(Re-)compiling the stdlib

Hi there,

quick question from someone who likes to get started on the stdlib and
therefore sometimes likes to change an implementation, just to get a better
understanding, what is going on.

So let's say, I changed something in Bool.swift, e.g. to let the
implementation of `description` in the `CustomStringConvertible`
extension return 'YES' or 'NO'.

Ok, so doing a
`./swift/utils/build-script --debug-swift-stdlib --build-subdir=ds --`
compiles fine -> Perfect!

Running the REPL via `./build/ds/swift-macosx-x86_64/bin/swift` gives:

*** You are running Swift's integrated REPL, ***
*** intended for compiler and stdlib ***
*** development and testing purposes only. ***
*** The full REPL is built as part of LLDB. ***
*** Type ':help' for assistance. ***
(swift) let someBool = true
// someBool : Bool = YES
(swift) print (someBool.description)

Once again: Perfect and as expected!

So after seeing, that this was kind of a bad idea and resetting these
re-triggering the same build command
`./swift/utils/build-script --debug-swift-stdlib --build-subdir=ds --`
runs much faster (as expected), BUT:
a newly started REPL gives the same results, as before and not as I
would expect a `true` or `false`.

I also tried to add a new method:

let someBool = true
// someBool : Bool = YES
let someBoolStr = someBool.anotherFunc()
LLVM ERROR: Program used external function '__TFSb11anotherFuncfT_SS' which
could not be resolved!

Once again: After a clean build, everything seems to work perfect.
Any idea, what needs to be "retriggered", so that the REPL or `swiftc`
picks up the new stdlib?

Thank you and Regards,
Christian Hoffmann

We were seeing some issues recently where the stdlib wouldn't get copied (actually lipo'd) into its final destination. Doug Coleman reverted the problem commit yesterday in https://github.com/apple/swift/pull/5166\. Can you update to the latest master and try again?



On Oct 6, 2016, at 11:40, Christian Hoffmann via swift-dev <swift-dev@swift.org> wrote:

Hi there,

quick question from someone who likes to get started on the stdlib and
therefore sometimes likes to change an implementation, just to get a better
understanding, what is going on.

So let's say, I changed something in Bool.swift, e.g. to let the
implementation of `description` in the `CustomStringConvertible`
extension return 'YES' or 'NO'.

Ok, so doing a
`./swift/utils/build-script --debug-swift-stdlib --build-subdir=ds --`
compiles fine -> Perfect!

Running the REPL via `./build/ds/swift-macosx-x86_64/bin/swift` gives:

*** You are running Swift's integrated REPL, ***
*** intended for compiler and stdlib ***
*** development and testing purposes only. ***
*** The full REPL is built as part of LLDB. ***
*** Type ':help' for assistance. ***
(swift) let someBool = true
// someBool : Bool = YES
(swift) print (someBool.description)

Once again: Perfect and as expected!

So after seeing, that this was kind of a bad idea and resetting these changes,
re-triggering the same build command
`./swift/utils/build-script --debug-swift-stdlib --build-subdir=ds --`
runs much faster (as expected), BUT:
a newly started REPL gives the same results, as before and not as I
would expect a `true` or `false`.

I also tried to add a new method:

let someBool = true
// someBool : Bool = YES
let someBoolStr = someBool.anotherFunc()
LLVM ERROR: Program used external function '__TFSb11anotherFuncfT_SS' which could not be resolved!

Once again: After a clean build, everything seems to work perfect.
Any idea, what needs to be "retriggered", so that the REPL or `swiftc`
picks up the new stdlib?

Thank you and Regards,
Christian Hoffmann

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