Problems with `build-script` building compiler with `--xcode`

I on main branch, always update checkout before trying to build for the a couple of weeks or so :)

What is the error you been seeing?
It's been like that for a couple of weeks, I found that the issue with LLVM libraries is related to the fact that I'm building with --release-debuginfo --debug-swift and because of that LLVM libraries are built in llvm-macosx-arm64/RelWithDebugInfo/lib/libLLVMSupport.a but as we can see on the error it tries to find it in the Swift configuration folder for some reason. For what I could understand is designed to fix this problem but apparently is not being applied for those libraries ... so I'm still not sure what is the issue here.

The purpose of the question was more to know if people are using some workaround, or they are not using Xcode at all and using ninja build with some editor like VSCode which I tried, but was not so trivial to configure :(