Removing elements at more than one index from an array?

How’s this?

extension Array {
    mutating func remove(elementsAtIndices indicesToRemove: [Int]) -> [Element] {
        guard !indicesToRemove.isEmpty else {
            return []
        // Copy the removed elements in the specified order.
        let removedElements = { self[$0] }
        // Sort the indices to remove.
        let indicesToRemove = indicesToRemove.sorted()
        // Shift the elements we want to keep to the left.
        var destIndex = indicesToRemove.first!
        var srcIndex = destIndex + 1
        func shiftLeft(untilIndex index: Int) {
            while srcIndex < index {
                self[destIndex] = self[srcIndex]
                destIndex += 1
                srcIndex += 1
            srcIndex += 1
        for removeIndex in indicesToRemove[1...] {
            shiftLeft(untilIndex: removeIndex)
        shiftLeft(untilIndex: self.endIndex)
        // Remove the extra elements from the end of the array.
        return removedElements