Quick question.. Where should I add the if statement?

I am complete beginner so I am sorry if my question will sound dumb.. But where should I add the if statement in the actual app? All the tutorials I could find are either from the Xcode playground or aren't helpful at all..

I am trying to do something like this: (Basically I want the oneRepMax to be equal to weight if the number of reps is 1)

if reps == 1 {
       oneRepMax == weight
} else {
       oneRepMax = weight*(1+(0.0333*reps))-2

Here is my code:

//  ContentView.swift
//  overload
//  Created by / on 25.08.2022.
import SwiftUI
struct ContentView: View {
    @State private var weight = 1.0
    @State private var reps = 1.0
    var body: some View {
            Stepper("Reps : \(reps.formatted())", value: $reps, in: 1...10)
            TextField("Weight: \(weight.formatted())kg", value: $weight, format: .number)
            let oneRepMax=weight*(1+(0.0333*reps))-2
            Text(String(format: "Your 1RM is %.1f kg", oneRepMax, oneRepMax)).padding()
                Group {
                        Text(String(format: "Your 2RM is %.1f kg", oneRepMax/(1+(0.0333*2))+2, oneRepMax/(1+(0.0333*2))+2))
                        Text(String(format: "Your 3RM is %.1f kg", oneRepMax/(1+(0.0333*3))+2, oneRepMax/(1+(0.0333*3))+2))
                        Text(String(format: "Your 4RM is %.1f kg", oneRepMax/(1+(0.0333*4))+2, oneRepMax/(1+(0.0333*4))+2))
                        Text(String(format: "Your 5RM is %.1f kg", oneRepMax/(1+(0.0333*5))+2, oneRepMax/(1+(0.0333*5))+2))
                        Text(String(format: "Your 6RM is %.1f kg", oneRepMax/(1+(0.0333*6))+2, oneRepMax/(1+(0.0333*6))+2))
                        Text(String(format: "Your 7RM is %.1f kg", oneRepMax/(1+(0.0333*7))+2, oneRepMax/(1+(0.0333*7))+2))
                        Text(String(format: "Your 8RM is %.1f kg", oneRepMax/(1+(0.0333*8))+2, oneRepMax/(1+(0.0333*8))+2))
                        Text(String(format: "Your 9RM is %.1f kg", oneRepMax/(1+(0.0333*9))+2, oneRepMax/(1+(0.0333*9))+2))
                        Text(String(format: "Your 10RM is %.1f kg", oneRepMax/(1+(0.0333*10))+2, oneRepMax/(1+(0.0333*10))+2))
struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
    static var previews: some View {

I would suggest to extract a function or computed property for that.

You can make it a free function in the same file. Then you will need to pass weight and reps as parameters, but on a plus point you can also place the inverse function nearby. There is some aesthetics in such symmetry. And free functions are easy to cover with unit tests.

func oneRepMaxFromWeight(_ weight: Double, reps: Double) -> Double {
    if reps == 1 {
       return weight
    } else {
       return weight*(1+(0.0333*reps))-2

func weightFromOneRepMax(_ oneRepMax, reps: Double) -> Double {
    if reps == 1 {
        return oneRepMax
    } else {
        // I think that's not a correct inversion of the previous formula.
        // Looks like it should be (oneRepMax + 2)/(1 + 0.0333 * reps)
        return oneRepMax/(1+(0.0333*reps))+2

Alternatively you can make oneRepMax a computed property and maybe a function for weightForReps(). But then oneRepMax is computed every time weightForReps() is computed. And it's harder to write unit tests.

struct ContentView: View {
    @State private var weight = 1.0
    @State private var reps = 1.0

    var oneRepMax: Double {
        if reps == 1 {
           return weight
        } else {
           return weight*(1+(0.0333*reps))-2

   func weightForReps(_ reps: Double) -> Double {
       if reps == 1 {
            return oneRepMax
        } else {
            // I think that's not a correct inversion of the previous formula.
            // Looks like it should be (oneRepMax + 2)/(1 + 0.0333 * reps)
            return oneRepMax/(1+(0.0333*reps))+2


I tried it on a couple of my lifting records and it seems like pseudoscience. How can reps be meaningful? Unless you do a 1RM, there's giant variability in what you're lifting based on how much time is allotted for the set, and the curve of where you log the reps in that set.