I think it's worth simplifying the access levels by removing `fileprivate`. Changing `private` to cover the common file-level cases brings no disadvantages IMO, since there's always the option of moving a declaration to a separate file. (I seem to disagree with a lot of opinions on here, that seem to want more fine grained access level control. I just don't see much tangible benefits, as composing protocols with the current access control levels is enough.)
I wouldn't do the compatibility mode since source conversion seems to work well enough. But I guess source compatibility is a hard goal.
My main question with all of this: Why is `private` a "soft default"? What's the point of a "soft default"? I think it should be _the_ default. `private` as default would promote encapsulation. It also just seems to make more sense than defining `internal` as the default, which is the "middle one".
On Mar 21, 2017, at 12:55 AM, Douglas Gregor via swift-evolution <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
Hello Swift community,
The review of SE-0159 "Fix Private Access Levels" begins now and runs through March 27, 2017. The proposal is available here:
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