For custom names, the `CodingKeys` enum does seem like the best design, unless an attribute can be used.
public struct Post : Codable {
@codable(name: "author_id") var authorID: Int
@codable(name: "body_text") var bodyText: String
If each `KeyPath` encapsulates the type information, the `decode` methods won't need a `type` parameter.
/// Primitive decoding methods (for single-value and keyed containers).
open class DecodingContainer<Root : Codable> {
open func decode(for keyPath: KeyPath<Root, Bool>) throws -> Bool
open func decode(for keyPath: KeyPath<Root, Int>) throws -> Int
open func decode(for keyPath: KeyPath<Root, UInt>) throws -> UInt
open func decode(for keyPath: KeyPath<Root, Float>) throws -> Float
open func decode(for keyPath: KeyPath<Root, Double>) throws -> Double
open func decode(for keyPath: KeyPath<Root, String>) throws -> String
open func decode(for keyPath: KeyPath<Root, Data>) throws -> Data
/// Keyed containers inherit the primitive decoding methods.
open class KeyedDecodingContainer : DecodingContainer {
open func decode<Value : Codable>(for keyPath: KeyPath<Root, Value>) throws -> Value
-- Ben
On 22 Mar 2017, at 17:41, Itai Ferber wrote:
What’s the use case that you were thinking of? KeyPaths could be useful in the case where you don’t need to customize your key names, but cannot represent a custom case like
public struct Post {
var authorID: Int
var bodyText: Stringprivate enum CodingKeys : String, CodingKey {
case authorID = "author_id"
case bodyText = "body_text"
Or am I misunderstanding?