I think the functionality is definitely needed. On another line of evolution, we're starting to look into factoring enum cases and other conditionally-available storage into key paths (and there's an implementation in progress. One bit of convergent evolution that key path support for enum cases suggest is the ability to project out payloads as instance members of the enum: if you can write structValue[keyPath: \.property]
in order to get the value of struct.property
, then it seems reasonable to expect that enumValue[keyPath: \.case]
should give you the same value as enumValue.case
would. And if that projection gives you a Bool or Optional, then you can test it within an expression using existing idioms like enumValue.case != nil
<expr> is case <pattern>
is still strictly more general since it works with any pattern, but it also seems like enum payload testing is likely to be the most common use case for it today. How much do you think we'd yearn for it if we already had a mechanism for testing enum cases in an expression? And if we had both, would you all as developers prefer to write enumValue is case .x
or enumValue.x != nil