Hello Karl and everyone else involved,
an IEEE754 conform floating point implementation requires also squrt and a
remainer function being provided by the respective float implementation.
Shouldn't these two be also added to the FloatingPoint protocol now that
the rounding functions are being added?
Kind Regards,
These are already included with SE-0067, we’re just working on finishing up the implementation.
/// Remainder of `self` divided by `other`. This is the IEEE 754 remainder
/// operation.
/// For finite `self` and `other`, the remainder `r` is defined by
/// `r = self - other*n`, where `n` is the integer nearest to `self/other`.
/// (Note that `n` is *not* `self/other` computed in floating-point
/// arithmetic, and that `n` may not even be representable in any available
/// integer type). If `self/other` is exactly halfway between two integers,
/// `n` is chosen to be even.
/// It follows that if `self` and `other` are finite numbers, the remainder
/// `r` satisfies `-|other|/2 <= r` and `r <= |other|/2`.
/// `remainder` is always exact.
func remainder(dividingBy other: Self) -> Self
/// Mutating form of `remainder`.
mutating func formRemainder(dividingBy other: Self)
/// Remainder of `self` divided by `other` using truncating division.
/// Equivalent to the C standard library function `fmod`.
/// If `self` and `other` are finite numbers, the truncating remainder
/// `r` has the same sign as `other` and is strictly smaller in magnitude.
/// It satisfies `r = self - other*n`, where `n` is the integral part
/// of `self/other`.
/// `truncatingRemainder` is always exact.
func truncatingRemainder(dividingBy other: Self) -> Self
/// Mutating form of `truncatingRemainder`.
mutating func formTruncatingRemainder(dividingBy other: Self)
/// Square root of `self`.
func squareRoot() -> Self
/// Mutating form of square root.
mutating func formSquareRoot()
/// `self + lhs*rhs` computed without intermediate rounding. Implements the
/// IEEE 754 `fusedMultiplyAdd` operation.
func addingProduct(_ lhs: Self, _ rhs: Self) -> Self
/// Fused multiply-add, accumulating the product of `lhs` and `rhs` to `self`.
mutating func addProduct(_ lhs: Self, _ rhs: Self)
On Jul 1, 2016, at 4:06 AM, Björn Forster via swift-evolution <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
Hello Karl and everyone else involved,
an IEEE754 conform floating point implementation requires also squrt and a remainer function being provided by the respective float implementation. Shouldn't these two be also added to the FloatingPoint protocol now that the rounding functions are being added?
Kind Regards,
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