[Proposal] Introduces endianness specific type

IMO, it has unclear representation when FixedWidthInteger working with
endianness specific type.

so I want to introduce the endianness specific wrapper:

public struct BEInteger<Base : FixedWidthInteger> : FixedWidthInteger {

    public var bigEndian: BEInteger { get }

    public var littleEndian: LEInteger<Base> { get }


public struct LEInteger<Base : FixedWidthInteger> : FixedWidthInteger {

    public var bigEndian: BEInteger<Base> { get }

    public var littleEndian: LEInteger { get }


also, we should change the FixedWidthInteger as follow:

public protocol FixedWidthInteger : BinaryInteger {

    /// deprecated, we should use value.bigEndian instead

    init(bigEndian value: Self)

    /// deprecated, we should use value.littleEndian instead

    init(littleEndian value: Self)

    associatedtype EndianRepresentingValue : FixedWidthInteger

    var bigEndian: BEInteger<EndianRepresentingValue> { get }

    var littleEndian: LEInteger<EndianRepresentingValue> { get }




this is my working alternative implementation:


protocol EndianInteger : FixedWidthInteger {

    associatedtype BitPattern : FixedWidthInteger

    associatedtype RepresentingValue : FixedWidthInteger

    var bitPattern: BitPattern { get }

    init(bitPattern: BitPattern)

    var representingValue : RepresentingValue { get set }

    init(representingValue: RepresentingValue)


extension EndianInteger {


    public init(integerLiteral value: RepresentingValue.IntegerLiteralType)

        self.init(representingValue: RepresentingValue(integerLiteral:



    public init?<T>(exactly source: T) where T : BinaryInteger {

        guard let value = RepresentingValue(exactly: source) else { return
nil }

        self.init(representingValue: value)



    public init?<T>(exactly source: T) where T : FloatingPoint {

        guard let value = RepresentingValue(exactly: source) else { return
nil }

        self.init(representingValue: value)



    public init(_ value: RepresentingValue) {

        self.init(representingValue: value)



    public init<T>(_ source: T) where T : FloatingPoint {

        self.init(representingValue: RepresentingValue(source))



    public init<T>(_ source: T) where T : BinaryInteger {

        self.init(representingValue: RepresentingValue(source))



    public init<T>(extendingOrTruncating source: T) where T : BinaryInteger

        self.init(representingValue: RepresentingValue(extendingOrTruncating:



    public init<T>(clamping source: T) where T : BinaryInteger {

        self.init(representingValue: RepresentingValue(clamping: source))



    public init(_truncatingBits bits: UInt) {

        self.init(representingValue: RepresentingValue(_truncatingBits:



extension EndianInteger {


    public static var isSigned: Bool {

        return RepresentingValue.isSigned



    public static var bitWidth: Int {

        return RepresentingValue.bitWidth



    public static var max: Self {

        return Self(representingValue: RepresentingValue.max)



    public static var min: Self {

        return Self(representingValue: RepresentingValue.min)



extension EndianInteger {


    public var hashValue: Int {

        return representingValue.hashValue



    public var description: String {

        return representingValue.description



    public var bitWidth: Int {

        return representingValue.bitWidth



    public var magnitude: RepresentingValue.Magnitude {

        return representingValue.magnitude



    public var trailingZeroBitCount: Int {

        return representingValue.trailingZeroBitCount



    public var nonzeroBitCount: Int {

        return representingValue.nonzeroBitCount



    public var leadingZeroBitCount: Int {

        return representingValue.leadingZeroBitCount



    public var byteSwapped: Self {

        return Self(representingValue: representingValue.byteSwapped)



extension EndianInteger {


    public func _word(at n: Int) -> UInt {

        return representingValue._word(at: n)



    public func distance(to other: Self) -> RepresentingValue.Stride {

        return self.representingValue.distance(to: other.representingValue)



    public func advanced(by n: RepresentingValue.Stride) -> Self {

        return Self(representingValue: self.representingValue.advanced(by:



    public func addingReportingOverflow(_ rhs: Self) -> (partialValue: Self,
overflow: ArithmeticOverflow) {

        let (partialValue, overflow) = representingValue.addingReport

        return (Self(representingValue: partialValue), overflow)



    public func subtractingReportingOverflow(_ rhs: Self) -> (partialValue:
Self, overflow: ArithmeticOverflow) {

        let (partialValue, overflow) = representingValue.subtractingR

        return (Self(representingValue: partialValue), overflow)



    public func multipliedReportingOverflow(by rhs: Self) -> (partialValue:
Self, overflow: ArithmeticOverflow) {

        let (partialValue, overflow) = representingValue.multipliedRe
portingOverflow(by: rhs.representingValue)

        return (Self(representingValue: partialValue), overflow)



    public func dividedReportingOverflow(by rhs: Self) -> (partialValue:
Self, overflow: ArithmeticOverflow) {

        let (partialValue, overflow) = representingValue.dividedRepor
tingOverflow(by: rhs.representingValue)

        return (Self(representingValue: partialValue), overflow)



    public func remainderReportingOverflow(dividingBy rhs: Self) ->
(partialValue: Self, overflow: ArithmeticOverflow) {

        let (partialValue, overflow) = representingValue.remainderRep
ortingOverflow(dividingBy: rhs.representingValue)

        return (Self(representingValue: partialValue), overflow)



    public func multipliedFullWidth(by other: Self) -> (high: Self, low:
RepresentingValue.Magnitude) {

        let (high, low) = representingValue.multipliedFullWidth(by: other.

        return (Self(representingValue: high), low)



    public func dividingFullWidth(_ dividend: (high: Self, low:
RepresentingValue.Magnitude)) -> (quotient: Self, remainder: Self) {

        let (quotient, remainder) = representingValue.dividingFullWidth
((dividend.high.representingValue, dividend.low))

        return (Self(representingValue: quotient), Self(representingValue:



extension EndianInteger {


    public static prefix func +(x: Self) -> Self {

        return x



    public static func +(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self {

        return Self(representingValue: lhs.representingValue + rhs.



    public static func +=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self) {

        lhs.representingValue += rhs.representingValue



    public static func -(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self {

        return Self(representingValue: lhs.representingValue - rhs.



    public static func -=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self) {

        lhs.representingValue -= rhs.representingValue



    public static func *(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self {

        return Self(representingValue: lhs.representingValue * rhs.



    public static func *=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self) {

        lhs.representingValue *= rhs.representingValue



    public static func /(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self {

        return Self(representingValue: lhs.representingValue / rhs.



    public static func /=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self) {

        lhs.representingValue /= rhs.representingValue



    public static func %(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self {

        return Self(representingValue: lhs.representingValue % rhs.



    public static func %=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self) {

        lhs.representingValue %= rhs.representingValue



    public static func &(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self {

        return Self(representingValue: lhs.representingValue & rhs.



    public static func &=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self) {

        lhs.representingValue &= rhs.representingValue



    public static func |(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self {

        return Self(representingValue: lhs.representingValue | rhs.



    public static func |=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self) {

        lhs.representingValue |= rhs.representingValue



    public static func ^(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self {

        return Self(representingValue: lhs.representingValue ^ rhs.



    public static func ^=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self) {

        lhs.representingValue ^= rhs.representingValue



    prefix public static func ~(x: Self) -> Self {

        return Self(representingValue: ~x.representingValue)



    public static func &>>(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self {

        return Self(representingValue: lhs.representingValue &>> rhs.



    public static func &<<(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self {

        return Self(representingValue: lhs.representingValue &<< rhs.



    public static func ==(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool {

        return lhs.bitPattern == rhs.bitPattern



    public static func !=(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool {

        return lhs.bitPattern != rhs.bitPattern



    public static func >(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool {

        return lhs.representingValue > rhs.representingValue



    public static func <(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool {

        return lhs.representingValue < rhs.representingValue



    public static func >=(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool {

        return lhs.representingValue >= rhs.representingValue



    public static func <=(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool {

        return lhs.representingValue <= rhs.representingValue



public struct BEInteger<Base : FixedWidthInteger> : FixedWidthInteger,
EndianInteger {

    public var bitPattern: Base


    public init(bitPattern: Base) {

        self.bitPattern = bitPattern




    init(representingValue: Base) {

        self.bitPattern = representingValue.bigEndian




    var representingValue: Base {

        get {

            return Base(bigEndian: bitPattern)


        set {

            bitPattern = newValue.bigEndian




    public init(bigEndian value: BEInteger) {

        self.bitPattern = value.bitPattern



    public init(littleEndian value: BEInteger) {

        self.bitPattern = value.bitPattern.byteSwapped



    public var bigEndian: BEInteger {

        return self



    public var littleEndian: BEInteger {

        return BEInteger(littleEndian: self)



public struct LEInteger<Base : FixedWidthInteger> : FixedWidthInteger,
EndianInteger {

    public var bitPattern: Base


    public init(bitPattern: Base) {

        self.bitPattern = bitPattern




    init(representingValue: Base) {

        self.bitPattern = representingValue.littleEndian




    var representingValue: Base {

        get {

            return Base(littleEndian: bitPattern)


        set {

            bitPattern = newValue.littleEndian




    public init(bigEndian value: LEInteger) {

        self.bitPattern = value.bitPattern.byteSwapped



    public init(littleEndian value: LEInteger) {

        self.bitPattern = value.bitPattern



    public var bigEndian: LEInteger {

        return LEInteger(bigEndian: self)



    public var littleEndian: LEInteger {

        return self



Hi Susan,

Was there any motivation for this proposal that I missed? If not then, can you please provide it in a few sentences? Otherwise it’s not clear to me what problem it is supposed to fix.



On Jul 6, 2017, at 8:21 PM, Susan Cheng via swift-evolution <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:

IMO, it has unclear representation when FixedWidthInteger working with endianness specific type.

so I want to introduce the endianness specific wrapper:

public struct BEInteger<Base : FixedWidthInteger> : FixedWidthInteger {
    public var bigEndian: BEInteger { get }
    public var littleEndian: LEInteger<Base> { get }

public struct LEInteger<Base : FixedWidthInteger> : FixedWidthInteger {
    public var bigEndian: BEInteger<Base> { get }
    public var littleEndian: LEInteger { get }

also, we should change the FixedWidthInteger as follow:

public protocol FixedWidthInteger : BinaryInteger {
    /// deprecated, we should use value.bigEndian instead
    init(bigEndian value: Self)
    /// deprecated, we should use value.littleEndian instead
    init(littleEndian value: Self)
    associatedtype EndianRepresentingValue : FixedWidthInteger
    var bigEndian: BEInteger<EndianRepresentingValue> { get }
    var littleEndian: LEInteger<EndianRepresentingValue> { get }


this is my working alternative implementation:

protocol EndianInteger : FixedWidthInteger {
    associatedtype BitPattern : FixedWidthInteger
    associatedtype RepresentingValue : FixedWidthInteger
    var bitPattern: BitPattern { get }
    init(bitPattern: BitPattern)
    var representingValue : RepresentingValue { get set }
    init(representingValue: RepresentingValue)

extension EndianInteger {
    public init(integerLiteral value: RepresentingValue.IntegerLiteralType) {
        self.init(representingValue: RepresentingValue(integerLiteral: value))
    public init?<T>(exactly source: T) where T : BinaryInteger {
        guard let value = RepresentingValue(exactly: source) else { return nil }
        self.init(representingValue: value)
    public init?<T>(exactly source: T) where T : FloatingPoint {
        guard let value = RepresentingValue(exactly: source) else { return nil }
        self.init(representingValue: value)
    public init(_ value: RepresentingValue) {
        self.init(representingValue: value)
    public init<T>(_ source: T) where T : FloatingPoint {
        self.init(representingValue: RepresentingValue(source))
    public init<T>(_ source: T) where T : BinaryInteger {
        self.init(representingValue: RepresentingValue(source))
    public init<T>(extendingOrTruncating source: T) where T : BinaryInteger {
        self.init(representingValue: RepresentingValue(extendingOrTruncating: source))
    public init<T>(clamping source: T) where T : BinaryInteger {
        self.init(representingValue: RepresentingValue(clamping: source))
    public init(_truncatingBits bits: UInt) {
        self.init(representingValue: RepresentingValue(_truncatingBits: bits))

extension EndianInteger {
    public static var isSigned: Bool {
        return RepresentingValue.isSigned
    public static var bitWidth: Int {
        return RepresentingValue.bitWidth
    public static var max: Self {
        return Self(representingValue: RepresentingValue.max)
    public static var min: Self {
        return Self(representingValue: RepresentingValue.min)

extension EndianInteger {
    public var hashValue: Int {
        return representingValue.hashValue
    public var description: String {
        return representingValue.description
    public var bitWidth: Int {
        return representingValue.bitWidth
    public var magnitude: RepresentingValue.Magnitude {
        return representingValue.magnitude
    public var trailingZeroBitCount: Int {
        return representingValue.trailingZeroBitCount
    public var nonzeroBitCount: Int {
        return representingValue.nonzeroBitCount
    public var leadingZeroBitCount: Int {
        return representingValue.leadingZeroBitCount
    public var byteSwapped: Self {
        return Self(representingValue: representingValue.byteSwapped)

extension EndianInteger {
    public func _word(at n: Int) -> UInt {
        return representingValue._word(at: n)
    public func distance(to other: Self) -> RepresentingValue.Stride {
        return self.representingValue.distance(to: other.representingValue)
    public func advanced(by n: RepresentingValue.Stride) -> Self {
        return Self(representingValue: self.representingValue.advanced(by: n))
    public func addingReportingOverflow(_ rhs: Self) -> (partialValue: Self, overflow: ArithmeticOverflow) {
        let (partialValue, overflow) = representingValue.addingReportingOverflow(rhs.representingValue)
        return (Self(representingValue: partialValue), overflow)
    public func subtractingReportingOverflow(_ rhs: Self) -> (partialValue: Self, overflow: ArithmeticOverflow) {
        let (partialValue, overflow) = representingValue.subtractingReportingOverflow(rhs.representingValue)
        return (Self(representingValue: partialValue), overflow)
    public func multipliedReportingOverflow(by rhs: Self) -> (partialValue: Self, overflow: ArithmeticOverflow) {
        let (partialValue, overflow) = representingValue.multipliedReportingOverflow(by: rhs.representingValue)
        return (Self(representingValue: partialValue), overflow)
    public func dividedReportingOverflow(by rhs: Self) -> (partialValue: Self, overflow: ArithmeticOverflow) {
        let (partialValue, overflow) = representingValue.dividedReportingOverflow(by: rhs.representingValue)
        return (Self(representingValue: partialValue), overflow)
    public func remainderReportingOverflow(dividingBy rhs: Self) -> (partialValue: Self, overflow: ArithmeticOverflow) {
        let (partialValue, overflow) = representingValue.remainderReportingOverflow(dividingBy: rhs.representingValue)
        return (Self(representingValue: partialValue), overflow)
    public func multipliedFullWidth(by other: Self) -> (high: Self, low: RepresentingValue.Magnitude) {
        let (high, low) = representingValue.multipliedFullWidth(by: other.representingValue)
        return (Self(representingValue: high), low)
    public func dividingFullWidth(_ dividend: (high: Self, low: RepresentingValue.Magnitude)) -> (quotient: Self, remainder: Self) {
        let (quotient, remainder) = representingValue.dividingFullWidth((dividend.high.representingValue, dividend.low))
        return (Self(representingValue: quotient), Self(representingValue: remainder))

extension EndianInteger {
    public static prefix func +(x: Self) -> Self {
        return x
    public static func +(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self {
        return Self(representingValue: lhs.representingValue + rhs.representingValue)
    public static func +=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self) {
        lhs.representingValue += rhs.representingValue
    public static func -(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self {
        return Self(representingValue: lhs.representingValue - rhs.representingValue)
    public static func -=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self) {
        lhs.representingValue -= rhs.representingValue
    public static func *(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self {
        return Self(representingValue: lhs.representingValue * rhs.representingValue)
    public static func *=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self) {
        lhs.representingValue *= rhs.representingValue
    public static func /(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self {
        return Self(representingValue: lhs.representingValue / rhs.representingValue)
    public static func /=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self) {
        lhs.representingValue /= rhs.representingValue
    public static func %(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self {
        return Self(representingValue: lhs.representingValue % rhs.representingValue)
    public static func %=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self) {
        lhs.representingValue %= rhs.representingValue
    public static func &(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self {
        return Self(representingValue: lhs.representingValue & rhs.representingValue)
    public static func &=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self) {
        lhs.representingValue &= rhs.representingValue
    public static func |(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self {
        return Self(representingValue: lhs.representingValue | rhs.representingValue)
    public static func |=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self) {
        lhs.representingValue |= rhs.representingValue
    public static func ^(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self {
        return Self(representingValue: lhs.representingValue ^ rhs.representingValue)
    public static func ^=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self) {
        lhs.representingValue ^= rhs.representingValue
    prefix public static func ~(x: Self) -> Self {
        return Self(representingValue: ~x.representingValue)
    public static func &>>(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self {
        return Self(representingValue: lhs.representingValue &>> rhs.representingValue)
    public static func &<<(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self {
        return Self(representingValue: lhs.representingValue &<< rhs.representingValue)
    public static func ==(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool {
        return lhs.bitPattern == rhs.bitPattern
    public static func !=(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool {
        return lhs.bitPattern != rhs.bitPattern
    public static func >(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool {
        return lhs.representingValue > rhs.representingValue
    public static func <(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool {
        return lhs.representingValue < rhs.representingValue
    public static func >=(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool {
        return lhs.representingValue >= rhs.representingValue
    public static func <=(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool {
        return lhs.representingValue <= rhs.representingValue

public struct BEInteger<Base : FixedWidthInteger> : FixedWidthInteger, EndianInteger {
    public var bitPattern: Base
    public init(bitPattern: Base) {
        self.bitPattern = bitPattern
    init(representingValue: Base) {
        self.bitPattern = representingValue.bigEndian
    var representingValue: Base {
        get {
            return Base(bigEndian: bitPattern)
        set {
            bitPattern = newValue.bigEndian
    public init(bigEndian value: BEInteger) {
        self.bitPattern = value.bitPattern
    public init(littleEndian value: BEInteger) {
        self.bitPattern = value.bitPattern.byteSwapped
    public var bigEndian: BEInteger {
        return self
    public var littleEndian: BEInteger {
        return BEInteger(littleEndian: self)

public struct LEInteger<Base : FixedWidthInteger> : FixedWidthInteger, EndianInteger {
    public var bitPattern: Base
    public init(bitPattern: Base) {
        self.bitPattern = bitPattern
    init(representingValue: Base) {
        self.bitPattern = representingValue.littleEndian
    var representingValue: Base {
        get {
            return Base(littleEndian: bitPattern)
        set {
            bitPattern = newValue.littleEndian
    public init(bigEndian value: LEInteger) {
        self.bitPattern = value.bitPattern.byteSwapped
    public init(littleEndian value: LEInteger) {
        self.bitPattern = value.bitPattern
    public var bigEndian: LEInteger {
        return LEInteger(bigEndian: self)
    public var littleEndian: LEInteger {
        return self
swift-evolution mailing list

Here are two problems being fixed.

First, considering the example:

struct MyRawDataStruct {

      var size: UInt32
      var signature: UInt32
      var width: UInt32
      var height: UInt32

The type UInt32 doesn't tall us the endianness of the value. Also, if we read the value of it, the value is being byte-swapped when endianness is not matching with the system.

This causes us have to manual convert the value from/to correct endianness.

struct MyRawDataStruct {

      var size: BEInteger<UInt32>
      var signature: BEInteger<UInt32>
      var width: BEInteger<UInt32>
      var height: BEInteger<UInt32>

So, my proposal fix the problem. We can easily to get the value.

let header: MyRawDataStruct = data.withUnsafePointer { $0.pointee }

print(header.size) // print the representing value

Second, it's misleading means of bigEndian and littleEndian from FixedWidthInteger

if we do this

let a = 1


It's just swap bytes twice but not converting value to big-endian

My proposal solves the problem

let b = a.bigEndian // BEInteger<Int>

b.bigEndian // remain big-endian of a


Max Moiseev <moiseev@apple.com> 於 2017年7月8日 上午1:48 寫道:

Hi Susan,

Was there any motivation for this proposal that I missed? If not then, can you please provide it in a few sentences? Otherwise it’s not clear to me what problem it is supposed to fix.


On Jul 6, 2017, at 8:21 PM, Susan Cheng via swift-evolution <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:

IMO, it has unclear representation when FixedWidthInteger working with endianness specific type.

so I want to introduce the endianness specific wrapper:

public struct BEInteger<Base : FixedWidthInteger> : FixedWidthInteger {
    public var bigEndian: BEInteger { get }
    public var littleEndian: LEInteger<Base> { get }

public struct LEInteger<Base : FixedWidthInteger> : FixedWidthInteger {
    public var bigEndian: BEInteger<Base> { get }
    public var littleEndian: LEInteger { get }

also, we should change the FixedWidthInteger as follow:

public protocol FixedWidthInteger : BinaryInteger {
    /// deprecated, we should use value.bigEndian instead
    init(bigEndian value: Self)
    /// deprecated, we should use value.littleEndian instead
    init(littleEndian value: Self)
    associatedtype EndianRepresentingValue : FixedWidthInteger
    var bigEndian: BEInteger<EndianRepresentingValue> { get }
    var littleEndian: LEInteger<EndianRepresentingValue> { get }


this is my working alternative implementation:

protocol EndianInteger : FixedWidthInteger {
    associatedtype BitPattern : FixedWidthInteger
    associatedtype RepresentingValue : FixedWidthInteger
    var bitPattern: BitPattern { get }
    init(bitPattern: BitPattern)
    var representingValue : RepresentingValue { get set }
    init(representingValue: RepresentingValue)

extension EndianInteger {
    public init(integerLiteral value: RepresentingValue.IntegerLiteralType) {
        self.init(representingValue: RepresentingValue(integerLiteral: value))
    public init?<T>(exactly source: T) where T : BinaryInteger {
        guard let value = RepresentingValue(exactly: source) else { return nil }
        self.init(representingValue: value)
    public init?<T>(exactly source: T) where T : FloatingPoint {
        guard let value = RepresentingValue(exactly: source) else { return nil }
        self.init(representingValue: value)
    public init(_ value: RepresentingValue) {
        self.init(representingValue: value)
    public init<T>(_ source: T) where T : FloatingPoint {
        self.init(representingValue: RepresentingValue(source))
    public init<T>(_ source: T) where T : BinaryInteger {
        self.init(representingValue: RepresentingValue(source))
    public init<T>(extendingOrTruncating source: T) where T : BinaryInteger {
        self.init(representingValue: RepresentingValue(extendingOrTruncating: source))
    public init<T>(clamping source: T) where T : BinaryInteger {
        self.init(representingValue: RepresentingValue(clamping: source))
    public init(_truncatingBits bits: UInt) {
        self.init(representingValue: RepresentingValue(_truncatingBits: bits))

extension EndianInteger {
    public static var isSigned: Bool {
        return RepresentingValue.isSigned
    public static var bitWidth: Int {
        return RepresentingValue.bitWidth
    public static var max: Self {
        return Self(representingValue: RepresentingValue.max)
    public static var min: Self {
        return Self(representingValue: RepresentingValue.min)

extension EndianInteger {
    public var hashValue: Int {
        return representingValue.hashValue
    public var description: String {
        return representingValue.description
    public var bitWidth: Int {
        return representingValue.bitWidth
    public var magnitude: RepresentingValue.Magnitude {
        return representingValue.magnitude
    public var trailingZeroBitCount: Int {
        return representingValue.trailingZeroBitCount
    public var nonzeroBitCount: Int {
        return representingValue.nonzeroBitCount
    public var leadingZeroBitCount: Int {
        return representingValue.leadingZeroBitCount
    public var byteSwapped: Self {
        return Self(representingValue: representingValue.byteSwapped)

extension EndianInteger {
    public func _word(at n: Int) -> UInt {
        return representingValue._word(at: n)
    public func distance(to other: Self) -> RepresentingValue.Stride {
        return self.representingValue.distance(to: other.representingValue)
    public func advanced(by n: RepresentingValue.Stride) -> Self {
        return Self(representingValue: self.representingValue.advanced(by: n))
    public func addingReportingOverflow(_ rhs: Self) -> (partialValue: Self, overflow: ArithmeticOverflow) {
        let (partialValue, overflow) = representingValue.addingReportingOverflow(rhs.representingValue)
        return (Self(representingValue: partialValue), overflow)
    public func subtractingReportingOverflow(_ rhs: Self) -> (partialValue: Self, overflow: ArithmeticOverflow) {
        let (partialValue, overflow) = representingValue.subtractingReportingOverflow(rhs.representingValue)
        return (Self(representingValue: partialValue), overflow)
    public func multipliedReportingOverflow(by rhs: Self) -> (partialValue: Self, overflow: ArithmeticOverflow) {
        let (partialValue, overflow) = representingValue.multipliedReportingOverflow(by: rhs.representingValue)
        return (Self(representingValue: partialValue), overflow)
    public func dividedReportingOverflow(by rhs: Self) -> (partialValue: Self, overflow: ArithmeticOverflow) {
        let (partialValue, overflow) = representingValue.dividedReportingOverflow(by: rhs.representingValue)
        return (Self(representingValue: partialValue), overflow)
    public func remainderReportingOverflow(dividingBy rhs: Self) -> (partialValue: Self, overflow: ArithmeticOverflow) {
        let (partialValue, overflow) = representingValue.remainderReportingOverflow(dividingBy: rhs.representingValue)
        return (Self(representingValue: partialValue), overflow)
    public func multipliedFullWidth(by other: Self) -> (high: Self, low: RepresentingValue.Magnitude) {
        let (high, low) = representingValue.multipliedFullWidth(by: other.representingValue)
        return (Self(representingValue: high), low)
    public func dividingFullWidth(_ dividend: (high: Self, low: RepresentingValue.Magnitude)) -> (quotient: Self, remainder: Self) {
        let (quotient, remainder) = representingValue.dividingFullWidth((dividend.high.representingValue, dividend.low))
        return (Self(representingValue: quotient), Self(representingValue: remainder))

extension EndianInteger {
    public static prefix func +(x: Self) -> Self {
        return x
    public static func +(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self {
        return Self(representingValue: lhs.representingValue + rhs.representingValue)
    public static func +=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self) {
        lhs.representingValue += rhs.representingValue
    public static func -(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self {
        return Self(representingValue: lhs.representingValue - rhs.representingValue)
    public static func -=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self) {
        lhs.representingValue -= rhs.representingValue
    public static func *(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self {
        return Self(representingValue: lhs.representingValue * rhs.representingValue)
    public static func *=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self) {
        lhs.representingValue *= rhs.representingValue
    public static func /(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self {
        return Self(representingValue: lhs.representingValue / rhs.representingValue)
    public static func /=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self) {
        lhs.representingValue /= rhs.representingValue
    public static func %(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self {
        return Self(representingValue: lhs.representingValue % rhs.representingValue)
    public static func %=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self) {
        lhs.representingValue %= rhs.representingValue
    public static func &(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self {
        return Self(representingValue: lhs.representingValue & rhs.representingValue)
    public static func &=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self) {
        lhs.representingValue &= rhs.representingValue
    public static func |(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self {
        return Self(representingValue: lhs.representingValue | rhs.representingValue)
    public static func |=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self) {
        lhs.representingValue |= rhs.representingValue
    public static func ^(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self {
        return Self(representingValue: lhs.representingValue ^ rhs.representingValue)
    public static func ^=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self) {
        lhs.representingValue ^= rhs.representingValue
    prefix public static func ~(x: Self) -> Self {
        return Self(representingValue: ~x.representingValue)
    public static func &>>(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self {
        return Self(representingValue: lhs.representingValue &>> rhs.representingValue)
    public static func &<<(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self {
        return Self(representingValue: lhs.representingValue &<< rhs.representingValue)
    public static func ==(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool {
        return lhs.bitPattern == rhs.bitPattern
    public static func !=(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool {
        return lhs.bitPattern != rhs.bitPattern
    public static func >(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool {
        return lhs.representingValue > rhs.representingValue
    public static func <(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool {
        return lhs.representingValue < rhs.representingValue
    public static func >=(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool {
        return lhs.representingValue >= rhs.representingValue
    public static func <=(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool {
        return lhs.representingValue <= rhs.representingValue

public struct BEInteger<Base : FixedWidthInteger> : FixedWidthInteger, EndianInteger {
    public var bitPattern: Base
    public init(bitPattern: Base) {
        self.bitPattern = bitPattern
    init(representingValue: Base) {
        self.bitPattern = representingValue.bigEndian
    var representingValue: Base {
        get {
            return Base(bigEndian: bitPattern)
        set {
            bitPattern = newValue.bigEndian
    public init(bigEndian value: BEInteger) {
        self.bitPattern = value.bitPattern
    public init(littleEndian value: BEInteger) {
        self.bitPattern = value.bitPattern.byteSwapped
    public var bigEndian: BEInteger {
        return self
    public var littleEndian: BEInteger {
        return BEInteger(littleEndian: self)

public struct LEInteger<Base : FixedWidthInteger> : FixedWidthInteger, EndianInteger {
    public var bitPattern: Base
    public init(bitPattern: Base) {
        self.bitPattern = bitPattern
    init(representingValue: Base) {
        self.bitPattern = representingValue.littleEndian
    var representingValue: Base {
        get {
            return Base(littleEndian: bitPattern)
        set {
            bitPattern = newValue.littleEndian
    public init(bigEndian value: LEInteger) {
        self.bitPattern = value.bitPattern.byteSwapped
    public init(littleEndian value: LEInteger) {
        self.bitPattern = value.bitPattern
    public var bigEndian: LEInteger {
        return LEInteger(bigEndian: self)
    public var littleEndian: LEInteger {
        return self
swift-evolution mailing list

Hi Susan,

Swift does not currently specify a layout for Swift structs. You shouldn’t be using them for memory mapped i/o or writing to a file, because their layout can change. When ABI stability for fragile structs lands, you will be able to count on it, but until then something like this is probably a bad idea.



On Jul 7, 2017, at 6:16 PM, Susan Cheng via swift-evolution <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:

Here are two problems being fixed.

First, considering the example:

struct MyRawDataStruct {

      var size: UInt32
      var signature: UInt32
      var width: UInt32
      var height: UInt32

The type UInt32 doesn't tall us the endianness of the value. Also, if we read the value of it, the value is being byte-swapped when endianness is not matching with the system.

This causes us have to manual convert the value from/to correct endianness.

struct MyRawDataStruct {

      var size: BEInteger<UInt32>
      var signature: BEInteger<UInt32>
      var width: BEInteger<UInt32>
      var height: BEInteger<UInt32>

So, my proposal fix the problem. We can easily to get the value.

let header: MyRawDataStruct = data.withUnsafePointer { $0.pointee }

print(header.size) // print the representing value

Second, it's misleading means of bigEndian and littleEndian from FixedWidthInteger

if we do this

let a = 1


It's just swap bytes twice but not converting value to big-endian

My proposal solves the problem

let b = a.bigEndian // BEInteger<Int>

b.bigEndian // remain big-endian of a

Max Moiseev <moiseev@apple.com <mailto:moiseev@apple.com>> 於 2017年7月8日 上午1:48 寫道:

Hi Susan,

Was there any motivation for this proposal that I missed? If not then, can you please provide it in a few sentences? Otherwise it’s not clear to me what problem it is supposed to fix.


On Jul 6, 2017, at 8:21 PM, Susan Cheng via swift-evolution <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:

IMO, it has unclear representation when FixedWidthInteger working with endianness specific type.

so I want to introduce the endianness specific wrapper:

public struct BEInteger<Base : FixedWidthInteger> : FixedWidthInteger {
    public var bigEndian: BEInteger { get }
    public var littleEndian: LEInteger<Base> { get }

public struct LEInteger<Base : FixedWidthInteger> : FixedWidthInteger {
    public var bigEndian: BEInteger<Base> { get }
    public var littleEndian: LEInteger { get }

also, we should change the FixedWidthInteger as follow:

public protocol FixedWidthInteger : BinaryInteger {
    /// deprecated, we should use value.bigEndian instead
    init(bigEndian value: Self)
    /// deprecated, we should use value.littleEndian instead
    init(littleEndian value: Self)
    associatedtype EndianRepresentingValue : FixedWidthInteger
    var bigEndian: BEInteger<EndianRepresentingValue> { get }
    var littleEndian: LEInteger<EndianRepresentingValue> { get }


this is my working alternative implementation:

protocol EndianInteger : FixedWidthInteger {
    associatedtype BitPattern : FixedWidthInteger
    associatedtype RepresentingValue : FixedWidthInteger
    var bitPattern: BitPattern { get }
    init(bitPattern: BitPattern)
    var representingValue : RepresentingValue { get set }
    init(representingValue: RepresentingValue)

extension EndianInteger {
    public init(integerLiteral value: RepresentingValue.IntegerLiteralType) {
        self.init(representingValue: RepresentingValue(integerLiteral: value))
    public init?<T>(exactly source: T) where T : BinaryInteger {
        guard let value = RepresentingValue(exactly: source) else { return nil }
        self.init(representingValue: value)
    public init?<T>(exactly source: T) where T : FloatingPoint {
        guard let value = RepresentingValue(exactly: source) else { return nil }
        self.init(representingValue: value)
    public init(_ value: RepresentingValue) {
        self.init(representingValue: value)
    public init<T>(_ source: T) where T : FloatingPoint {
        self.init(representingValue: RepresentingValue(source))
    public init<T>(_ source: T) where T : BinaryInteger {
        self.init(representingValue: RepresentingValue(source))
    public init<T>(extendingOrTruncating source: T) where T : BinaryInteger {
        self.init(representingValue: RepresentingValue(extendingOrTruncating: source))
    public init<T>(clamping source: T) where T : BinaryInteger {
        self.init(representingValue: RepresentingValue(clamping: source))
    public init(_truncatingBits bits: UInt) {
        self.init(representingValue: RepresentingValue(_truncatingBits: bits))

extension EndianInteger {
    public static var isSigned: Bool {
        return RepresentingValue.isSigned
    public static var bitWidth: Int {
        return RepresentingValue.bitWidth
    public static var max: Self {
        return Self(representingValue: RepresentingValue.max)
    public static var min: Self {
        return Self(representingValue: RepresentingValue.min)

extension EndianInteger {
    public var hashValue: Int {
        return representingValue.hashValue
    public var description: String {
        return representingValue.description
    public var bitWidth: Int {
        return representingValue.bitWidth
    public var magnitude: RepresentingValue.Magnitude {
        return representingValue.magnitude
    public var trailingZeroBitCount: Int {
        return representingValue.trailingZeroBitCount
    public var nonzeroBitCount: Int {
        return representingValue.nonzeroBitCount
    public var leadingZeroBitCount: Int {
        return representingValue.leadingZeroBitCount
    public var byteSwapped: Self {
        return Self(representingValue: representingValue.byteSwapped)

extension EndianInteger {
    public func _word(at n: Int) -> UInt {
        return representingValue._word(at: n)
    public func distance(to other: Self) -> RepresentingValue.Stride {
        return self.representingValue.distance(to: other.representingValue)
    public func advanced(by n: RepresentingValue.Stride) -> Self {
        return Self(representingValue: self.representingValue.advanced(by: n))
    public func addingReportingOverflow(_ rhs: Self) -> (partialValue: Self, overflow: ArithmeticOverflow) {
        let (partialValue, overflow) = representingValue.addingReportingOverflow(rhs.representingValue)
        return (Self(representingValue: partialValue), overflow)
    public func subtractingReportingOverflow(_ rhs: Self) -> (partialValue: Self, overflow: ArithmeticOverflow) {
        let (partialValue, overflow) = representingValue.subtractingReportingOverflow(rhs.representingValue)
        return (Self(representingValue: partialValue), overflow)
    public func multipliedReportingOverflow(by rhs: Self) -> (partialValue: Self, overflow: ArithmeticOverflow) {
        let (partialValue, overflow) = representingValue.multipliedReportingOverflow(by: rhs.representingValue)
        return (Self(representingValue: partialValue), overflow)
    public func dividedReportingOverflow(by rhs: Self) -> (partialValue: Self, overflow: ArithmeticOverflow) {
        let (partialValue, overflow) = representingValue.dividedReportingOverflow(by: rhs.representingValue)
        return (Self(representingValue: partialValue), overflow)
    public func remainderReportingOverflow(dividingBy rhs: Self) -> (partialValue: Self, overflow: ArithmeticOverflow) {
        let (partialValue, overflow) = representingValue.remainderReportingOverflow(dividingBy: rhs.representingValue)
        return (Self(representingValue: partialValue), overflow)
    public func multipliedFullWidth(by other: Self) -> (high: Self, low: RepresentingValue.Magnitude) {
        let (high, low) = representingValue.multipliedFullWidth(by: other.representingValue)
        return (Self(representingValue: high), low)
    public func dividingFullWidth(_ dividend: (high: Self, low: RepresentingValue.Magnitude)) -> (quotient: Self, remainder: Self) {
        let (quotient, remainder) = representingValue.dividingFullWidth((dividend.high.representingValue, dividend.low))
        return (Self(representingValue: quotient), Self(representingValue: remainder))

extension EndianInteger {
    public static prefix func +(x: Self) -> Self {
        return x
    public static func +(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self {
        return Self(representingValue: lhs.representingValue + rhs.representingValue)
    public static func +=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self) {
        lhs.representingValue += rhs.representingValue
    public static func -(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self {
        return Self(representingValue: lhs.representingValue - rhs.representingValue)
    public static func -=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self) {
        lhs.representingValue -= rhs.representingValue
    public static func *(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self {
        return Self(representingValue: lhs.representingValue * rhs.representingValue)
    public static func *=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self) {
        lhs.representingValue *= rhs.representingValue
    public static func /(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self {
        return Self(representingValue: lhs.representingValue / rhs.representingValue)
    public static func /=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self) {
        lhs.representingValue /= rhs.representingValue
    public static func %(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self {
        return Self(representingValue: lhs.representingValue % rhs.representingValue)
    public static func %=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self) {
        lhs.representingValue %= rhs.representingValue
    public static func &(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self {
        return Self(representingValue: lhs.representingValue & rhs.representingValue)
    public static func &=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self) {
        lhs.representingValue &= rhs.representingValue
    public static func |(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self {
        return Self(representingValue: lhs.representingValue | rhs.representingValue)
    public static func |=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self) {
        lhs.representingValue |= rhs.representingValue
    public static func ^(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self {
        return Self(representingValue: lhs.representingValue ^ rhs.representingValue)
    public static func ^=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self) {
        lhs.representingValue ^= rhs.representingValue
    prefix public static func ~(x: Self) -> Self {
        return Self(representingValue: ~x.representingValue)
    public static func &>>(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self {
        return Self(representingValue: lhs.representingValue &>> rhs.representingValue)
    public static func &<<(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self {
        return Self(representingValue: lhs.representingValue &<< rhs.representingValue)
    public static func ==(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool {
        return lhs.bitPattern == rhs.bitPattern
    public static func !=(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool {
        return lhs.bitPattern != rhs.bitPattern
    public static func >(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool {
        return lhs.representingValue > rhs.representingValue
    public static func <(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool {
        return lhs.representingValue < rhs.representingValue
    public static func >=(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool {
        return lhs.representingValue >= rhs.representingValue
    public static func <=(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool {
        return lhs.representingValue <= rhs.representingValue

public struct BEInteger<Base : FixedWidthInteger> : FixedWidthInteger, EndianInteger {
    public var bitPattern: Base
    public init(bitPattern: Base) {
        self.bitPattern = bitPattern
    init(representingValue: Base) {
        self.bitPattern = representingValue.bigEndian
    var representingValue: Base {
        get {
            return Base(bigEndian: bitPattern)
        set {
            bitPattern = newValue.bigEndian
    public init(bigEndian value: BEInteger) {
        self.bitPattern = value.bitPattern
    public init(littleEndian value: BEInteger) {
        self.bitPattern = value.bitPattern.byteSwapped
    public var bigEndian: BEInteger {
        return self
    public var littleEndian: BEInteger {
        return BEInteger(littleEndian: self)

public struct LEInteger<Base : FixedWidthInteger> : FixedWidthInteger, EndianInteger {
    public var bitPattern: Base
    public init(bitPattern: Base) {
        self.bitPattern = bitPattern
    init(representingValue: Base) {
        self.bitPattern = representingValue.littleEndian
    var representingValue: Base {
        get {
            return Base(littleEndian: bitPattern)
        set {
            bitPattern = newValue.littleEndian
    public init(bigEndian value: LEInteger) {
        self.bitPattern = value.bitPattern.byteSwapped
    public init(littleEndian value: LEInteger) {
        self.bitPattern = value.bitPattern
    public var bigEndian: LEInteger {
        return LEInteger(bigEndian: self)
    public var littleEndian: LEInteger {
        return self
swift-evolution mailing list
swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>

swift-evolution mailing list

Does this imply that you should never use Swift structs to eg interact with

This seems to be a very common practice. Here is a typical example (from a
Metal tutorial at raywenderlich.com):

struct Vertex {
  var x,y,z: Float // position data
  var r,g,b,a: Float // color data

  func floatBuffer() -> [Float] {
    return [x,y,z,r,g,b,a]



Also, does it imply that we cannot use structs (of only primitive types)

struct RgbaFloatsLinearGamma {
    var r, g, b, a: Float
struct BgraBytesSrgbGamma {
    var b, g, r, a: UInt8

for manipulating raster image data?

I vaguely remember a swift evo discussion where it was concluded that such
usage was considered OK provided the stored properties of the structs was
only primitive types, but I can't find it now.

Perhaps it could be considered OK at least when the intended platforms are
known to be only iOS devices?



On Sat, Jul 8, 2017 at 6:28 PM, Chris Lattner via swift-evolution < swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:

Hi Susan,

Swift does not currently specify a layout for Swift structs. You
shouldn’t be using them for memory mapped i/o or writing to a file, because
their layout can change. When ABI stability for fragile structs lands, you
will be able to count on it, but until then something like this is probably
a bad idea.


Thanks, but we can implement Codable for BEInteger and LEInteger types.

public struct BEInteger<BitPattern : FixedWidthInteger> : FixedWidthInteger

    public var bitPattern: BitPattern

    public init(bitPattern: BitPattern)

    public var bigEndian: BEInteger { get }

    public var littleEndian: LEInteger<BitPattern> { get }


public struct LEInteger<BitPattern : FixedWidthInteger> : FixedWidthInteger

    public var bitPattern: BitPattern

    public init(bitPattern: BitPattern)

    public var bigEndian: BEInteger<BitPattern> { get }

    public var littleEndian: LEInteger { get }


extension BEInteger : Encodable where BitPattern : Encodable {

    public func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {

        try self.bitPattern.encode(to: encoder)



extension BEInteger : Decodable where BitPattern : Decodable {

    public init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {

        self.init(bitPattern: try BitPattern(from: decoder))



extension LEInteger : Encodable where BitPattern : Encodable {

    public func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {

        try self.bitPattern.encode(to: encoder)



extension LEInteger : Decodable where BitPattern : Decodable {

    public init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {

        self.init(bitPattern: try BitPattern(from: decoder))




2017-07-09 0:27 GMT+08:00 Chris Lattner <clattner@nondot.org>:

Hi Susan,

Swift does not currently specify a layout for Swift structs. You
shouldn’t be using them for memory mapped i/o or writing to a file, because
their layout can change. When ABI stability for fragile structs lands, you
will be able to count on it, but until then something like this is probably
a bad idea.


On Jul 7, 2017, at 6:16 PM, Susan Cheng via swift-evolution < > swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:

Here are two problems being fixed.

First, considering the example:

struct MyRawDataStruct {

      var size: UInt32
      var signature: UInt32
      var width: UInt32
      var height: UInt32

The type UInt32 doesn't tall us the endianness of the value. Also, if we
read the value of it, the value is being byte-swapped when endianness is
not matching with the system.

This causes us have to manual convert the value from/to correct endianness.

struct MyRawDataStruct {

      var size: BEInteger<UInt32>
      var signature: BEInteger<UInt32>
      var width: BEInteger<UInt32>
      var height: BEInteger<UInt32>

So, my proposal fix the problem. We can easily to get the value.

let header: MyRawDataStruct = data.withUnsafePointer { $0.pointee }

print(header.size) // print the representing value

Second, it's misleading means of bigEndian and littleEndian from

if we do this

let a = 1


It's just swap bytes twice but not converting value to big-endian

My proposal solves the problem

let b = a.bigEndian // BEInteger<Int>

b.bigEndian // remain big-endian of a

Max Moiseev <moiseev@apple.com> 於 2017年7月8日 上午1:48 寫道:

Hi Susan,

Was there any motivation for this proposal that I missed? If not then, can
you please provide it in a few sentences? Otherwise it’s not clear to me
what problem it is supposed to fix.


On Jul 6, 2017, at 8:21 PM, Susan Cheng via swift-evolution < > swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:

IMO, it has unclear representation when FixedWidthInteger working with
endianness specific type.

so I want to introduce the endianness specific wrapper:

public struct BEInteger<Base : FixedWidthInteger> : FixedWidthInteger {

    public var bigEndian: BEInteger { get }

    public var littleEndian: LEInteger<Base> { get }

public struct LEInteger<Base : FixedWidthInteger> : FixedWidthInteger {

    public var bigEndian: BEInteger<Base> { get }

    public var littleEndian: LEInteger { get }

also, we should change the FixedWidthInteger as follow:

public protocol FixedWidthInteger : BinaryInteger {

    /// deprecated, we should use value.bigEndian instead
    init(bigEndian value: Self)

    /// deprecated, we should use value.littleEndian instead
    init(littleEndian value: Self)

    associatedtype EndianRepresentingValue : FixedWidthInteger

    var bigEndian: BEInteger<EndianRepresentingValue> { get }

    var littleEndian: LEInteger<EndianRepresentingValue> { get }



this is my working alternative implementation:

protocol EndianInteger : FixedWidthInteger {

    associatedtype BitPattern : FixedWidthInteger

    associatedtype RepresentingValue : FixedWidthInteger

    var bitPattern: BitPattern { get }

    init(bitPattern: BitPattern)

    var representingValue : RepresentingValue { get set }

    init(representingValue: RepresentingValue)

extension EndianInteger {

    public init(integerLiteral value: RepresentingValue.IntegerLiteralType)
        self.init(representingValue: RepresentingValue(integerLiteral:

    public init?<T>(exactly source: T) where T : BinaryInteger {
        guard let value = RepresentingValue(exactly: source) else { return
nil }
        self.init(representingValue: value)

    public init?<T>(exactly source: T) where T : FloatingPoint {
        guard let value = RepresentingValue(exactly: source) else { return
nil }
        self.init(representingValue: value)

    public init(_ value: RepresentingValue) {
        self.init(representingValue: value)

    public init<T>(_ source: T) where T : FloatingPoint {
        self.init(representingValue: RepresentingValue(source))

    public init<T>(_ source: T) where T : BinaryInteger {
        self.init(representingValue: RepresentingValue(source))

    public init<T>(extendingOrTruncating source: T) where T : BinaryInt
eger {
        self.init(representingValue: RepresentingValue(extendingOrTruncating:

    public init<T>(clamping source: T) where T : BinaryInteger {
        self.init(representingValue: RepresentingValue(clamping: source))

    public init(_truncatingBits bits: UInt) {
        self.init(representingValue: RepresentingValue(_truncatingBits:

extension EndianInteger {

    public static var isSigned: Bool {
        return RepresentingValue.isSigned

    public static var bitWidth: Int {
        return RepresentingValue.bitWidth

    public static var max: Self {
        return Self(representingValue: RepresentingValue.max)

    public static var min: Self {
        return Self(representingValue: RepresentingValue.min)

extension EndianInteger {

    public var hashValue: Int {
        return representingValue.hashValue

    public var description: String {
        return representingValue.description

    public var bitWidth: Int {
        return representingValue.bitWidth

    public var magnitude: RepresentingValue.Magnitude {
        return representingValue.magnitude

    public var trailingZeroBitCount: Int {
        return representingValue.trailingZeroBitCount

    public var nonzeroBitCount: Int {
        return representingValue.nonzeroBitCount

    public var leadingZeroBitCount: Int {
        return representingValue.leadingZeroBitCount

    public var byteSwapped: Self {
        return Self(representingValue: representingValue.byteSwapped)

extension EndianInteger {

    public func _word(at n: Int) -> UInt {
        return representingValue._word(at: n)

    public func distance(to other: Self) -> RepresentingValue.Stride {
        return self.representingValue.distance(to: other.representingValue

    public func advanced(by n: RepresentingValue.Stride) -> Self {
        return Self(representingValue: self.representingValue.advanced(by:

    public func addingReportingOverflow(_ rhs: Self) -> (partialValue:
Self, overflow: ArithmeticOverflow) {
        let (partialValue, overflow) = representingValue.addingRepo
        return (Self(representingValue: partialValue), overflow)

    public func subtractingReportingOverflow(_ rhs: Self) ->
(partialValue: Self, overflow: ArithmeticOverflow) {
        let (partialValue, overflow) = representingValue.subtractin
        return (Self(representingValue: partialValue), overflow)

    public func multipliedReportingOverflow(by rhs: Self) ->
(partialValue: Self, overflow: ArithmeticOverflow) {
        let (partialValue, overflow) = representingValue.multiplied
ReportingOverflow(by: rhs.representingValue)
        return (Self(representingValue: partialValue), overflow)

    public func dividedReportingOverflow(by rhs: Self) -> (partialValue:
Self, overflow: ArithmeticOverflow) {
        let (partialValue, overflow) = representingValue.dividedRep
ortingOverflow(by: rhs.representingValue)
        return (Self(representingValue: partialValue), overflow)

    public func remainderReportingOverflow(dividingBy rhs: Self) ->
(partialValue: Self, overflow: ArithmeticOverflow) {
        let (partialValue, overflow) = representingValue.remainderR
eportingOverflow(dividingBy: rhs.representingValue)
        return (Self(representingValue: partialValue), overflow)

    public func multipliedFullWidth(by other: Self) -> (high: Self, low:
RepresentingValue.Magnitude) {
        let (high, low) = representingValue.multipliedFullWidth(by: other.
        return (Self(representingValue: high), low)

    public func dividingFullWidth(_ dividend: (high: Self, low:
RepresentingValue.Magnitude)) -> (quotient: Self, remainder: Self) {
        let (quotient, remainder) = representingValue.dividingFullWidth
((dividend.high.representingValue, dividend.low))
        return (Self(representingValue: quotient), Self(representingValue:

extension EndianInteger {

    public static prefix func +(x: Self) -> Self {
        return x

    public static func +(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self {
        return Self(representingValue: lhs.representingValue + rhs.

    public static func +=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self) {
        lhs.representingValue += rhs.representingValue

    public static func -(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self {
        return Self(representingValue: lhs.representingValue - rhs.

    public static func -=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self) {
        lhs.representingValue -= rhs.representingValue

    public static func *(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self {
        return Self(representingValue: lhs.representingValue * rhs.

    public static func *=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self) {
        lhs.representingValue *= rhs.representingValue

    public static func /(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self {
        return Self(representingValue: lhs.representingValue / rhs.

    public static func /=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self) {
        lhs.representingValue /= rhs.representingValue

    public static func %(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self {
        return Self(representingValue: lhs.representingValue % rhs.

    public static func %=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self) {
        lhs.representingValue %= rhs.representingValue

    public static func &(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self {
        return Self(representingValue: lhs.representingValue & rhs.

    public static func &=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self) {
        lhs.representingValue &= rhs.representingValue

    public static func |(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self {
        return Self(representingValue: lhs.representingValue | rhs.

    public static func |=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self) {
        lhs.representingValue |= rhs.representingValue

    public static func ^(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self {
        return Self(representingValue: lhs.representingValue ^ rhs.

    public static func ^=(lhs: inout Self, rhs: Self) {
        lhs.representingValue ^= rhs.representingValue

    prefix public static func ~(x: Self) -> Self {
        return Self(representingValue: ~x.representingValue)

    public static func &>>(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self {
        return Self(representingValue: lhs.representingValue &>> rhs.

    public static func &<<(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self {
        return Self(representingValue: lhs.representingValue &<< rhs.

    public static func ==(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool {
        return lhs.bitPattern == rhs.bitPattern

    public static func !=(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool {
        return lhs.bitPattern != rhs.bitPattern

    public static func >(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool {
        return lhs.representingValue > rhs.representingValue

    public static func <(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool {
        return lhs.representingValue < rhs.representingValue

    public static func >=(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool {
        return lhs.representingValue >= rhs.representingValue

    public static func <=(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool {
        return lhs.representingValue <= rhs.representingValue

public struct BEInteger<Base : FixedWidthInteger> : FixedWidthInteger,
EndianInteger {

    public var bitPattern: Base

    public init(bitPattern: Base) {
        self.bitPattern = bitPattern

    init(representingValue: Base) {
        self.bitPattern = representingValue.bigEndian

    var representingValue: Base {
        get {
            return Base(bigEndian: bitPattern)
        set {
            bitPattern = newValue.bigEndian

    public init(bigEndian value: BEInteger) {
        self.bitPattern = value.bitPattern

    public init(littleEndian value: BEInteger) {
        self.bitPattern = value.bitPattern.byteSwapped

    public var bigEndian: BEInteger {
        return self

    public var littleEndian: BEInteger {
        return BEInteger(littleEndian: self)

public struct LEInteger<Base : FixedWidthInteger> : FixedWidthInteger,
EndianInteger {

    public var bitPattern: Base

    public init(bitPattern: Base) {
        self.bitPattern = bitPattern

    init(representingValue: Base) {
        self.bitPattern = representingValue.littleEndian

    var representingValue: Base {
        get {
            return Base(littleEndian: bitPattern)
        set {
            bitPattern = newValue.littleEndian

    public init(bigEndian value: LEInteger) {
        self.bitPattern = value.bitPattern.byteSwapped

    public init(littleEndian value: LEInteger) {
        self.bitPattern = value.bitPattern

    public var bigEndian: LEInteger {
        return LEInteger(bigEndian: self)

    public var littleEndian: LEInteger {
        return self

swift-evolution mailing list

swift-evolution mailing list

Hi Susan,

Swift does not currently specify a layout for Swift structs. You shouldn’t be using them for memory mapped i/o or writing to a file, because their layout can change. When ABI stability for fragile structs lands, you will be able to count on it, but until then something like this is probably a bad idea.


Does this imply that you should never use Swift structs to eg interact with Metal?


This seems to be a very common practice. Here is a typical example (from a Metal tutorial at raywenderlich.com <http://raywenderlich.com/&gt;\):

struct Vertex {
  var x,y,z: Float // position data
  var r,g,b,a: Float // color data

  func floatBuffer() -> [Float] {
    return [x,y,z,r,g,b,a]

This doesn’t appear to expose the layout of the struct.

Also, does it imply that we cannot use structs (of only primitive types) like:

struct RgbaFloatsLinearGamma {
    var r, g, b, a: Float
struct BgraBytesSrgbGamma {
    var b, g, r, a: UInt8

for manipulating raster image data?

I don’t see why that would be a problem.

I vaguely remember a swift evo discussion where it was concluded that such usage was considered OK provided the stored properties of the structs was only primitive types, but I can't find it now.

Perhaps it could be considered OK at least when the intended platforms are known to be only iOS devices?

I think you’re misunderstanding what I’m saying. It isn’t correct to take (e.g.) an unsafepointer to the beginning of a struct, and serialize that out to disk, and expect that the fields are emitted in some order with some specific padding between them. None of the uses above try to do this.



On Jul 9, 2017, at 12:23 AM, Jens Persson <jens@bitcycle.com> wrote:
On Sat, Jul 8, 2017 at 6:28 PM, Chris Lattner via swift-evolution <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:

I don't think I'm misunderstanding you, but I might be, so I'll add more

If you look at the Metal article, you'll see that the (Swift) struct
"Vertex" is used to specify the data that is sent to Metal for creating a
buffer (using MTLDevice.makeBuffer). The result that the GPU will produce
surely depends on the fields of the Vertex struct (x, y, z, r, g, b, a)
being in the specified order (ie swapping the red channel with the x
coordinate would produce an unexpected result).

And regarding the second example, pixel structs used for manipulating
raster image data. Manipulating raster image data presumably includes stuff
like displaying to screen, loading and saving raster images.
I currently use this way of doing this right now without any problems, but
if the order of the fields (eg a, r, g, b) should change in the future,
then my code would break (the colors of the images would at least not come
out as expected).



On Sun, Jul 9, 2017 at 5:53 PM, Chris Lattner <clattner@nondot.org> wrote:

On Jul 9, 2017, at 12:23 AM, Jens Persson <jens@bitcycle.com> wrote:

On Sat, Jul 8, 2017 at 6:28 PM, Chris Lattner via swift-evolution < > swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:

Hi Susan,

Swift does not currently specify a layout for Swift structs. You
shouldn’t be using them for memory mapped i/o or writing to a file, because
their layout can change. When ABI stability for fragile structs lands, you
will be able to count on it, but until then something like this is probably
a bad idea.


Does this imply that you should never use Swift structs to eg interact
with Metal?


This seems to be a very common practice. Here is a typical example (from a
Metal tutorial at raywenderlich.com):

struct Vertex {
  var x,y,z: Float // position data
  var r,g,b,a: Float // color data

  func floatBuffer() -> [Float] {
    return [x,y,z,r,g,b,a]

This doesn’t appear to expose the layout of the struct.

Also, does it imply that we cannot use structs (of only primitive types)

struct RgbaFloatsLinearGamma {
    var r, g, b, a: Float
struct BgraBytesSrgbGamma {
    var b, g, r, a: UInt8

for manipulating raster image data?

I don’t see why that would be a problem.

I vaguely remember a swift evo discussion where it was concluded that such
usage was considered OK provided the stored properties of the structs was
only primitive types, but I can't find it now.

Perhaps it could be considered OK at least when the intended platforms are
known to be only iOS devices?

I think you’re misunderstanding what I’m saying. It isn’t correct to take
(e.g.) an unsafepointer to the beginning of a struct, and serialize that
out to disk, and expect that the fields are emitted in some order with some
specific padding between them. None of the uses above try to do this.


I should perhaps add that in my image processing code, I use code like this:

func withVImageBuffer<Data, R>(for table: Table<Data>, body:
(vImage_Buffer) -> R) -> R
    Data.Coordinate.Index == VectorIndex2
    let vib = vImage_Buffer(
        data: table.baseAddress,
        height: vImagePixelCount(table.size.e1),
        width: vImagePixelCount(table.size.e0),
        rowBytes: table.stride.e1
    return withExtendedLifetime(table) { body(vib) }

Here, Table<Data> is the raster image. Data.Coordinate == VectorIndex2
makes it a 2D table, and a Table's Data also has a type parameter
Data.Value which can be eg one of the "pixel"-struct I showed before.
This works without any problems (I've tested and used the some variant of
this type of code for years) but it would surely break if the memory layout
of simple structs changed.

I can't see how this usage is much different from the one in the Metal
tutorial. It too uses pointers to point into a data created using the
(Swift) struct "Vertex", and the GPU hardware has its expectations on the
memory layout of that data, so the code would break if the memory layout of
the Vertex struct changed.



On Sun, Jul 9, 2017 at 6:35 PM, Jens Persson <jens@bitcycle.com> wrote:

I don't think I'm misunderstanding you, but I might be, so I'll add more

If you look at the Metal article, you'll see that the (Swift) struct
"Vertex" is used to specify the data that is sent to Metal for creating a
buffer (using MTLDevice.makeBuffer). The result that the GPU will produce
surely depends on the fields of the Vertex struct (x, y, z, r, g, b, a)
being in the specified order (ie swapping the red channel with the x
coordinate would produce an unexpected result).

And regarding the second example, pixel structs used for manipulating
raster image data. Manipulating raster image data presumably includes stuff
like displaying to screen, loading and saving raster images.
I currently use this way of doing this right now without any problems, but
if the order of the fields (eg a, r, g, b) should change in the future,
then my code would break (the colors of the images would at least not come
out as expected).


On Sun, Jul 9, 2017 at 5:53 PM, Chris Lattner <clattner@nondot.org> wrote:

On Jul 9, 2017, at 12:23 AM, Jens Persson <jens@bitcycle.com> wrote:

On Sat, Jul 8, 2017 at 6:28 PM, Chris Lattner via swift-evolution < >> swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:

Hi Susan,

Swift does not currently specify a layout for Swift structs. You
shouldn’t be using them for memory mapped i/o or writing to a file, because
their layout can change. When ABI stability for fragile structs lands, you
will be able to count on it, but until then something like this is probably
a bad idea.


Does this imply that you should never use Swift structs to eg interact
with Metal?


This seems to be a very common practice. Here is a typical example (from
a Metal tutorial at raywenderlich.com):

struct Vertex {
  var x,y,z: Float // position data
  var r,g,b,a: Float // color data

  func floatBuffer() -> [Float] {
    return [x,y,z,r,g,b,a]

This doesn’t appear to expose the layout of the struct.

Also, does it imply that we cannot use structs (of only primitive types)

struct RgbaFloatsLinearGamma {
    var r, g, b, a: Float
struct BgraBytesSrgbGamma {
    var b, g, r, a: UInt8

for manipulating raster image data?

I don’t see why that would be a problem.

I vaguely remember a swift evo discussion where it was concluded that
such usage was considered OK provided the stored properties of the structs
was only primitive types, but I can't find it now.

Perhaps it could be considered OK at least when the intended platforms
are known to be only iOS devices?

I think you’re misunderstanding what I’m saying. It isn’t correct to
take (e.g.) an unsafepointer to the beginning of a struct, and serialize
that out to disk, and expect that the fields are emitted in some order with
some specific padding between them. None of the uses above try to do this.


Sorry for making so much off topic noise in this thread, but I made a
mistake regarding the Metal tutorial:
Looking more carefully I see now that they rebuild a vertedData: [Float]
from their vertices: [Vertex] using the floatBuffer() method of the Vertex
struct, which returns an Array with the stored properties of Vertex in
correct order.

While searching the internet about this I saw Joe Groff mentioning on
Twitter that:
"We plan to sort fields in padding order to minimize size, and may also
automatically pack bools and enums in bitfields."

So AFAICS my current image processing code is making the possibly invalid
assumption that eg
struct S {
    var a, b, c, d: Float
will have a memory layout of 4*4=16 bytes (stride and size == 16) and an
alignment of 4, and most importantly that a, b, c, d will be in that order.

It looks like I should be defining my structs (the ones for which memory
layout is important) in C and import them.

Although I would be surprised if a Swift-struct containing only same-sized
fields (all of the same primitive type) would be reordered, and such
changes to the language would probably include some per-struct way to
express some sort of layout control (since being able to define structs to
be used for low level data manipulation is important in a systems language).



On Sun, Jul 9, 2017 at 7:01 PM, Jens Persson via swift-evolution < swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:

I should perhaps add that in my image processing code, I use code like

func withVImageBuffer<Data, R>(for table: Table<Data>, body:
(vImage_Buffer) -> R) -> R
    Data.Coordinate.Index == VectorIndex2
    let vib = vImage_Buffer(
        data: table.baseAddress,
        height: vImagePixelCount(table.size.e1),
        width: vImagePixelCount(table.size.e0),
        rowBytes: table.stride.e1
    return withExtendedLifetime(table) { body(vib) }

Here, Table<Data> is the raster image. Data.Coordinate == VectorIndex2
makes it a 2D table, and a Table's Data also has a type parameter
Data.Value which can be eg one of the "pixel"-struct I showed before.
This works without any problems (I've tested and used the some variant of
this type of code for years) but it would surely break if the memory layout
of simple structs changed.

I can't see how this usage is much different from the one in the Metal
tutorial. It too uses pointers to point into a data created using the
(Swift) struct "Vertex", and the GPU hardware has its expectations on the
memory layout of that data, so the code would break if the memory layout of
the Vertex struct changed.


On Sun, Jul 9, 2017 at 6:35 PM, Jens Persson <jens@bitcycle.com> wrote:

I don't think I'm misunderstanding you, but I might be, so I'll add more

If you look at the Metal article, you'll see that the (Swift) struct
"Vertex" is used to specify the data that is sent to Metal for creating a
buffer (using MTLDevice.makeBuffer). The result that the GPU will
produce surely depends on the fields of the Vertex struct (x, y, z, r, g,
b, a) being in the specified order (ie swapping the red channel with the x
coordinate would produce an unexpected result).

And regarding the second example, pixel structs used for manipulating
raster image data. Manipulating raster image data presumably includes stuff
like displaying to screen, loading and saving raster images.
I currently use this way of doing this right now without any problems,
but if the order of the fields (eg a, r, g, b) should change in the future,
then my code would break (the colors of the images would at least not come
out as expected).


On Sun, Jul 9, 2017 at 5:53 PM, Chris Lattner <clattner@nondot.org> >> wrote:

On Jul 9, 2017, at 12:23 AM, Jens Persson <jens@bitcycle.com> wrote:

On Sat, Jul 8, 2017 at 6:28 PM, Chris Lattner via swift-evolution < >>> swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:

Hi Susan,

Swift does not currently specify a layout for Swift structs. You
shouldn’t be using them for memory mapped i/o or writing to a file, because
their layout can change. When ABI stability for fragile structs lands, you
will be able to count on it, but until then something like this is probably
a bad idea.


Does this imply that you should never use Swift structs to eg interact
with Metal?


This seems to be a very common practice. Here is a typical example (from
a Metal tutorial at raywenderlich.com):

struct Vertex {
  var x,y,z: Float // position data
  var r,g,b,a: Float // color data

  func floatBuffer() -> [Float] {
    return [x,y,z,r,g,b,a]

This doesn’t appear to expose the layout of the struct.

Also, does it imply that we cannot use structs (of only primitive types)

struct RgbaFloatsLinearGamma {
    var r, g, b, a: Float
struct BgraBytesSrgbGamma {
    var b, g, r, a: UInt8

for manipulating raster image data?

I don’t see why that would be a problem.

I vaguely remember a swift evo discussion where it was concluded that
such usage was considered OK provided the stored properties of the structs
was only primitive types, but I can't find it now.

Perhaps it could be considered OK at least when the intended platforms
are known to be only iOS devices?

I think you’re misunderstanding what I’m saying. It isn’t correct to
take (e.g.) an unsafepointer to the beginning of a struct, and serialize
that out to disk, and expect that the fields are emitted in some order with
some specific padding between them. None of the uses above try to do this.


swift-evolution mailing list

Sorry for making so much off topic noise in this thread, but I made a mistake regarding the Metal tutorial:
Looking more carefully I see now that they rebuild a vertedData: [Float] from their vertices: [Vertex] using the floatBuffer() method of the Vertex struct, which returns an Array with the stored properties of Vertex in correct order.

While searching the internet about this I saw Joe Groff mentioning on Twitter that:
"We plan to sort fields in padding order to minimize size, and may also automatically pack bools and enums in bitfields."

So AFAICS my current image processing code is making the possibly invalid assumption that eg
struct S {
    var a, b, c, d: Float
will have a memory layout of 4*4=16 bytes (stride and size == 16) and an alignment of 4, and most importantly that a, b, c, d will be in that order.

This is currently true, but may not always be. We want to reserve the right to re-order the fields even if it doesn't improve packing — for example, if two fields are frequently accessed together, field reordering could yield substantial locality benefits. We've also discussed reordering fields to put them in a canonical order for resilience, since it's a little counter-intuitive that reordering the fields of a struct should be ABI-breaking. (There are arguments against doing that as well, of course — for example, the programmer may have chosen the current order for their own locality optimizations.)

It looks like I should be defining my structs (the ones for which memory layout is important) in C and import them.

This should always work, yes.

Although I would be surprised if a Swift-struct containing only same-sized fields (all of the same primitive type) would be reordered, and such changes to the language would probably include some per-struct way to express some sort of layout control (since being able to define structs to be used for low level data manipulation is important in a systems language).

Exactly. In the long term, Swift will have some explicit tools for layout control.



On Jul 9, 2017, at 4:49 PM, Jens Persson via swift-evolution <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:


On Sun, Jul 9, 2017 at 7:01 PM, Jens Persson via swift-evolution <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:
I should perhaps add that in my image processing code, I use code like this:

func withVImageBuffer<Data, R>(for table: Table<Data>, body: (vImage_Buffer) -> R) -> R
    Data.Coordinate.Index == VectorIndex2
    let vib = vImage_Buffer(
        data: table.baseAddress,
        height: vImagePixelCount(table.size.e1),
        width: vImagePixelCount(table.size.e0),
        rowBytes: table.stride.e1
    return withExtendedLifetime(table) { body(vib) }

Here, Table<Data> is the raster image. Data.Coordinate == VectorIndex2 makes it a 2D table, and a Table's Data also has a type parameter Data.Value which can be eg one of the "pixel"-struct I showed before.
This works without any problems (I've tested and used the some variant of this type of code for years) but it would surely break if the memory layout of simple structs changed.

I can't see how this usage is much different from the one in the Metal tutorial. It too uses pointers to point into a data created using the (Swift) struct "Vertex", and the GPU hardware has its expectations on the memory layout of that data, so the code would break if the memory layout of the Vertex struct changed.


On Sun, Jul 9, 2017 at 6:35 PM, Jens Persson <jens@bitcycle.com <mailto:jens@bitcycle.com>> wrote:
I don't think I'm misunderstanding you, but I might be, so I'll add more detail:

If you look at the Metal article, you'll see that the (Swift) struct "Vertex" is used to specify the data that is sent to Metal for creating a buffer (using MTLDevice.makeBuffer). The result that the GPU will produce surely depends on the fields of the Vertex struct (x, y, z, r, g, b, a) being in the specified order (ie swapping the red channel with the x coordinate would produce an unexpected result).

And regarding the second example, pixel structs used for manipulating raster image data. Manipulating raster image data presumably includes stuff like displaying to screen, loading and saving raster images.
I currently use this way of doing this right now without any problems, but if the order of the fields (eg a, r, g, b) should change in the future, then my code would break (the colors of the images would at least not come out as expected).


On Sun, Jul 9, 2017 at 5:53 PM, Chris Lattner <clattner@nondot.org <mailto:clattner@nondot.org>> wrote:

On Jul 9, 2017, at 12:23 AM, Jens Persson <jens@bitcycle.com <mailto:jens@bitcycle.com>> wrote:

On Sat, Jul 8, 2017 at 6:28 PM, Chris Lattner via swift-evolution <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:
Hi Susan,

Swift does not currently specify a layout for Swift structs. You shouldn’t be using them for memory mapped i/o or writing to a file, because their layout can change. When ABI stability for fragile structs lands, you will be able to count on it, but until then something like this is probably a bad idea.


Does this imply that you should never use Swift structs to eg interact with Metal?


This seems to be a very common practice. Here is a typical example (from a Metal tutorial at raywenderlich.com <http://raywenderlich.com/&gt;\):

struct Vertex {
  var x,y,z: Float // position data
  var r,g,b,a: Float // color data

  func floatBuffer() -> [Float] {
    return [x,y,z,r,g,b,a]

This doesn’t appear to expose the layout of the struct.

Also, does it imply that we cannot use structs (of only primitive types) like:

struct RgbaFloatsLinearGamma {
    var r, g, b, a: Float
struct BgraBytesSrgbGamma {
    var b, g, r, a: UInt8

for manipulating raster image data?

I don’t see why that would be a problem.

I vaguely remember a swift evo discussion where it was concluded that such usage was considered OK provided the stored properties of the structs was only primitive types, but I can't find it now.

Perhaps it could be considered OK at least when the intended platforms are known to be only iOS devices?

I think you’re misunderstanding what I’m saying. It isn’t correct to take (e.g.) an unsafepointer to the beginning of a struct, and serialize that out to disk, and expect that the fields are emitted in some order with some specific padding between them. None of the uses above try to do this.


swift-evolution mailing list
swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>

swift-evolution mailing list

Thanks for that clarification John McCall.
My code is using a lot of generic structs (in which memory layout is
important) though, an example would be:
struct Vector4<E> : Vector {
    typealias Index = VectorIndex4
    typealias Element = E
    var e0, e1, e2, e3: Element
And I guess I'm out of luck trying to represent those as C structs?
So AFAICS it looks like it is currently impossible to write generic low
level code in Swift, unless I just keep doing what I've been doing (It does
currently work after all) knowing that it will probably break in some
future versions of Swift. But in that possible future version of Swift, I
could probably find a way to make it work again (using some possible
explicit tools for layout control present in that version of Swift).


On Sun, Jul 9, 2017 at 11:41 PM, John McCall <rjmccall@apple.com> wrote:

On Jul 9, 2017, at 4:49 PM, Jens Persson via swift-evolution < > swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:

Sorry for making so much off topic noise in this thread, but I made a
mistake regarding the Metal tutorial:
Looking more carefully I see now that they rebuild a vertedData: [Float]
from their vertices: [Vertex] using the floatBuffer() method of the Vertex
struct, which returns an Array with the stored properties of Vertex in
correct order.

While searching the internet about this I saw Joe Groff mentioning on
Twitter that:
"We plan to sort fields in padding order to minimize size, and may also
automatically pack bools and enums in bitfields."

So AFAICS my current image processing code is making the possibly invalid
assumption that eg
struct S {
    var a, b, c, d: Float
will have a memory layout of 4*4=16 bytes (stride and size == 16) and an
alignment of 4, and most importantly that a, b, c, d will be in that order.

This is currently true, but may not always be. We want to reserve the
right to re-order the fields even if it doesn't improve packing — for
example, if two fields are frequently accessed together, field reordering
could yield substantial locality benefits. We've also discussed reordering
fields to put them in a canonical order for resilience, since it's a little
counter-intuitive that reordering the fields of a struct should be
ABI-breaking. (There are arguments against doing that as well, of course —
for example, the programmer may have chosen the current order for their own
locality optimizations.)

It looks like I should be defining my structs (the ones for which memory
layout is important) in C and import them.

This should always work, yes.

Although I would be surprised if a Swift-struct containing only same-sized
fields (all of the same primitive type) would be reordered, and such
changes to the language would probably include some per-struct way to
express some sort of layout control (since being able to define structs to
be used for low level data manipulation is important in a systems language).

Exactly. In the long term, Swift will have some explicit tools for layout



On Sun, Jul 9, 2017 at 7:01 PM, Jens Persson via swift-evolution < > swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:

I should perhaps add that in my image processing code, I use code like

func withVImageBuffer<Data, R>(for table: Table<Data>, body:
(vImage_Buffer) -> R) -> R
    Data.Coordinate.Index == VectorIndex2
    let vib = vImage_Buffer(
        data: table.baseAddress,
        height: vImagePixelCount(table.size.e1),
        width: vImagePixelCount(table.size.e0),
        rowBytes: table.stride.e1
    return withExtendedLifetime(table) { body(vib) }

Here, Table<Data> is the raster image. Data.Coordinate == VectorIndex2
makes it a 2D table, and a Table's Data also has a type parameter
Data.Value which can be eg one of the "pixel"-struct I showed before.
This works without any problems (I've tested and used the some variant of
this type of code for years) but it would surely break if the memory layout
of simple structs changed.

I can't see how this usage is much different from the one in the Metal
tutorial. It too uses pointers to point into a data created using the
(Swift) struct "Vertex", and the GPU hardware has its expectations on the
memory layout of that data, so the code would break if the memory layout of
the Vertex struct changed.


On Sun, Jul 9, 2017 at 6:35 PM, Jens Persson <jens@bitcycle.com> wrote:

I don't think I'm misunderstanding you, but I might be, so I'll add more

If you look at the Metal article, you'll see that the (Swift) struct
"Vertex" is used to specify the data that is sent to Metal for creating a
buffer (using MTLDevice.makeBuffer). The result that the GPU will
produce surely depends on the fields of the Vertex struct (x, y, z, r, g,
b, a) being in the specified order (ie swapping the red channel with the x
coordinate would produce an unexpected result).

And regarding the second example, pixel structs used for manipulating
raster image data. Manipulating raster image data presumably includes stuff
like displaying to screen, loading and saving raster images.
I currently use this way of doing this right now without any problems,
but if the order of the fields (eg a, r, g, b) should change in the future,
then my code would break (the colors of the images would at least not come
out as expected).


On Sun, Jul 9, 2017 at 5:53 PM, Chris Lattner <clattner@nondot.org> >>> wrote:

On Jul 9, 2017, at 12:23 AM, Jens Persson <jens@bitcycle.com> wrote:

On Sat, Jul 8, 2017 at 6:28 PM, Chris Lattner via swift-evolution < >>>> swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:

Hi Susan,

Swift does not currently specify a layout for Swift structs. You
shouldn’t be using them for memory mapped i/o or writing to a file, because
their layout can change. When ABI stability for fragile structs lands, you
will be able to count on it, but until then something like this is probably
a bad idea.


Does this imply that you should never use Swift structs to eg interact
with Metal?


This seems to be a very common practice. Here is a typical example
(from a Metal tutorial at raywenderlich.com):

struct Vertex {
  var x,y,z: Float // position data
  var r,g,b,a: Float // color data

  func floatBuffer() -> [Float] {
    return [x,y,z,r,g,b,a]

This doesn’t appear to expose the layout of the struct.

Also, does it imply that we cannot use structs (of only primitive
types) like:

struct RgbaFloatsLinearGamma {
    var r, g, b, a: Float
struct BgraBytesSrgbGamma {
    var b, g, r, a: UInt8

for manipulating raster image data?

I don’t see why that would be a problem.

I vaguely remember a swift evo discussion where it was concluded that
such usage was considered OK provided the stored properties of the structs
was only primitive types, but I can't find it now.

Perhaps it could be considered OK at least when the intended platforms
are known to be only iOS devices?

I think you’re misunderstanding what I’m saying. It isn’t correct to
take (e.g.) an unsafepointer to the beginning of a struct, and serialize
that out to disk, and expect that the fields are emitted in some order with
some specific padding between them. None of the uses above try to do this.


swift-evolution mailing list

swift-evolution mailing list

Thanks for that clarification John McCall.
My code is using a lot of generic structs (in which memory layout is important) though, an example would be:
struct Vector4<E> : Vector {
    typealias Index = VectorIndex4
    typealias Element = E
    var e0, e1, e2, e3: Element
And I guess I'm out of luck trying to represent those as C structs?
So AFAICS it looks like it is currently impossible to write generic low level code in Swift, unless I just keep doing what I've been doing (It does currently work after all) knowing that it will probably break in some future versions of Swift. But in that possible future version of Swift, I could probably find a way to make it work again (using some possible explicit tools for layout control present in that version of Swift).




On Jul 9, 2017, at 6:14 PM, Jens Persson <jens@bitcycle.com> wrote:


On Sun, Jul 9, 2017 at 11:41 PM, John McCall <rjmccall@apple.com <mailto:rjmccall@apple.com>> wrote:

On Jul 9, 2017, at 4:49 PM, Jens Persson via swift-evolution <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:

Sorry for making so much off topic noise in this thread, but I made a mistake regarding the Metal tutorial:
Looking more carefully I see now that they rebuild a vertedData: [Float] from their vertices: [Vertex] using the floatBuffer() method of the Vertex struct, which returns an Array with the stored properties of Vertex in correct order.

While searching the internet about this I saw Joe Groff mentioning on Twitter that:
"We plan to sort fields in padding order to minimize size, and may also automatically pack bools and enums in bitfields."

So AFAICS my current image processing code is making the possibly invalid assumption that eg
struct S {
    var a, b, c, d: Float
will have a memory layout of 4*4=16 bytes (stride and size == 16) and an alignment of 4, and most importantly that a, b, c, d will be in that order.

This is currently true, but may not always be. We want to reserve the right to re-order the fields even if it doesn't improve packing — for example, if two fields are frequently accessed together, field reordering could yield substantial locality benefits. We've also discussed reordering fields to put them in a canonical order for resilience, since it's a little counter-intuitive that reordering the fields of a struct should be ABI-breaking. (There are arguments against doing that as well, of course — for example, the programmer may have chosen the current order for their own locality optimizations.)

It looks like I should be defining my structs (the ones for which memory layout is important) in C and import them.

This should always work, yes.

Although I would be surprised if a Swift-struct containing only same-sized fields (all of the same primitive type) would be reordered, and such changes to the language would probably include some per-struct way to express some sort of layout control (since being able to define structs to be used for low level data manipulation is important in a systems language).

Exactly. In the long term, Swift will have some explicit tools for layout control.



On Sun, Jul 9, 2017 at 7:01 PM, Jens Persson via swift-evolution <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:
I should perhaps add that in my image processing code, I use code like this:

func withVImageBuffer<Data, R>(for table: Table<Data>, body: (vImage_Buffer) -> R) -> R
    Data.Coordinate.Index == VectorIndex2
    let vib = vImage_Buffer(
        data: table.baseAddress,
        height: vImagePixelCount(table.size.e1),
        width: vImagePixelCount(table.size.e0),
        rowBytes: table.stride.e1
    return withExtendedLifetime(table) { body(vib) }

Here, Table<Data> is the raster image. Data.Coordinate == VectorIndex2 makes it a 2D table, and a Table's Data also has a type parameter Data.Value which can be eg one of the "pixel"-struct I showed before.
This works without any problems (I've tested and used the some variant of this type of code for years) but it would surely break if the memory layout of simple structs changed.

I can't see how this usage is much different from the one in the Metal tutorial. It too uses pointers to point into a data created using the (Swift) struct "Vertex", and the GPU hardware has its expectations on the memory layout of that data, so the code would break if the memory layout of the Vertex struct changed.


On Sun, Jul 9, 2017 at 6:35 PM, Jens Persson <jens@bitcycle.com <mailto:jens@bitcycle.com>> wrote:
I don't think I'm misunderstanding you, but I might be, so I'll add more detail:

If you look at the Metal article, you'll see that the (Swift) struct "Vertex" is used to specify the data that is sent to Metal for creating a buffer (using MTLDevice.makeBuffer). The result that the GPU will produce surely depends on the fields of the Vertex struct (x, y, z, r, g, b, a) being in the specified order (ie swapping the red channel with the x coordinate would produce an unexpected result).

And regarding the second example, pixel structs used for manipulating raster image data. Manipulating raster image data presumably includes stuff like displaying to screen, loading and saving raster images.
I currently use this way of doing this right now without any problems, but if the order of the fields (eg a, r, g, b) should change in the future, then my code would break (the colors of the images would at least not come out as expected).


On Sun, Jul 9, 2017 at 5:53 PM, Chris Lattner <clattner@nondot.org <mailto:clattner@nondot.org>> wrote:

On Jul 9, 2017, at 12:23 AM, Jens Persson <jens@bitcycle.com <mailto:jens@bitcycle.com>> wrote:

On Sat, Jul 8, 2017 at 6:28 PM, Chris Lattner via swift-evolution <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:
Hi Susan,

Swift does not currently specify a layout for Swift structs. You shouldn’t be using them for memory mapped i/o or writing to a file, because their layout can change. When ABI stability for fragile structs lands, you will be able to count on it, but until then something like this is probably a bad idea.


Does this imply that you should never use Swift structs to eg interact with Metal?


This seems to be a very common practice. Here is a typical example (from a Metal tutorial at raywenderlich.com <http://raywenderlich.com/&gt;\):

struct Vertex {
  var x,y,z: Float // position data
  var r,g,b,a: Float // color data

  func floatBuffer() -> [Float] {
    return [x,y,z,r,g,b,a]

This doesn’t appear to expose the layout of the struct.

Also, does it imply that we cannot use structs (of only primitive types) like:

struct RgbaFloatsLinearGamma {
    var r, g, b, a: Float
struct BgraBytesSrgbGamma {
    var b, g, r, a: UInt8

for manipulating raster image data?

I don’t see why that would be a problem.

I vaguely remember a swift evo discussion where it was concluded that such usage was considered OK provided the stored properties of the structs was only primitive types, but I can't find it now.

Perhaps it could be considered OK at least when the intended platforms are known to be only iOS devices?

I think you’re misunderstanding what I’m saying. It isn’t correct to take (e.g.) an unsafepointer to the beginning of a struct, and serialize that out to disk, and expect that the fields are emitted in some order with some specific padding between them. None of the uses above try to do this.


swift-evolution mailing list
swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>

swift-evolution mailing list
swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>

Just a question: how would/does allowing the reordering of fields affect the correctness and performance of the (de)serialization API added in Swift 4?


On Jul 9, 2017, at 6:21 PM, Jens Persson via swift-evolution <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:

Thanks for that clarification John McCall.
My code is using a lot of generic structs (in which memory layout is important) though, an example would be:
struct Vector4<E> : Vector {
    typealias Index = VectorIndex4
    typealias Element = E
    var e0, e1, e2, e3: Element
And I guess I'm out of luck trying to represent those as C structs?
So AFAICS it looks like it is currently impossible to write generic low level code in Swift, unless I just keep doing what I've been doing (It does currently work after all) knowing that it will probably break in some future versions of Swift. But in that possible future version of Swift, I could probably find a way to make it work again (using some possible explicit tools for layout control present in that version of Swift).

On Sun, Jul 9, 2017 at 11:41 PM, John McCall <rjmccall@apple.com> wrote:

On Jul 9, 2017, at 4:49 PM, Jens Persson via swift-evolution <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:

Sorry for making so much off topic noise in this thread, but I made a mistake regarding the Metal tutorial:
Looking more carefully I see now that they rebuild a vertedData: [Float] from their vertices: [Vertex] using the floatBuffer() method of the Vertex struct, which returns an Array with the stored properties of Vertex in correct order.

While searching the internet about this I saw Joe Groff mentioning on Twitter that:
"We plan to sort fields in padding order to minimize size, and may also automatically pack bools and enums in bitfields."

So AFAICS my current image processing code is making the possibly invalid assumption that eg
struct S {
    var a, b, c, d: Float
will have a memory layout of 4*4=16 bytes (stride and size == 16) and an alignment of 4, and most importantly that a, b, c, d will be in that order.

This is currently true, but may not always be. We want to reserve the right to re-order the fields even if it doesn't improve packing — for example, if two fields are frequently accessed together, field reordering could yield substantial locality benefits. We've also discussed reordering fields to put them in a canonical order for resilience, since it's a little counter-intuitive that reordering the fields of a struct should be ABI-breaking. (There are arguments against doing that as well, of course — for example, the programmer may have chosen the current order for their own locality optimizations.)

It looks like I should be defining my structs (the ones for which memory layout is important) in C and import them.

This should always work, yes.

Although I would be surprised if a Swift-struct containing only same-sized fields (all of the same primitive type) would be reordered, and such changes to the language would probably include some per-struct way to express some sort of layout control (since being able to define structs to be used for low level data manipulation is important in a systems language).

Exactly. In the long term, Swift will have some explicit tools for layout control.



On Sun, Jul 9, 2017 at 7:01 PM, Jens Persson via swift-evolution <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
I should perhaps add that in my image processing code, I use code like this:

func withVImageBuffer<Data, R>(for table: Table<Data>, body: (vImage_Buffer) -> R) -> R
    Data.Coordinate.Index == VectorIndex2
    let vib = vImage_Buffer(
        data: table.baseAddress,
        height: vImagePixelCount(table.size.e1),
        width: vImagePixelCount(table.size.e0),
        rowBytes: table.stride.e1
    return withExtendedLifetime(table) { body(vib) }

Here, Table<Data> is the raster image. Data.Coordinate == VectorIndex2 makes it a 2D table, and a Table's Data also has a type parameter Data.Value which can be eg one of the "pixel"-struct I showed before.
This works without any problems (I've tested and used the some variant of this type of code for years) but it would surely break if the memory layout of simple structs changed.

I can't see how this usage is much different from the one in the Metal tutorial. It too uses pointers to point into a data created using the (Swift) struct "Vertex", and the GPU hardware has its expectations on the memory layout of that data, so the code would break if the memory layout of the Vertex struct changed.


On Sun, Jul 9, 2017 at 6:35 PM, Jens Persson <jens@bitcycle.com> wrote:

I don't think I'm misunderstanding you, but I might be, so I'll add more detail:

If you look at the Metal article, you'll see that the (Swift) struct "Vertex" is used to specify the data that is sent to Metal for creating a buffer (using MTLDevice.makeBuffer). The result that the GPU will produce surely depends on the fields of the Vertex struct (x, y, z, r, g, b, a) being in the specified order (ie swapping the red channel with the x coordinate would produce an unexpected result).

And regarding the second example, pixel structs used for manipulating raster image data. Manipulating raster image data presumably includes stuff like displaying to screen, loading and saving raster images.
I currently use this way of doing this right now without any problems, but if the order of the fields (eg a, r, g, b) should change in the future, then my code would break (the colors of the images would at least not come out as expected).


On Sun, Jul 9, 2017 at 5:53 PM, Chris Lattner <clattner@nondot.org> wrote:

On Jul 9, 2017, at 12:23 AM, Jens Persson <jens@bitcycle.com> wrote:

On Sat, Jul 8, 2017 at 6:28 PM, Chris Lattner via swift-evolution <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
Hi Susan,

Swift does not currently specify a layout for Swift structs. You shouldn’t be using them for memory mapped i/o or writing to a file, because their layout can change. When ABI stability for fragile structs lands, you will be able to count on it, but until then something like this is probably a bad idea.


Does this imply that you should never use Swift structs to eg interact with Metal?


This seems to be a very common practice. Here is a typical example (from a Metal tutorial at raywenderlich.com):

struct Vertex {
  var x,y,z: Float // position data
  var r,g,b,a: Float // color data

  func floatBuffer() -> [Float] {
    return [x,y,z,r,g,b,a]

This doesn’t appear to expose the layout of the struct.

Also, does it imply that we cannot use structs (of only primitive types) like:

struct RgbaFloatsLinearGamma {
    var r, g, b, a: Float
struct BgraBytesSrgbGamma {
    var b, g, r, a: UInt8

for manipulating raster image data?

I don’t see why that would be a problem.

I vaguely remember a swift evo discussion where it was concluded that such usage was considered OK provided the stored properties of the structs was only primitive types, but I can't find it now.

Perhaps it could be considered OK at least when the intended platforms are known to be only iOS devices?

I think you’re misunderstanding what I’m saying. It isn’t correct to take (e.g.) an unsafepointer to the beginning of a struct, and serialize that out to disk, and expect that the fields are emitted in some order with some specific padding between them. None of the uses above try to do this.


swift-evolution mailing list

swift-evolution mailing list

swift-evolution mailing list

Just a question: how would/does allowing the reordering of fields affect the correctness and performance of the (de)serialization API added in Swift 4?

The design of that is definitely proof against changes to the in-memory layout of the type. I believe it's also proof against reordering but I'm not entirely certain about that.



On Jul 9, 2017, at 6:57 PM, Robert Bennett <rltbennett@icloud.com> wrote:

On Jul 9, 2017, at 6:21 PM, Jens Persson via swift-evolution <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:

Thanks for that clarification John McCall.
My code is using a lot of generic structs (in which memory layout is important) though, an example would be:
struct Vector4<E> : Vector {
    typealias Index = VectorIndex4
    typealias Element = E
    var e0, e1, e2, e3: Element
And I guess I'm out of luck trying to represent those as C structs?
So AFAICS it looks like it is currently impossible to write generic low level code in Swift, unless I just keep doing what I've been doing (It does currently work after all) knowing that it will probably break in some future versions of Swift. But in that possible future version of Swift, I could probably find a way to make it work again (using some possible explicit tools for layout control present in that version of Swift).

On Sun, Jul 9, 2017 at 11:41 PM, John McCall <rjmccall@apple.com <mailto:rjmccall@apple.com>> wrote:

On Jul 9, 2017, at 4:49 PM, Jens Persson via swift-evolution <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:

Sorry for making so much off topic noise in this thread, but I made a mistake regarding the Metal tutorial:
Looking more carefully I see now that they rebuild a vertedData: [Float] from their vertices: [Vertex] using the floatBuffer() method of the Vertex struct, which returns an Array with the stored properties of Vertex in correct order.

While searching the internet about this I saw Joe Groff mentioning on Twitter that:
"We plan to sort fields in padding order to minimize size, and may also automatically pack bools and enums in bitfields."

So AFAICS my current image processing code is making the possibly invalid assumption that eg
struct S {
    var a, b, c, d: Float
will have a memory layout of 4*4=16 bytes (stride and size == 16) and an alignment of 4, and most importantly that a, b, c, d will be in that order.

This is currently true, but may not always be. We want to reserve the right to re-order the fields even if it doesn't improve packing — for example, if two fields are frequently accessed together, field reordering could yield substantial locality benefits. We've also discussed reordering fields to put them in a canonical order for resilience, since it's a little counter-intuitive that reordering the fields of a struct should be ABI-breaking. (There are arguments against doing that as well, of course — for example, the programmer may have chosen the current order for their own locality optimizations.)

It looks like I should be defining my structs (the ones for which memory layout is important) in C and import them.

This should always work, yes.

Although I would be surprised if a Swift-struct containing only same-sized fields (all of the same primitive type) would be reordered, and such changes to the language would probably include some per-struct way to express some sort of layout control (since being able to define structs to be used for low level data manipulation is important in a systems language).

Exactly. In the long term, Swift will have some explicit tools for layout control.



On Sun, Jul 9, 2017 at 7:01 PM, Jens Persson via swift-evolution <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:
I should perhaps add that in my image processing code, I use code like this:

func withVImageBuffer<Data, R>(for table: Table<Data>, body: (vImage_Buffer) -> R) -> R
    Data.Coordinate.Index == VectorIndex2
    let vib = vImage_Buffer(
        data: table.baseAddress,
        height: vImagePixelCount(table.size.e1),
        width: vImagePixelCount(table.size.e0),
        rowBytes: table.stride.e1
    return withExtendedLifetime(table) { body(vib) }

Here, Table<Data> is the raster image. Data.Coordinate == VectorIndex2 makes it a 2D table, and a Table's Data also has a type parameter Data.Value which can be eg one of the "pixel"-struct I showed before.
This works without any problems (I've tested and used the some variant of this type of code for years) but it would surely break if the memory layout of simple structs changed.

I can't see how this usage is much different from the one in the Metal tutorial. It too uses pointers to point into a data created using the (Swift) struct "Vertex", and the GPU hardware has its expectations on the memory layout of that data, so the code would break if the memory layout of the Vertex struct changed.


On Sun, Jul 9, 2017 at 6:35 PM, Jens Persson <jens@bitcycle.com <mailto:jens@bitcycle.com>> wrote:
I don't think I'm misunderstanding you, but I might be, so I'll add more detail:

If you look at the Metal article, you'll see that the (Swift) struct "Vertex" is used to specify the data that is sent to Metal for creating a buffer (using MTLDevice.makeBuffer). The result that the GPU will produce surely depends on the fields of the Vertex struct (x, y, z, r, g, b, a) being in the specified order (ie swapping the red channel with the x coordinate would produce an unexpected result).

And regarding the second example, pixel structs used for manipulating raster image data. Manipulating raster image data presumably includes stuff like displaying to screen, loading and saving raster images.
I currently use this way of doing this right now without any problems, but if the order of the fields (eg a, r, g, b) should change in the future, then my code would break (the colors of the images would at least not come out as expected).


On Sun, Jul 9, 2017 at 5:53 PM, Chris Lattner <clattner@nondot.org <mailto:clattner@nondot.org>> wrote:

On Jul 9, 2017, at 12:23 AM, Jens Persson <jens@bitcycle.com <mailto:jens@bitcycle.com>> wrote:

On Sat, Jul 8, 2017 at 6:28 PM, Chris Lattner via swift-evolution <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:
Hi Susan,

Swift does not currently specify a layout for Swift structs. You shouldn’t be using them for memory mapped i/o or writing to a file, because their layout can change. When ABI stability for fragile structs lands, you will be able to count on it, but until then something like this is probably a bad idea.


Does this imply that you should never use Swift structs to eg interact with Metal?


This seems to be a very common practice. Here is a typical example (from a Metal tutorial at raywenderlich.com <http://raywenderlich.com/&gt;\):

struct Vertex {
  var x,y,z: Float // position data
  var r,g,b,a: Float // color data

  func floatBuffer() -> [Float] {
    return [x,y,z,r,g,b,a]

This doesn’t appear to expose the layout of the struct.

Also, does it imply that we cannot use structs (of only primitive types) like:

struct RgbaFloatsLinearGamma {
    var r, g, b, a: Float
struct BgraBytesSrgbGamma {
    var b, g, r, a: UInt8

for manipulating raster image data?

I don’t see why that would be a problem.

I vaguely remember a swift evo discussion where it was concluded that such usage was considered OK provided the stored properties of the structs was only primitive types, but I can't find it now.

Perhaps it could be considered OK at least when the intended platforms are known to be only iOS devices?

I think you’re misunderstanding what I’m saying. It isn’t correct to take (e.g.) an unsafepointer to the beginning of a struct, and serialize that out to disk, and expect that the fields are emitted in some order with some specific padding between them. None of the uses above try to do this.


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