Reading init() parameters inside a static function of a struct

Hello everyone,

Let's say I'd like to calculate something and return the result of that calculation using a static function of a struct like so:


If I'm not mistaken the value of "10" needs to be read from the struct's init() method and a static function has to be used, so the code would have to look something like the following:

struct RandomStruct {
    static func calc() -> Int {
        return self.value + 2

    var value = 0

    init(_ val: Int) {
        self.value = val

This of course generates the "Instance member '...' cannot be used on type '...'" error so my question is how exactly can this be done? Is it possible to use a value of an init() parameter in a static/class function? If so, how? Thank you in advance for any tips and suggestions.

Either use everything at a static level:

struct RandomStruct {
    static func calc(_ int: Int) -> Int {
        return int + 2

or at an instance level:

struct RandomStruct {
    let int: Int

    func calc(_ int: Int) -> Int {
        return int + 2

Mixing both seems unnecessary for your use here.


Completely agree with @Jon_Shier, but just wanted to mention one other option to achieve somewhat similar result:

func notAtAllAStruct(_ i: Int) -> (() -> Int) {
  return { () in i }

// which can be invoked as
let theIHolder = notAtAllAStruct(42)
_ = theIHolder() // this is your `.call()`

Yet again, without knowing the details, it sounds like a regular struct with instance methods will be a better option.

In your example “calc” is not a satic func. You’re calling calc on the instance returned by initilizing the struct with 10. I don’t see the need for static on your example.