Re: [Swift CI] Build Still Failing: 0. OSS - LLDB Incremental - OS X (master) (Release) #1465

It looks like SIL verification is failing inside of LLDB's expression evaluator:

18:32:23 SIL verification failed: cannot directly destroy type with inaccessible ABI: F.getModule().isTypeABIAccessible(DI->getOperand()->getType())
18:32:23 Verifying instruction:
18:32:23 %61 = alloc_stack $S // users: %72, %71, %64, %63
18:32:23 -> destroy_addr %61 : $*S // id: %71
18:32:23 In function: 18:32:23 // C.$__lldb_wrapped_expr_21(_:)
18:32:23 sil hidden @$S1a1CC14__lldb_expr_22E03$__a9_wrapped_B3_21yySpyypGF : $@convention(method) (UnsafeMutablePointer, @guaranteed C) -> () {