expressions and an operator. Both are true. Yet 1 is of type `Integer`, not `IntegerExpression`.

Currently all types of the standard library belong the program realm, not to the compiler realm. I wish we wouldn't break this practice, and avoid `RangeExpression`.

That's why I suggest `RangeProtocol`. Other options could be `Ranging`, `Bounds`...

Gwendal Roué

Le 19 avr. 2017 à 23:35, Jordan Rose <jordan_rose@apple.com <mailto:jordan_rose@apple.com>> a écrit :

That was probably about the ObjC importer, which does this (appends "Protocol") when there's a class and protocol with the same name in the same module. That doesn't necessarily mean it's the right thing to put in the API guidelines, though.


On Apr 19, 2017, at 10:59, Gmail via swift-evolution <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:

I seem to recall that something (maybe a WWDC session) mentioned something about protocols that in essence represent a single type would have the Protocol-suffix.

Unfortunately I couldn’t find it (yet?). The closest I’ve found so far is http://asciiwwdc.com/2014/sessions/407 but I’m not sure that was it.
> essentially when there's a conflict between a class name and a protocol name, we'll append protocol to the name of the protocol.


On 19 Apr 2017, at 17:55, Gwendal Roué via swift-evolution <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:

Le 19 avr. 2017 à 17:23, Gwendal Roué <gwendal.roue@gmail.com <mailto:gwendal.roue@gmail.com>> a écrit :

Re: [swift-evolution] [Review] SE-0172: One-sided Ranges

"RangeExpression" is an unexpected name. I was expecting "RangeProtocol", as in IteratorProtocol and LazySequenceProtocol. We need a consistent suffix for protocols that can't be named in -able, -ible, or named with a simple noun because the noun is already used by a concrete type. "-Protocol" should be that prefix: RangeProtocol.

A detailed look at API Design Guidelines [1] shows that this subject is not addressed:

  • Protocols that describe what something is should read as nouns (e.g. `Collection`).
  • Protocols that describe a capability should be named using the suffixes `able`, `ible`, or `ing` (e.g. `Equatable`, `ProgressReporting`).

Nothing is said for "protocols that describe what something but can't be named as nouns", or "protocols that describe a capability but can't be named using the suffixes able, ible, or ing".

For example: the name of the protocol for all ranges discussed with SE-0172 should be addressed by the first rule (because the protocol describes what something is rather than a capability). But that protocol can't be named Range because Range is already taken.

Such a situation comes rather easily:

- in an evolving code base, when a protocol is added on top of an existing type hierarchy which should be preserved (RangeProtocol added on top of Range, ClosedRange, etc.)
- at the birth of a code base, when a protocol coexists with a concrete type which rightfully deserves the noun claimed by the protocol.

IteratorProtocol and LazySequenceProtocol have set a precedent: maybe we should have the API Design Guidelines evolve with a third rule:

+ When a protocol can't be named with a noun, or with an `able`, `ible`, or `ing` suffix, the protocol should be named using the suffix `Protocol` (e.g. `IteratorProtocol`).

What do you think?

Gwendal Roué
[1] https://swift.org/documentation/api-design-guidelines/

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Sorry if my original reply didn’t come across as neutral as I had hoped. I actually like the Protocol suffix and have used it when the name I wanted to use was already taken by a concrete type.

I’m not sure yet if a Protocol suffix would “always” be the right choice when a protocol can't be named with a noun, or with an `able`, `ible`, or `ing` suffix. There might not be that many cases.

How about a guideline that only covers the case when a protocol coexists with a concrete type? Maybe something like:

+ When a protocol and a concrete type contest for the same name, the protocol should be named using the suffix `Protocol` (e.g. `IteratorProtocol`).

That would both apply to the Range protocol naming, and would follow the the established pattern set by IteratorProtocol, LazySequenceProtocol which seem to have come from [SE-0006](https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/master/proposals/0006-apply-api-guidelines-to-the-standard-library.md\):

Strip `Type` suffix from protocol names. In a few special cases this means adding a `Protocol` suffix to get out of the way of type names that are primary (though most of these we expect to be obsoleted by Swift 3 language features).



On 20 Apr 2017, at 18:55, Jordan Rose <jordan_rose@apple.com> wrote:

Yeah, I wasn't trying to take a side, just identifying where David might have heard "Protocol" in an official Apple presentation. I'm staying out of this one. :-)


On Apr 20, 2017, at 00:21, Gwendal Roué <gwendal.roue@gmail.com <mailto:gwendal.roue@gmail.com>> wrote:

Well, IteratorProtocol, LazySequenceProtocol weren't imported from ObjC.

They set a precedent for the -Protocol suffix.

Now, even if you don't like RangeProtocol, this doesn't make RangeExpression better.

"Expression" and `1...` don't belong to the same level of the language: one is a concept of that belongs to the compiler, when the other is a plain value used in a program:

When a program does `1 + 2`, it both sums two integers, and builds a expression from two other expressions and an operator. Both are true. Yet 1 is of type `Integer`, not `IntegerExpression`.

Currently all types of the standard library belong the program realm, not to the compiler realm. I wish we wouldn't break this practice, and avoid `RangeExpression`.

That's why I suggest `RangeProtocol`. Other options could be `Ranging`, `Bounds`...

Gwendal Roué

Le 19 avr. 2017 à 23:35, Jordan Rose <jordan_rose@apple.com <mailto:jordan_rose@apple.com>> a écrit :

That was probably about the ObjC importer, which does this (appends "Protocol") when there's a class and protocol with the same name in the same module. That doesn't necessarily mean it's the right thing to put in the API guidelines, though.


On Apr 19, 2017, at 10:59, Gmail via swift-evolution <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:

I seem to recall that something (maybe a WWDC session) mentioned something about protocols that in essence represent a single type would have the Protocol-suffix.

Unfortunately I couldn’t find it (yet?). The closest I’ve found so far is http://asciiwwdc.com/2014/sessions/407 but I’m not sure that was it.
> essentially when there's a conflict between a class name and a protocol name, we'll append protocol to the name of the protocol.


On 19 Apr 2017, at 17:55, Gwendal Roué via swift-evolution <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:

Le 19 avr. 2017 à 17:23, Gwendal Roué <gwendal.roue@gmail.com <mailto:gwendal.roue@gmail.com>> a écrit :

Re: [swift-evolution] [Review] SE-0172: One-sided Ranges

"RangeExpression" is an unexpected name. I was expecting "RangeProtocol", as in IteratorProtocol and LazySequenceProtocol. We need a consistent suffix for protocols that can't be named in -able, -ible, or named with a simple noun because the noun is already used by a concrete type. "-Protocol" should be that prefix: RangeProtocol.

A detailed look at API Design Guidelines [1] shows that this subject is not addressed:

  • Protocols that describe what something is should read as nouns (e.g. `Collection`).
  • Protocols that describe a capability should be named using the suffixes `able`, `ible`, or `ing` (e.g. `Equatable`, `ProgressReporting`).

Nothing is said for "protocols that describe what something but can't be named as nouns", or "protocols that describe a capability but can't be named using the suffixes able, ible, or ing".

For example: the name of the protocol for all ranges discussed with SE-0172 should be addressed by the first rule (because the protocol describes what something is rather than a capability). But that protocol can't be named Range because Range is already taken.

Such a situation comes rather easily:

- in an evolving code base, when a protocol is added on top of an existing type hierarchy which should be preserved (RangeProtocol added on top of Range, ClosedRange, etc.)
- at the birth of a code base, when a protocol coexists with a concrete type which rightfully deserves the noun claimed by the protocol.

IteratorProtocol and LazySequenceProtocol have set a precedent: maybe we should have the API Design Guidelines evolve with a third rule:

+ When a protocol can't be named with a noun, or with an `able`, `ible`, or `ing` suffix, the protocol should be named using the suffix `Protocol` (e.g. `IteratorProtocol`).

What do you think?

Gwendal Roué
[1] https://swift.org/documentation/api-design-guidelines/

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