Reversible Initializer

So I guess you have a Tesla ? :)

So I could do

infix operator .. : MultiplicationPrecedence
infix operator .?. : MultiplicationPrecedence

func .. <T, U>(left: T, right: (T) -> U) -> U {
    return right(left)

func .?. <T, U>(left: Optional<T>, right: (T) -> U) -> Optional<U> {

but there would still need to have something along ""..URL.init
I don't really like this pattern, honestly... Doesn't seems very swifty to me...

I prefer "".asUrl.asRequest but yes, seems not that different from piping.

It'd be interesting to see how all this ideas interact with init that is not originally single-argument, but have default arguments, which includes URLRequest(url:).

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Almost feels like [?]|> should be built into the language

Well reversible keyword would only be allowed on single argument initializers. I don’t see how else we could do.

If you want that exact syntax (a keyword on an initialiser), I think that would be better solved by some kind of macro or code-generation system.

I don't feel its usage is widespread enough right now to warrant making that code generation part of the language and compiler.

You mean it won't work with the URLRequest example?

No I think it would work. But you are right it would be quite complicated to check if the initializer is Something(something: x) or Something(x) ...

That’s my question. init is hardly single-argument by itself. For URLRequest.init(url:) it’s actually

init(url: URL, cachePolicy: URLRequest.CachePolicy = .useProtocolCachePolicy, timeoutInterval: TimeInterval = 60.0)

We could try to figure out one that has only one non-default argument. Though I start to feel the design is getting contrived.

Anyhow, what about ones with all default arguments? They have potential to have many single-argument forms.

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indeed... I guess the piping operator solution |> is more generic and can already be implemented manually... maybe reversible should be a protocol.

I really like this idea on a conceptual level. For the most part I think the asSomething syntax, and the reversible initializer solves this problem pretty well, also with regards to access control. Although, ideally I would really like to also see something more in the lines of implicit conversion.

That could allow syntax like:

let urlString: String = ""
let url = urlString as URL
let request = url as URLRequest

or as a one-liner:

let request = ("" as URL) as URLRequest

I don't know if this type of language feature has been discussed a lot in the past, but this could also potentially solve some syntactical friction when dealing with numbers, etc.


I must say this idea did went through my mind yesterday but seeing it like you showed it is sexy. However "as" is more a downcast like in MyViewController as UIViewController or a bridgecast like in NSString as String. for an upcast, maybe we should use another keyword like "into"?

let request = ("" into URL) into URLRequest

but when you look at it , "into" become a pipe operator that allows for the righthand parameter to automatically add .init to URL.init

as michelf proposed:

let urlRequest = string |> URL.init |> URLRequest.init


nice design,how about use to instead of into?
“...” to url to urlrequest !

I don't, but I'm taking driving lessons, and the car my driving school uses is a Tesla model 3.
It's the only car I've ever driven.