[Proposal Draft] parameter forwarding

Related but different: forwarding of varargs is also a common special case. People have wanted to do this for a long time, we just haven’t had cycles to implement it:

func f(a : Int, b : Float…) {
g(a, …b) // unpack the vars array into a list of parameters.

I could see that being useful. Would it have to unpack into a varargs argument since the length is not statically knowable?

Yes, exactly.

If we did that, I could see generalizing it to an arbitrary tuple:

g(x, y, …sometuple, z)

where sometuple’s members got passed as arguments.

That covers cases where the subset of arguments is sequential. I think that would address the vast majority of cases at the site of the forwarding call.

What do you think of the idea Brent and I discussed about being able to reference a function's parameters in a signature?

I haven’t had a chance to keep up with the thread. I’m still trying to figure out what to do with memberwise, and you guys are building incredibly intricate castles in the clouds :-)

Well that certainly isn’t the intent. I’m sorry if it seems that way.

Normally I wouldn’t have shared a bunch of early proposal drafts all at once. I did that because I thought it would be helpful to put together new ideas / approaches that I came up with during the review. In particular, building on more general underlying features.

My one meta-comment is that you should focus on making extensions to swift *small*, *obvious*, *orthogonal* and for them to pay for themselves. In the partial function proposal for example (which I also haven’t had time to read), I saw a comment go by about parameter forwarding. I’d strongly recommend *not* baking any notion of parameter forwarding into that proposal. Doing so makes it more complex and more likely to be rejected.

I included initializer forwarding in there for a couple reasons.

The primary reason was to show how partial initializers + initializer forwarding + implicit memberwise partial initializers can replace the explicit memberwise initializers with more general initialization features, moving memberwise from special syntax to an identifier for an implicit partial initializer. This seems like a win and it is hard to demonstrate if it is spread out across several proposals.

Here’s an example in case you didn’t look at that part of the proposal:

// flexibile memberwise initialization proposal:
memberwise init(...) {
  // init all private props
// corresponding syntax using implicit partial init and forwarding:
init(…memberwise) { // memberwise is an implicit partial initializer with the `memberwise` identifier
  // init all private props
// expands to a call to the partial initializer
init(arg1: Type1, arg2, Type2, arg3: Type3) {
  memberwise.init(arg1, arg2, arg3)
  // init all private props

The secondary reason is that I think partial initializers are far more useful with initializer forwarding than without it. In many cases the bodies of partial initializers may be relatively simple. If you have to manually declare forwarding parameters and write the forwarding call simple partial initializers won’t gain you nearly as much. Even when they are non-trivial, much of the time their parameters will simply be forwarded. IMO it is a much better feature with support for initializer forwarding.

That said, I will remove that section if it makes the proposal more likely to be rejected.

In any case, I do think partial initializers + initializer forwarding is the right long-term approach for explicit memberwise initializers as they are more general features and allow for full control over the partial memberwise initializer.

If you’re interested in building a series of proposals that all work together, then that is great, but it depends on them initial proposals being *accepted* and us getting at least some experience with them first.

Sure. Like I said, I shared a bunch of ideas at once because they are relevant to the memberwise init review and came out of that discussion. If that was a mistake I won’t do it again.



On Jan 12, 2016, at 12:28 PM, Chris Lattner <clattner@apple.com> wrote:
On Jan 12, 2016, at 7:05 AM, Matthew Johnson <matthew@anandabits.com> wrote:

I am not sure that I see the value in *not* explicitly passing those parameters on in a call, then. Needing to l keep track of the parameter list to pass on to an admittedly different method seems *too* implicit.

That’s a fair perspective, but parameter forwarding has been considered useful and not confusing in other languages by many people. Knowing when it adds clarity and when it doesn’t is important.



On Jan 11, 2016, at 11:27 AM, T.J. Usiyan <griotspeak@gmail.com> wrote:

On Mon, Jan 11, 2016 at 12:17 PM, Matthew Johnson <matthew@anandabits.com <mailto:matthew@anandabits.com>> wrote:

On Jan 11, 2016, at 11:13 AM, T.J. Usiyan <griotspeak@gmail.com <mailto:griotspeak@gmail.com>> wrote:

The last bit might not but default values have *everything* to do with parameter forwarding. What do default values afford us in our API?

foo(first: Int)
foo(first: Int, second: String)

with 'one' implementation.

What does parameter forwarding get us?

foo(first: Int)
foo(first: Int, second: String)

with 'one' implementation (but maybe in reverse?)

No, that is not the point of parameter forwarding. Obviously default values are much better in that case. Parameter forwarding is for use cases where you need to forward to an entirely different function. Here are the use cases I listed in the proposal:

  • Convenience initializers that foward parameters directly to a designated initializer
  • Designated initializers that foward parameters directly to a super initializer
  • Designated initializers that foward parameters directly to a member initializer, perhaps in a composition-based design
  • If the partial initilaizer proposal is accepted, designated initializers that forward parameters to one or more partial initializers

None of these use cases are handled by simple default values.

There are use cases, I just haven’t had time to put together a more comprehensive motivation section yet.


On Mon, Jan 11, 2016 at 11:15 AM, Matthew Johnson <matthew@anandabits.com <mailto:matthew@anandabits.com>> wrote:
This example doesn’t have anything to do with forwarding. Do you have something in mind in the context of parameter forwarding?


On Jan 11, 2016, at 10:12 AM, T.J. Usiyan <griotspeak@gmail.com <mailto:griotspeak@gmail.com>> wrote:

func _computeLastParam() -> String {
    return "I am the last of my line"

func foo(first: Int, second: String, last: String = _computeLastParam()) {

foo(1, second: "two!")

last:I am the last of my line

// hopefully?

constexpr func _computeLastParam(input: Int) -> String {
    return "I am the last of my line and you gave me \(input)"

func foo(first: Int, second: String, last: String = _computeLastParam(first)) {

foo(1, second: "two!")

last:I am the last of my line and you gave me 1

On Mon, Jan 11, 2016 at 11:05 AM, Matthew Johnson <matthew@anandabits.com <mailto:matthew@anandabits.com>> wrote:

On Jan 11, 2016, at 10:03 AM, T.J. Usiyan <griotspeak@gmail.com <mailto:griotspeak@gmail.com>> wrote:

I can't get behind this feature. Beside the lack of payoff for added syntax, the biggest problem is that this is mostly handled by default values. If we had (once we get?) constant expressions, I imagine that we might even be able to reference other parameters in default value method calls–which seems like a more generally useful fix for the issue.

How is this handled by default values? What you’re saying doesn’t make sense to me. Can you provide an example of what you have in mind?

Have you used a language with a similar feature? Did you not find it useful?



On Mon, Jan 11, 2016 at 10:29 AM, Matthew Johnson via swift-evolution <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:

On Jan 10, 2016, at 10:17 PM, Félix Cloutier <felixcca@yahoo.ca <mailto:felixcca@yahoo.ca>> wrote:

I was okay with memberwise initializers but this pushes me beyond my comfort zone.

Hi Felix, can you elaborate on why? This feature is quite similar to features in other languages that are generally considered to be quite useful.

For example, most dynamic languages have the ability to pack arguments. There has been discussion of adding tuple packing and unpacking to Swift but it wouldn’t offer everything it does in dynamic languages (as far as I can tell).

Swift is statically typed so we would have to specify a type for the tuple to pack / unpack. This means it must be a fixed list of arguments. This is not the case in dynamic languages, where whatever arguments the caller provides are forwarded.

Also, because the packed tuple parameter is declared manually, there would not be a way to forward a default argument value for specific members of the tuple as far as I can see (I think a default would need to be specified for the entire tuple, not just specific members). Even if there were a way to specify a value for specific members, I don’t believe it would be possible to “forward” the default value specified by the receiving function, which is actually what is desired. In dynamic languages, callers can just provide a subset of the tuple arguments and the receiving function detects missing arguments, filling in a default.

Another example is variadic generics in C++, which can also forward an arbitrary set of arguments to a receiving function. This feature of C++ relies on the fact that the body of a template is not checked until it is expanded. This allows the caller of the forwarding function to supply any set of parameters that would be valid when calling the forwardee.

Even if Swift supported variadic generics I don’t think this method of forwarding fits the language as the body of a generic function is checked on its own. I don’t believe there would be a way to specify constraints that would allow the arguments to be used to call the forwarding function (I may be wrong about that if a new kind of constraint was introduced to support this in the future).

The forwarding mechanism in this proposal supports a couple of things that I think will be quite useful which are not possible under the examples of tuple packing and unpacking in Swift that I have seen shared thus far:

1. Providing default values for specific parameters, not just a whole packed tuple
2. Forwarding default parameter values from the forwardee function for said parameters
3. Forwarding a subset of the forwarded’s parameters
4. Explicitly providing default values for disambiguation and to suppress forwarding of specific parameters where the callee provides a default value
5. Forwarding generic parameters

I'm not sold on the usefulness of the feature. Memberwise initializers save you from typing out the init parameters and assignments to each field. Argument forwarding saves you from spelling out the parameters *more than once* (because you still need to type them out for the receiving function) and from *one call*. While I've been annoyed at initializers, I don't think I've ever been particularly annoyed at forwarding functions.

Both features save approximately the same amount of code. They save explicit declaration of parameters as well as a single action with the provided argument.

More importantly, forwarding is a general purpose feature that when combined with partial initializers and property lists can support much more expressive memberwise initialization than contained in the initial proposal. There was quite a bit of discussion about both the limitations of the memberwise initialization proposal as well as the specificity of it to exactly one use case (memberwise initialization). Forwarding plays a role in removing the limitations while building on a more general foundation.

Here’s an example that takes advantage of the combined power of the three proposals I just posted:

struct S {
  var name: String = “"
  private let x, y, z: Int

  propertylist args: left x = 0, top y = 0, name

  init(…args) { z = 0 }

This does several things not possible in the current memberwise init proposal:

1. Supports an arbitrary subset of members
2. Supports an arbitrary order for memberwise parameters
3. Supports arbitrary labels for memberwise parameters
4. Supports arbitrary default values for parameters, including `let` properties
5. Allows more-private properties to be exposed by more-public initializer

Here’s how it works:

1. The `propertylist` declaration introduces a partial memberwise initializer corresponding to the properties specified (it also gives you a computed tuple property containing the specified properties).
2. The `…args` placeholder causes the primary initializer to forward arguments to the partial initializer introduced in step 1.

The equivalent manually written code would look like this (assuming partial initializers and omitting the `args` tuple property that would be synthesized):

struct S {
  var name: String = “"
  private let x, y, z: Int

  partial init args(left x: Int = 0, top y: Int = 0, name: String = “”) {
    self.x = x
    self.y = y
    self.name <http://self.name/&gt; = name

  init(left x: Int = 0, top y: Int = 0, name: String = “”) {
    args.init(left: x, top: y, name: name)
    z = 0

These features work together to support the additional desired use cases for memberwise initialization while remaining concise and arguably more clear (because the property list explicitly states which members participate in the memberwise partial initializer).

Because the features supporting this are general we also gain:

1. Forwarding in any function, not just initializers (but including concise forwarding of parameters to a super or member initializer, or forwarding from a convenience initializer that just needs to provide a few direct arguments to the designated initializer and forward the rest).
2. Partial initialization support for shared, but non-memberwise initialization logic
3. Computed tuple properties for each propertylist. (and possibly additional memberwise features in the future if we identify any that would also be generally useful)

In my opinion this is a huge win for both initialization as well as other parts of our code that might take advantage of these features.

I'll let the parser guys say if it's a lot of work to implement or not, but if I allow myself to speak outside of my expertise, I imagine that it's gonna be a lot more work than memberwise initializers because this requires inspecting the function body to figure out its parameters.

It is a bit more work, sure. It requires matching the explicitly provided arguments with the parameter list of any callee overloads that are in scope and determining whether:

1. There are no overloads for which the provided arguments could be part of a valid call. Compiler error.
2. There is a single overload for which the provided arguments could be part of a valid call. Forward the remaining arguments.
3. There are more than one overloads for which the provided arguments could be part of a valid call. Compiler error due to ambiguity.

If we want a forwarding mechanism capable of forwarding default argument values, and possibly (but very desirable IMO) a subset of parameters there is no way to avoid this logic. I am not an expert at the implementation of such features, but I don’t think it is excessively complex next to other logic implemented in the compiler.

At this point, I feel that a competent macro system is a better investment than adding distinct bits of automation wherever there appears to be repetition.

I agree that a macro system would be great, but it is explicitly not in scope for Swift 3. It would also not be capable of implementing parameter forwarding as described in this proposal.

I hope you will consider discussing this further.



Le 10 janv. 2016 à 22:44:36, Matthew Johnson via swift-evolution <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> a écrit :

I have always considered the Flexible Memberwise Initialization proposal to be just a first step (as evidenced by the many future enhancements it discussed). Its review has inspired new ideas and helped to shape my vision of the best long-term solution. My final thoughts about the review can be found here: [swift-evolution] [Review] SE-0018 Flexible Memberwise Initialization

Parameter forwarding is the first in a series of three proposals describing general features that can work together to form a complete solution.

The proposal drafts can be found at the following links:

* Parameter forwarding: https://github.com/anandabits/swift-evolution/blob/parameter-forwarding/proposals/NNNN-parameter-forwarding.md
* Partial initializers: https://github.com/anandabits/swift-evolution/blob/partial-initializers/proposals/NNNN-partial-initializers.md
* Property lists: https://github.com/anandabits/swift-evolution/blob/property-lists/proposals/NNNN-property-lists.md

Parameter Forwarding

Proposal: SE-NNNN <https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/master/proposals/NNNN-parameter-forwarding.md&gt;
Author(s): Matthew Johnson <https://github.com/anandabits&gt;
Status: Awaiting review
Review manager: TBD

This feature introduces an automatic parameter forwarding mechanism.

Swift-evolution thread: Proposal Draft: parameter forwarding <https://lists.swift.org/pipermail/swift-evolution&gt;

There are many cases where a function declares parameters simply for the purpose of forwarding the provided arguments to another function. This results in reduntant parameter specifications that make code less clear and less readable by obscuring the simple forwarding that is actually happening.

This feature will be especially useful in initializers such as:

Convenience initializers that foward parameters directly to a designated initializer
Designated initializers that foward parameters directly to a super initializer
Designated initializers that foward parameters directly to a member initializer, perhaps in a composition-based design
If the partial initilaizer proposal is accepted, designated initializers that forward parameters to one or more partial initializers
NOTE: I haven’t had time to think too much aboue use cases beyond initialization. Please share examples and I will add them to this proposal.

Proposed solution

The proposed solution is to introduce an automatic parameter forwarding mechansim. It allows users to provide direct arguments for some parameters while forwarding others.

The basic mechanism looks like this:

func foo(i i: Int, s: String, f: Float = 42, d: Double = 43, b: Bool = false) { }

// user writes:
func bar(...fooParams) {
    foo(i: 32, ...fooParams)

// compiler synthesizes:
func bar(s: String, f: Float = 42, d: Double = 43, b: Bool = false) {
    foo(i: 32, s: s, f: f, d: d, b: b)
Some things to note about the syntax:

...fooParams is a placeholder introduced with ... and followed by an identifier.
In the signature it can be placed anywhere in the parameter list.
At the call site, it must appear at the end of the argument list.
The placeholder matches the parameters not directly provided including their external label and default value if those exist.
Parameters corresponding to the matched parameters are synthesized by the compiler where the placeholder exists in the parameter list, including the default argument if one exists.
The identifier portion of the placeholder may be omitted if only one set of forwarded parameters exist within the function.
Additional details will be introduced with a corresponding example.

Omitting the placeholder identifier

The above example can be written more concisely by omitting the placeholder identifier.

func foo(i i: Int, s: String, f: Float = 42, d: Double = 43, b: Bool = false) { }

// user writes:
func bar(...) {
    foo(i: 32, ...)

// compiler synthesizes:
func bar(s: String, f: Float = 42, d: Double = 43, b: Bool = false) {
    foo(i: 32, s: s, f: f, d: d, b: b)
NOTE: If the community feels strongly that the identifier should be required I am willing to do so.

Multiple forwarded parameter sets

It is possible for a single function to forward more than one set of parameters:

func foo(i i: Int, s: String, f: Float = 42) { }
func foo2(d: Double = 43, b: Bool = false) { }

// user writes:
func bar(...fooParams, ...foo2Params) {
    foo(i: 32, ...fooParams)

// compiler synthesizes:
func bar(s: String, f: Float = 42, d: Double = 43, b: Bool = false) {
    foo(i: 32, s: s, f: f, d: d, b: b)
Direct arguments

Any direct arguments provided in the forwarding call must follow the usual argument ordering rules, with the only exception being that it is allowed to omit some arguments that would normally be required. When the compiler performs forwarding it will insert forwarded arguments in the correct location.

func foo(i i: Int, s: String, f: Float = 42, d: Double = 43, b: Bool = false) { }

func bar(...fooParams) {
    // error: `i` must precede `s` in the argument list
    foo(s: "hello", i: 32, ...fooParams)

// user writes:
func bar(...fooParams) {
    foo(i: 32, f: 0, ...fooParams)

// compiler synthesizes:
func bar(s s: String, d: Double = 43, b: Bool = false) {
    foo(i: 32, s: s, f: 0, d: d, b: b)
Multi-forwarding the same parameters

It is allowed to use the same identifier in multiple forwarding calls as long as the signature of the matched parameters matches exactly, including any default values.

func foo(i i: Int, s: String, d: Double = 43) { }
func bar(i i: Int, s: String, d: Double = 43) { }

// user writes:
func baz(...fooBarParams) {

// compiler synthesizes:
func baz(i i: Int, s: String, d: Double = 43) {
    foo(i: i, s: s, d: d)
    bar(i: i, s: s, d: d)
NOTE: This provision might be controversial. If the community doesn’t like it or the implementation is too complex I will remove it.

Unambiguous call

When forwarding parameters to a function that is overloaded the caller must provide enough direct arguments to make the call unambiguous.

func foo(i i: Int, s: String, d: Double = 43, b: Bool = false) { }
func foo(i i: Int, s: String, d: Double = 43, f: Float = 42) { }

// user writes:
func bar(...fooParams) {
    // error: ambiguous use of foo
    // foo(i: 32, ...fooParams)
    // ok: `b` makes the call to foo unambiguous
    foo(b: true, ...fooParams)
    // ok: `f` makes the call to foo unambiguous
    foo(f: 24, ...fooParams)

// compiler synthesizes:
func bar(i i: Int, s: String, d: Double = 43) {
    foo(i: i, s: s, d: d, b: true)
    foo(i: i, s: s, d: d, f: 24)
Default values

When forwarding to a function that accepts default values it is possible to explicitly request the default value. This allows for disambiguation and also allows the forwarding function to suppress a defaulted parameter from participating in forwarding without needing to supply a specific value. The default keyword is used to do this.

We can modify the previous example to use the defualt values:

func foo(i i: Int, s: String, d: Double = 43, b: Bool = false) { }
func foo(i i: Int, s: String, d: Double = 43, f: Float = 42) { }

// user writes:
func bar(...fooParams) {
    // ok: `b` makes the call to foo unambiguous, still uses default value
    foo(b: default, ...fooParams)
    // ok: `f` makes the call to foo unambiguous, still uses default value
    foo(f: default, ...fooParams)

// compiler synthesizes:
func bar(i i: Int, s: String, d: Double = 43) {
    foo(i: i, s: s, d: d, b: false)
    foo(i: i, s: s, d: d, f: 42)
It is also possible to explicitly request all defaults at once using default.... In this example, foois not overloaded:

func foo(i i: Int, s: String, d: Double = 43, b: Bool = false) { }

// user writes:
func bar(...fooParams) {
    foo(default..., ...fooParams)

// compiler synthesizes:
func bar(i i: Int, s: String) {
    foo(i: i, s: s, d: 43, b: false)
NOTE: The actual implementation of default arguments looks somewhat different. These examples are intended to communicate the behavior, not the exact details of implementation.

Generic parameters

If the types of any matched parameters reference any generic type parameters of the forwardee the generic type parameters must also be forwarded, along with any constraints on those generic parameters.

func foo<T>(i i: Int, s: String, t: T, d: Double = 43, b: Bool = false) { }

// user writes:
func bar(...fooParams) {

// compiler synthesizes:
func bar<T>(i i: Int, s: String, t: T, d: Double = 43, b: Bool = false) {
    foo(i: i, s: s, t: t, d: d, b: b)
If a generic parameter is referenced in a constraint that also references a generic parameter that will not be forwarded the constraint is resolved to a concrete type when possible. This may not be possible in all cases. When it is not possible a compiler error will be necessary.

func foo<S: SequenceType, T: SequenceType where S.Generator.Element == T.Generator.Element>
    (s: S, t: T) { }

// user writes:
func bar(...fooParams) {
    foo(t: [42], ...fooParams)

// compiler synthesizes:
func bar<S: SequenceType where S.Generator.Element == Int>(s: S) {
    foo(s: s, t: [42])
Syntheszied internal names

The compiler must ensure that all synthesized parameters have internal names that do not conflict with the internal names of any manually declared parameters. This applies to both generic type parameter names as well as value arguments in the parameter list of the function.

func foo<T>(i i: Int, s: String, t: T, d: Double = 43, b: Bool = false) { }

// user writes:
func bar<T>(t: T, ...fooParams) {
    // do something with t

// compiler synthesizes:
func bar<T, InternalCompilerIdentifier>(t: T, i i: Int, s: String, t internalCompilerIdentifier: InternalCompilerIdentifier, d: Double = 43, b: Bool = false) {
    foo(t: t, i: i, s: s, t: internalCompilerIdentifier, d: d, b: b)
Detailed design

TODO but should fall out pretty clearly from the proposed solution

Impact on existing code

This is a strictly additive change. It has no impact on existing code.

Alternatives considered

I believe the forwarding mechanism itself is pretty straightforward and any alternatives would be lose functionality without good reason.

The placeholder syntax is of course fair game for bikeshedding. I consider anything reasonably clear and concise to be acceptable.

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