Progress! apple/swift-docker repo is up

Hi all,

I wanted to update everyone on the progress we've made recently in bringing first-class official Docker images to Swift.


As you may know, there was an existing community project led by @haris and Thomas Catterall in the swiftdocker Github org, which published images to Docker Hub for some years. These images had seen widespread use and adoption.

After discussions with @tkremenek and members of the Swift Server Working Group we were keen not to let that great work go to waste, and wanted to adopt the existing community project into so we can build on it in future.


To that end, we worked in the community to relicense it to Apache v2, as required by all projects.

@haris, @mishal_shah and I then worked together to move the project from the swiftdocker org into the Apple org, and you can now find the project's new home at GitHub - apple/swift-docker: Docker Official Image packaging for Swift

We have also updated the upstream Docker Official repo to reflect this change.


The next thing we would like to do is publish an Ubuntu 18.04 image for Swift 4.2.1, as this version is seeing rapid adoption (it includes important updates like OpenSSL 1.1). I hope to complete this soon. We also want to add CI testing for the Docker images.

Beyond that, we can start deciding what the Swift 5 Docker images should look like. The Swift Server Working Group will be discussing this and my hope is that projects like Kitura, Vapor, SwiftNIO and others can all coalesce around an agreed base image.

Call to action

We would love to see contributions to the GitHub - apple/swift-docker: Docker Official Image packaging for Swift repo so please do take a look.

Thank you!