Problem with COW optimization

Dear Swift community,

currently I’m building a value type XML library which is baked behind the scene with a reference type to manage graph traversing between nodes. I also like to COW optimize the xml graph, but I run into one single problem atm.

Image this xml tree:

It’s just a root element with one single child. As for value types it should be totally fine to do something like this:

// The given xml tree
var root = XML.Element(name: "root")
let item = XML.Element(name: "item")

// The problematic behavior
If this would be a simple value type without any references behind the scenes you could imagine that the result of the last code line will look like this:

Basically we copied the whole tree and added it as the second child into the original root element.

As for COW optimization this is a problem, just because the passed root is a copy of a struct that contains the exact same reference as the original root element. isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&self.reference) will result in false inside the add method.

Is there any chance I could force my program to decrease the reference counter of that last item after I’m sure I don’t need it?!

A few more details: inside the add method I’m always cloning the passed reference just because graphs aren’t that trivial and otherwise I could possibly end up with a cycle graph, which would be really bad. After that job I’m sure that I don’t need the passed reference anymore and I need a way to escape from it.

I’d appreciate any suggestions and help. :)


Adrian Zubarev
Sent with Airmail

Dear Swift community,

currently I’m building a value type XML library which is baked behind
the scene with a reference type to manage graph traversing between
nodes. I also like to COW optimize the xml graph, but I run into one
single problem atm.

Image this xml tree:

It’s just a root element with one single child. As for value types it
should be totally fine to do something like this:

// The given xml tree
var root = XML.Element(name: "root")
let item = XML.Element(name: "item")

// The problematic behavior
If this would be a simple value type without any references behind the
scenes you could imagine that the result of the last code line will
look like this:


Yep, that's exactly the right answer for a tree with value semantics.
The simplest way to implement this tree is to use an Array for the child

Basically we copied the whole tree and added it as the second child
into the original root element.

As for COW optimization this is a problem, just because the passed
root is a copy of a struct that contains the exact same reference as
the original root element.

I don't understand why that's a problem.

isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&self.reference) will result in false inside
the add method. it should.

Is there any chance I could force my program to decrease the reference
counter of that last item after I’m sure I don’t need it?!

Which last item? When are you sure you don't need it? What result do
you hope for?

A few more details: inside the add method I’m always cloning the
passed reference just because graphs aren’t that trivial and otherwise
I could possibly end up with a cycle graph, which would be really
bad. After that job I’m sure that I don’t need the passed reference
anymore and I need a way to escape from it.

I’d appreciate any suggestions and help. :)

It's not clear what you want to acheive nor can I picture the code
you're using to acheive it, so it's hard to give useful feedback.



on Sun Sep 18 2016, Adrian Zubarev <> wrote:


Hello Dave,

thank you for trying to help me. I’ll try to explain the issue with some more details.

First here is some code:

extension XML {
    public struct Element {

        // public for testing
        public var reference: Reference

        public var name: String { return }

        public var children: [Element] {
            return self.reference.children.flatMap {
                guard case .element(let element) = $0.kind else { return nil }
                return Element(wrapping: element)
        public init(name: String) {
            self.reference = Reference(name: name)

        public mutating func add(_ child: Element) {
            self.mutableInsert(Reference(cloning: child.reference), at: self.reference.children.endIndex)
        // Ignore XML.Node, it's a String or Reference
        // Parameter `Node` is assumed to be a clone of a reference passed to `add` or `insert` method.
        private mutating func mutableInsert(_ node: XML.Node, at index: Int) {
            // Clone own reference all way up to the root
            if !isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&self.reference) {
                self.reference = Reference(cloning: self.reference, wholeTree: true)
            // Extract a reference or just insert a string as a child
            guard case .element(let nodeReference) = node.kind else {
                self.reference.insert(node, at: index)
            // Check for possible debelopment bug
            if nodeReference === self.reference {
                fatalError("wrong usage of `mutableInsert` function")
            self.reference.insert(nodeReference, at: index)

extension XML.Element {
    // public for testing
    public class Reference : XML.Node {
        let name: String

        private(set) weak var parent: Reference?

        private(set) var children: [XML.Node]

        var kind: XML.Node.Kind { return .element(self) }

Now lets focus on the problem.

Every Element is baked with it’s own Reference to be able to traverse the tree from any of it’s node all way up to the root for example.

Lets look again at the scenario I already described:

var root = XML.Element(name: "root")
var elem = XML.Element(name: "elem")

ObjectIdentifier(root.reference) // 0x000060000026ab40
ObjectIdentifier(elem.reference) // 0x000060800026bb00

isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&root.reference) // true
isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&elem.reference) // true


isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&root.reference) // true


// The reference of root has changed even if the second child
// was cloned and added as a new object to the reference.
// 0x000060000026ab40 <-- was thrown away
isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&root.reference) // true

ObjectIdentifier(root.reference) // 0x000060000026c680 <— new one
The way I’m adding children to the tree is that every passed element of type XML.Element stores a Reference, which will be cloned and added as a new standalone object to the children array.

The same happens when we try adding root as it’s own child. We copy root struct which contains the same reference, then we clone it inside add method, then we pass the new object to the mutableInsert function. At that point we don’t need the old reference anymore, I’m speaking of root.add(root). The problem here is that at that time root.reference has 2 strong references which I cannot escape.

I could workaround the problem if I knew the reference counter value, because I could check if the passed Element contains the same reference first. And if it does and we have exactly 2 strong references, I don’t need to recreate root.reference here.

But I couldn’t find any API for that. :/


Adrian Zubarev
Sent with Airmail

Am 19. September 2016 um 05:50:57, Dave Abrahams via swift-users ( schrieb:

on Sun Sep 18 2016, Adrian Zubarev <> wrote:

Dear Swift community,

currently I’m building a value type XML library which is baked behind
the scene with a reference type to manage graph traversing between
nodes. I also like to COW optimize the xml graph, but I run into one
single problem atm.

Image this xml tree:

It’s just a root element with one single child. As for value types it
should be totally fine to do something like this:

// The given xml tree
var root = XML.Element(name: "root")
let item = XML.Element(name: "item")

// The problematic behavior
If this would be a simple value type without any references behind the
scenes you could imagine that the result of the last code line will
look like this:


Yep, that's exactly the right answer for a tree with value semantics.
The simplest way to implement this tree is to use an Array for the child

Basically we copied the whole tree and added it as the second child
into the original root element.

As for COW optimization this is a problem, just because the passed
root is a copy of a struct that contains the exact same reference as
the original root element.

I don't understand why that's a problem.

isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&self.reference) will result in false inside
the add method. it should.

Is there any chance I could force my program to decrease the reference
counter of that last item after I’m sure I don’t need it?!

Which last item? When are you sure you don't need it? What result do
you hope for?

A few more details: inside the add method I’m always cloning the
passed reference just because graphs aren’t that trivial and otherwise
I could possibly end up with a cycle graph, which would be really
bad. After that job I’m sure that I don’t need the passed reference
anymore and I need a way to escape from it.

I’d appreciate any suggestions and help. :)

It's not clear what you want to acheive nor can I picture the code
you're using to acheive it, so it's hard to give useful feedback.



swift-users mailing list

I think I just found a solution to my problem:

/// - Parameter child: The new `child` to add to the `children` array.
public mutating func add(_ child: Element) {

   let clonedChildReference = Reference(cloning: child.reference)
   let index = self.reference.children.endIndex
   self.mutableInsert(clonedChildReference, at: index, isNotOwnReference: child.reference !== self.reference)
/// Warning: Pass only clonded nodes of type Element to this function!
private mutating func mutableInsert(_ node: XML.Node, at index: Int, isNotOwnReference: Bool) {

   // * If `self.reference` is NOT uniquely referenced and `node` is a String,
   // we should rebuilt own reference.
   // * If `self.reference` is NOT uniquely referenced and `node` is a Reference
   // `isNotOwnReference` is true, we should rebuilt own reference.
   // * If `self.reference` is NOT uniquely referenced and `node` is a clone
   // reference to `self.reference` where is `isNotOwnReference` is false, we
   // should check if there are more than **two** strong references to rebuild
   // own reference, otherwise it's an implementation artifact and we can keep
   // old reference (any `node` of type Reference is cloned before it's added
   // to the child array).
   let isNotKnownUniquelyReferenced = !isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&self.reference)
   var shouldRebuildReference = false
   switch node.kind {
   case .element(_):
      let hasMoreThanTwoStrongReferences = (CFGetRetainCount(self.reference) - 1) > 2
      shouldRebuildReference = (isNotKnownUniquelyReferenced && isNotOwnReference) || hasMoreThanTwoStrongReferences
   case .text(_):
      shouldRebuildReference = isNotKnownUniquelyReferenced
   if shouldRebuildReference {
      self.reference = Reference(cloning: self.reference, wholeTree: true)

   self.reference.insert(node, at: index)
I’m using CFGetRetainCount(self.reference) to catch that implementation artifact.


Adrian Zubarev
Sent with Airmail

Am 19. September 2016 um 09:59:24, Adrian Zubarev ( schrieb:

Hello Dave,

thank you for trying to help me. I’ll try to explain the issue with some more details.

First here is some code:

extension XML {
    public struct Element {

        // public for testing
        public var reference: Reference

        public var name: String { return }

        public var children: [Element] {
            return self.reference.children.flatMap {
                guard case .element(let element) = $0.kind else { return nil }
                return Element(wrapping: element)
        public init(name: String) {
            self.reference = Reference(name: name)

        public mutating func add(_ child: Element) {
            self.mutableInsert(Reference(cloning: child.reference), at: self.reference.children.endIndex)
        // Ignore XML.Node, it's a String or Reference
        // Parameter `Node` is assumed to be a clone of a reference passed to `add` or `insert` method.
        private mutating func mutableInsert(_ node: XML.Node, at index: Int) {
            // Clone own reference all way up to the root
            if !isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&self.reference) {
                self.reference = Reference(cloning: self.reference, wholeTree: true)
            // Extract a reference or just insert a string as a child
            guard case .element(let nodeReference) = node.kind else {
                self.reference.insert(node, at: index)
            // Check for possible debelopment bug
            if nodeReference === self.reference {
                fatalError("wrong usage of `mutableInsert` function")
            self.reference.insert(nodeReference, at: index)

extension XML.Element {
    // public for testing
    public class Reference : XML.Node {
        let name: String

        private(set) weak var parent: Reference?

        private(set) var children: [XML.Node]

        var kind: XML.Node.Kind { return .element(self) }

Now lets focus on the problem.

Every Element is baked with it’s own Reference to be able to traverse the tree from any of it’s node all way up to the root for example.

Lets look again at the scenario I already described:

var root = XML.Element(name: "root")
var elem = XML.Element(name: "elem")

ObjectIdentifier(root.reference) // 0x000060000026ab40
ObjectIdentifier(elem.reference) // 0x000060800026bb00

isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&root.reference) // true
isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&elem.reference) // true


isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&root.reference) // true


// The reference of root has changed even if the second child
// was cloned and added as a new object to the reference.
// 0x000060000026ab40 <-- was thrown away
isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&root.reference) // true

ObjectIdentifier(root.reference) // 0x000060000026c680 <— new one
The way I’m adding children to the tree is that every passed element of type XML.Element stores a Reference, which will be cloned and added as a new standalone object to the children array.

The same happens when we try adding root as it’s own child. We copy root struct which contains the same reference, then we clone it inside add method, then we pass the new object to the mutableInsert function. At that point we don’t need the old reference anymore, I’m speaking of root.add(root). The problem here is that at that time root.reference has 2 strong references which I cannot escape.

I could workaround the problem if I knew the reference counter value, because I could check if the passed Element contains the same reference first. And if it does and we have exactly 2 strong references, I don’t need to recreate root.reference here.

But I couldn’t find any API for that. :/

Adrian Zubarev
Sent with Airmail

Am 19. September 2016 um 05:50:57, Dave Abrahams via swift-users ( schrieb:

on Sun Sep 18 2016, Adrian Zubarev <> wrote:

Dear Swift community,

currently I’m building a value type XML library which is baked behind
the scene with a reference type to manage graph traversing between
nodes. I also like to COW optimize the xml graph, but I run into one
single problem atm.

Image this xml tree:

It’s just a root element with one single child. As for value types it
should be totally fine to do something like this:

// The given xml tree
var root = XML.Element(name: "root")
let item = XML.Element(name: "item")

// The problematic behavior
If this would be a simple value type without any references behind the
scenes you could imagine that the result of the last code line will
look like this:


Yep, that's exactly the right answer for a tree with value semantics.
The simplest way to implement this tree is to use an Array for the child

Basically we copied the whole tree and added it as the second child
into the original root element.

As for COW optimization this is a problem, just because the passed
root is a copy of a struct that contains the exact same reference as
the original root element.

I don't understand why that's a problem.

isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&self.reference) will result in false inside
the add method. it should.

Is there any chance I could force my program to decrease the reference
counter of that last item after I’m sure I don’t need it?!

Which last item? When are you sure you don't need it? What result do
you hope for?

A few more details: inside the add method I’m always cloning the
passed reference just because graphs aren’t that trivial and otherwise
I could possibly end up with a cycle graph, which would be really
bad. After that job I’m sure that I don’t need the passed reference
anymore and I need a way to escape from it.

I’d appreciate any suggestions and help. :)

It's not clear what you want to acheive nor can I picture the code
you're using to acheive it, so it's hard to give useful feedback.



swift-users mailing list

I think I just found a solution to my problem:

/// - Parameter child: The new `child` to add to the `children` array.
public mutating func add(_ child: Element) {

   let clonedChildReference = Reference(cloning: child.reference)
   let index = self.reference.children.endIndex
   self.mutableInsert(clonedChildReference, at: index, isNotOwnReference: child.reference !== self.reference)
/// Warning: Pass only clonded nodes of type Element to this function!
private mutating func mutableInsert(_ node: XML.Node, at index: Int, isNotOwnReference: Bool) {

   // * If `self.reference` is NOT uniquely referenced and `node` is a String,
   // we should rebuilt own reference.
   // * If `self.reference` is NOT uniquely referenced and `node` is a Reference
   // `isNotOwnReference` is true, we should rebuilt own reference.
   // * If `self.reference` is NOT uniquely referenced and `node` is a clone
   // reference to `self.reference` where is `isNotOwnReference` is false, we
   // should check if there are more than **two** strong references to rebuild
   // own reference, otherwise it's an implementation artifact and we can keep
   // old reference (any `node` of type Reference is cloned before it's added
   // to the child array).
   let isNotKnownUniquelyReferenced = !isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&self.reference)
   var shouldRebuildReference = false
   switch node.kind {
   case .element(_):
      let hasMoreThanTwoStrongReferences = (CFGetRetainCount(self.reference) - 1) > 2
      shouldRebuildReference = (isNotKnownUniquelyReferenced && isNotOwnReference) || hasMoreThanTwoStrongReferences
   case .text(_):
      shouldRebuildReference = isNotKnownUniquelyReferenced
   if shouldRebuildReference {
      self.reference = Reference(cloning: self.reference, wholeTree: true)

   self.reference.insert(node, at: index)
I’m using CFGetRetainCount(self.reference) to catch that implementation artifact.

If people are resorting to CFGetRetainCount, then we have a problem. The optimizer is not under any obligation to bump the refcount to 2.

There must be a better way to handle this. Rather than passing an
'isNotOwnReference' flag, I think you should determine whether a clone
is needed before passing the node into mutableInsert.

You effectively want an API like root.addSelf().



On Sep 19, 2016, at 3:18 AM, Adrian Zubarev via swift-evolution <> wrote:

Adrian Zubarev
Sent with Airmail

Am 19. September 2016 um 09:59:24, Adrian Zubarev ( <>) schrieb:

Hello Dave,

thank you for trying to help me. I’ll try to explain the issue with some more details.

First here is some code:

extension XML {
    public struct Element {

        // public for testing
        public var reference: Reference

        public var name: String { return }

        public var children: [Element] {
            return self.reference.children.flatMap {
                guard case .element(let element) = $0.kind else { return nil }
                return Element(wrapping: element)
        public init(name: String) {
            self.reference = Reference(name: name)

        public mutating func add(_ child: Element) {
            self.mutableInsert(Reference(cloning: child.reference), at: self.reference.children.endIndex)
        // Ignore XML.Node, it's a String or Reference
        // Parameter `Node` is assumed to be a clone of a reference passed to `add` or `insert` method.
        private mutating func mutableInsert(_ node: XML.Node, at index: Int) {
            // Clone own reference all way up to the root
            if !isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&self.reference) {
                self.reference = Reference(cloning: self.reference, wholeTree: true)
            // Extract a reference or just insert a string as a child
            guard case .element(let nodeReference) = node.kind else {
                self.reference.insert(node, at: index)
            // Check for possible debelopment bug
            if nodeReference === self.reference {
                fatalError("wrong usage of `mutableInsert` function")
            self.reference.insert(nodeReference, at: index)

extension XML.Element {
    // public for testing
    public class Reference : XML.Node {
        let name: String

        private(set) weak var parent: Reference?

        private(set) var children: [XML.Node]

        var kind: XML.Node.Kind { return .element(self) }

Now lets focus on the problem.

Every Element is baked with it’s own Reference to be able to traverse the tree from any of it’s node all way up to the root for example.

Lets look again at the scenario I already described:

var root = XML.Element(name: "root")
var elem = XML.Element(name: "elem")

ObjectIdentifier(root.reference) // 0x000060000026ab40
ObjectIdentifier(elem.reference) // 0x000060800026bb00

isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&root.reference) // true
isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&elem.reference) // true


isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&root.reference) // true


// The reference of root has changed even if the second child
// was cloned and added as a new object to the reference.
// 0x000060000026ab40 <-- was thrown away
isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&root.reference) // true

ObjectIdentifier(root.reference) // 0x000060000026c680 <— new one
The way I’m adding children to the tree is that every passed element of type XML.Element stores a Reference, which will be cloned and added as a new standalone object to the children array.

The same happens when we try adding root as it’s own child. We copy root struct which contains the same reference, then we clone it inside add method, then we pass the new object to the mutableInsert function. At that point we don’t need the old reference anymore, I’m speaking of root.add(root). The problem here is that at that time root.reference has 2 strong references which I cannot escape.

I could workaround the problem if I knew the reference counter value, because I could check if the passed Element contains the same reference first. And if it does and we have exactly 2 strong references, I don’t need to recreate root.reference here.

But I couldn’t find any API for that. :/

Adrian Zubarev
Sent with Airmail

Am 19. September 2016 um 05:50:57, Dave Abrahams via swift-users ( <>) schrieb:

on Sun Sep 18 2016, Adrian Zubarev <> wrote:

> Dear Swift community,
> currently I’m building a value type XML library which is baked behind
> the scene with a reference type to manage graph traversing between
> nodes. I also like to COW optimize the xml graph, but I run into one
> single problem atm.
> Image this xml tree:
> <root>
> <item/>
> </root>
> It’s just a root element with one single child. As for value types it
> should be totally fine to do something like this:
> // The given xml tree
> var root = XML.Element(name: "root")
> let item = XML.Element(name: "item")
> root.add(item)
> // The problematic behavior
> root.add(root)
> If this would be a simple value type without any references behind the
> scenes you could imagine that the result of the last code line will
> look like this:
> <root>
> <item/>
> <root>
> <item/>
> </root>
> </root>

Yep, that's exactly the right answer for a tree with value semantics.
The simplest way to implement this tree is to use an Array for the child

> Basically we copied the whole tree and added it as the second child
> into the original root element.
> As for COW optimization this is a problem, just because the passed
> root is a copy of a struct that contains the exact same reference as
> the original root element.

I don't understand why that's a problem.

> isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&self.reference) will result in false inside
> the add method. it should.

> Is there any chance I could force my program to decrease the reference
> counter of that last item after I’m sure I don’t need it?!

Which last item? When are you sure you don't need it? What result do
you hope for?

> A few more details: inside the add method I’m always cloning the
> passed reference just because graphs aren’t that trivial and otherwise
> I could possibly end up with a cycle graph, which would be really
> bad. After that job I’m sure that I don’t need the passed reference
> anymore and I need a way to escape from it.
> I’d appreciate any suggestions and help. :)

It's not clear what you want to acheive nor can I picture the code
you're using to acheive it, so it's hard to give useful feedback.



swift-users mailing list

swift-evolution mailing list

I think I just found a solution to my problem:

/// - Parameter child: The new `child` to add to the `children` array.
public mutating func add(_ child: Element) {

   let clonedChildReference = Reference(cloning: child.reference)
   let index = self.reference.children.endIndex

   self.mutableInsert(clonedChildReference, at: index, isNotOwnReference: child.reference !== self.reference)

/// Warning: Pass only clonded nodes of type Element to this function!

I don't understand why any explicit cloning should be needed. An XML
tree can be modeled perfectly well using arrays of value types, which
will “clone” themselves as needed to maintain value semantics.


on Mon Sep 19 2016, Adrian Zubarev <> wrote:

private mutating func mutableInsert(_ node: XML.Node, at index: Int,
isNotOwnReference: Bool) {

   // * If `self.reference` is NOT uniquely referenced and `node` is a String,
   // we should rebuilt own reference.
   // * If `self.reference` is NOT uniquely referenced and `node` is a Reference
   // `isNotOwnReference` is true, we should rebuilt own reference.
   // * If `self.reference` is NOT uniquely referenced and `node` is a clone
   // reference to `self.reference` where is `isNotOwnReference` is false, we
   // should check if there are more than **two** strong references to rebuild
   // own reference, otherwise it's an implementation artifact and we can keep
   // old reference (any `node` of type Reference is cloned before it's added
   // to the child array).
   let isNotKnownUniquelyReferenced = !isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&self.reference)

   var shouldRebuildReference = false

   switch node.kind {

   case .element(_):
      let hasMoreThanTwoStrongReferences = (CFGetRetainCount(self.reference) - 1) > 2
      shouldRebuildReference = (isNotKnownUniquelyReferenced && isNotOwnReference) || hasMoreThanTwoStrongReferences

   case .text(_):
      shouldRebuildReference = isNotKnownUniquelyReferenced

   if shouldRebuildReference {

      self.reference = Reference(cloning: self.reference, wholeTree: true)

   self.reference.insert(node, at: index)
I’m using CFGetRetainCount(self.reference) to catch that implementation artifact.

Adrian Zubarev
Sent with Airmail

Am 19. September 2016 um 09:59:24, Adrian Zubarev ( schrieb:

Hello Dave,

thank you for trying to help me. I’ll try to explain the issue with some more details.

First here is some code:

extension XML {

    public struct Element {

        // public for testing
        public var reference: Reference

        public var name: String { return }

        public var children: [Element] {

            return self.reference.children.flatMap {

                guard case .element(let element) = $0.kind else { return nil }
                return Element(wrapping: element)

        public init(name: String) {

            self.reference = Reference(name: name)

        public mutating func add(_ child: Element) {

            self.mutableInsert(Reference(cloning: child.reference), at: self.reference.children.endIndex)

        // Ignore XML.Node, it's a String or Reference
        // Parameter `Node` is assumed to be a clone of a reference passed to `add` or `insert` method.
        private mutating func mutableInsert(_ node: XML.Node, at index: Int) {

            // Clone own reference all way up to the root
            if !isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&self.reference) {

                self.reference = Reference(cloning: self.reference, wholeTree: true)

            // Extract a reference or just insert a string as a child
            guard case .element(let nodeReference) = node.kind else {

                self.reference.insert(node, at: index)

            // Check for possible debelopment bug
            if nodeReference === self.reference {

                fatalError("wrong usage of `mutableInsert` function")

            self.reference.insert(nodeReference, at: index)


extension XML.Element {

    // public for testing
    public class Reference : XML.Node {

        let name: String

        private(set) weak var parent: Reference?

        private(set) var children: [XML.Node]

        var kind: XML.Node.Kind { return .element(self) }

Now lets focus on the problem.

Every Element is baked with it’s own Reference to be able to traverse the tree from any of it’s node all way up to the root for example.

Lets look again at the scenario I already described:

var root = XML.Element(name: "root")
var elem = XML.Element(name: "elem")

ObjectIdentifier(root.reference) // 0x000060000026ab40
ObjectIdentifier(elem.reference) // 0x000060800026bb00

isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&root.reference) // true
isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&elem.reference) // true


isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&root.reference) // true


// The reference of root has changed even if the second child
// was cloned and added as a new object to the reference.
// 0x000060000026ab40 <-- was thrown away
isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&root.reference) // true

ObjectIdentifier(root.reference) // 0x000060000026c680 <— new one
The way I’m adding children to the tree is that every passed element of type XML.Element stores a Reference, which will be cloned and added as a new standalone object to the children array.

The same happens when we try adding root as it’s own child. We copy root struct which contains the same reference, then we clone it inside add method, then we pass the new object to the mutableInsert function. At that point we don’t need the old reference anymore, I’m speaking of root.add(root). The problem here is that at that time root.reference has 2 strong references which I cannot escape.

I could workaround the problem if I knew the reference counter value, because I could check if the passed Element contains the same reference first. And if it does and we have exactly 2 strong references, I don’t need to recreate root.reference here.

But I couldn’t find any API for that. :/

Adrian Zubarev
Sent with Airmail

Am 19. September 2016 um 05:50:57, Dave Abrahams via swift-users ( schrieb:

on Sun Sep 18 2016, Adrian Zubarev <> wrote:

Dear Swift community,

currently I’m building a value type XML library which is baked behind
the scene with a reference type to manage graph traversing between
nodes. I also like to COW optimize the xml graph, but I run into one
single problem atm.

Image this xml tree:

It’s just a root element with one single child. As for value types it
should be totally fine to do something like this:

// The given xml tree
var root = XML.Element(name: "root")
let item = XML.Element(name: "item")

// The problematic behavior
If this would be a simple value type without any references behind the
scenes you could imagine that the result of the last code line will
look like this:


Yep, that's exactly the right answer for a tree with value semantics.
The simplest way to implement this tree is to use an Array for the child

Basically we copied the whole tree and added it as the second child
into the original root element.

As for COW optimization this is a problem, just because the passed
root is a copy of a struct that contains the exact same reference as
the original root element.

I don't understand why that's a problem.

isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&self.reference) will result in false inside
the add method. it should.

Is there any chance I could force my program to decrease the reference
counter of that last item after I’m sure I don’t need it?!

Which last item? When are you sure you don't need it? What result do
you hope for?

A few more details: inside the add method I’m always cloning the
passed reference just because graphs aren’t that trivial and otherwise
I could possibly end up with a cycle graph, which would be really
bad. After that job I’m sure that I don’t need the passed reference
anymore and I need a way to escape from it.

I’d appreciate any suggestions and help. :)

It's not clear what you want to acheive nor can I picture the code
you're using to acheive it, so it's hard to give useful feedback.



swift-users mailing list
swift-evolution mailing list


or could the problem be flip on its head and implemented with a normal reference type, dealing with threading issues instead of having to optimise CoW and still perhaps being open to spikes in memory bandwidth at the wrong time when the copy is actually performed?


Sent from my iPhone

On 19 Sep 2016, at 22:46, Andrew Trick via swift-evolution <> wrote:

On Sep 19, 2016, at 3:18 AM, Adrian Zubarev via swift-evolution <> wrote:

I think I just found a solution to my problem:

/// - Parameter child: The new `child` to add to the `children` array.
public mutating func add(_ child: Element) {

   let clonedChildReference = Reference(cloning: child.reference)
   let index = self.reference.children.endIndex
   self.mutableInsert(clonedChildReference, at: index, isNotOwnReference: child.reference !== self.reference)
/// Warning: Pass only clonded nodes of type Element to this function!
private mutating func mutableInsert(_ node: XML.Node, at index: Int, isNotOwnReference: Bool) {

   // * If `self.reference` is NOT uniquely referenced and `node` is a String,
   // we should rebuilt own reference.
   // * If `self.reference` is NOT uniquely referenced and `node` is a Reference
   // `isNotOwnReference` is true, we should rebuilt own reference.
   // * If `self.reference` is NOT uniquely referenced and `node` is a clone
   // reference to `self.reference` where is `isNotOwnReference` is false, we
   // should check if there are more than **two** strong references to rebuild
   // own reference, otherwise it's an implementation artifact and we can keep
   // old reference (any `node` of type Reference is cloned before it's added
   // to the child array).
   let isNotKnownUniquelyReferenced = !isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&self.reference)
   var shouldRebuildReference = false
   switch node.kind {
   case .element(_):
      let hasMoreThanTwoStrongReferences = (CFGetRetainCount(self.reference) - 1) > 2
      shouldRebuildReference = (isNotKnownUniquelyReferenced && isNotOwnReference) || hasMoreThanTwoStrongReferences
   case .text(_):
      shouldRebuildReference = isNotKnownUniquelyReferenced
   if shouldRebuildReference {
      self.reference = Reference(cloning: self.reference, wholeTree: true)

   self.reference.insert(node, at: index)
I’m using CFGetRetainCount(self.reference) to catch that implementation artifact.

If people are resorting to CFGetRetainCount, then we have a problem. The optimizer is not under any obligation to bump the refcount to 2.

There must be a better way to handle this. Rather than passing an
'isNotOwnReference' flag, I think you should determine whether a clone
is needed before passing the node into mutableInsert.

You effectively want an API like root.addSelf().


Adrian Zubarev
Sent with Airmail

Am 19. September 2016 um 09:59:24, Adrian Zubarev ( schrieb:

Hello Dave,

thank you for trying to help me. I’ll try to explain the issue with some more details.

First here is some code:

extension XML {
    public struct Element {

        // public for testing
        public var reference: Reference

        public var name: String { return }

        public var children: [Element] {
            return self.reference.children.flatMap {
                guard case .element(let element) = $0.kind else { return nil }
                return Element(wrapping: element)
        public init(name: String) {
            self.reference = Reference(name: name)

        public mutating func add(_ child: Element) {
            self.mutableInsert(Reference(cloning: child.reference), at: self.reference.children.endIndex)
        // Ignore XML.Node, it's a String or Reference
        // Parameter `Node` is assumed to be a clone of a reference passed to `add` or `insert` method.
        private mutating func mutableInsert(_ node: XML.Node, at index: Int) {
            // Clone own reference all way up to the root
            if !isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&self.reference) {
                self.reference = Reference(cloning: self.reference, wholeTree: true)
            // Extract a reference or just insert a string as a child
            guard case .element(let nodeReference) = node.kind else {
                self.reference.insert(node, at: index)
            // Check for possible debelopment bug
            if nodeReference === self.reference {
                fatalError("wrong usage of `mutableInsert` function")
            self.reference.insert(nodeReference, at: index)

extension XML.Element {
    // public for testing
    public class Reference : XML.Node {
        let name: String

        private(set) weak var parent: Reference?

        private(set) var children: [XML.Node]

        var kind: XML.Node.Kind { return .element(self) }

Now lets focus on the problem.

Every Element is baked with it’s own Reference to be able to traverse the tree from any of it’s node all way up to the root for example.

Lets look again at the scenario I already described:

var root = XML.Element(name: "root")
var elem = XML.Element(name: "elem")

ObjectIdentifier(root.reference) // 0x000060000026ab40
ObjectIdentifier(elem.reference) // 0x000060800026bb00

isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&root.reference) // true
isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&elem.reference) // true


isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&root.reference) // true


// The reference of root has changed even if the second child
// was cloned and added as a new object to the reference.
// 0x000060000026ab40 <-- was thrown away
isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&root.reference) // true

ObjectIdentifier(root.reference) // 0x000060000026c680 <— new one
The way I’m adding children to the tree is that every passed element of type XML.Element stores a Reference, which will be cloned and added as a new standalone object to the children array.

The same happens when we try adding root as it’s own child. We copy root struct which contains the same reference, then we clone it inside add method, then we pass the new object to the mutableInsert function. At that point we don’t need the old reference anymore, I’m speaking of root.add(root). The problem here is that at that time root.reference has 2 strong references which I cannot escape.

I could workaround the problem if I knew the reference counter value, because I could check if the passed Element contains the same reference first. And if it does and we have exactly 2 strong references, I don’t need to recreate root.reference here.

But I couldn’t find any API for that. :/

Adrian Zubarev
Sent with Airmail

Am 19. September 2016 um 05:50:57, Dave Abrahams via swift-users ( schrieb:

on Sun Sep 18 2016, Adrian Zubarev <> wrote:

> Dear Swift community,
> currently I’m building a value type XML library which is baked behind
> the scene with a reference type to manage graph traversing between
> nodes. I also like to COW optimize the xml graph, but I run into one
> single problem atm.
> Image this xml tree:
> <root>
> <item/>
> </root>
> It’s just a root element with one single child. As for value types it
> should be totally fine to do something like this:
> // The given xml tree
> var root = XML.Element(name: "root")
> let item = XML.Element(name: "item")
> root.add(item)
> // The problematic behavior
> root.add(root)
> If this would be a simple value type without any references behind the
> scenes you could imagine that the result of the last code line will
> look like this:
> <root>
> <item/>
> <root>
> <item/>
> </root>
> </root>

Yep, that's exactly the right answer for a tree with value semantics.
The simplest way to implement this tree is to use an Array for the child

> Basically we copied the whole tree and added it as the second child
> into the original root element.
> As for COW optimization this is a problem, just because the passed
> root is a copy of a struct that contains the exact same reference as
> the original root element.

I don't understand why that's a problem.

> isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&self.reference) will result in false inside
> the add method. it should.

> Is there any chance I could force my program to decrease the reference
> counter of that last item after I’m sure I don’t need it?!

Which last item? When are you sure you don't need it? What result do
you hope for?

> A few more details: inside the add method I’m always cloning the
> passed reference just because graphs aren’t that trivial and otherwise
> I could possibly end up with a cycle graph, which would be really
> bad. After that job I’m sure that I don’t need the passed reference
> anymore and I need a way to escape from it.
> I’d appreciate any suggestions and help. :)

It's not clear what you want to acheive nor can I picture the code
you're using to acheive it, so it's hard to give useful feedback.



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swift-evolution mailing list

True, but how do you traverse back the tree from an inner node?

Lets look at this simple tree:

let second = /* get the second node */

second.parent // <— How would you implement this with pure value type?
If parent were only a struct without a reference type behind the scenes the parent will also contain the current child, where every child has the parent and so one. The reference type is there as a layer to achieve this.

What kind of a layer does indirect add on enums?
Can indirect solve the problem here and can it be added to structs as well?
If I’m missing here something, and there might be a true value type solution for this problem, I’d throw the whole project away and rebuild it from the beginning. :)

Best regards,


Adrian Zubarev
Sent with Airmail

Am 20. September 2016 um 08:56:20, Dave Abrahams via swift-evolution ( schrieb:

on Mon Sep 19 2016, Adrian Zubarev <> wrote:

I think I just found a solution to my problem:

/// - Parameter child: The new `child` to add to the `children` array.
public mutating func add(_ child: Element) {

let clonedChildReference = Reference(cloning: child.reference)
let index = self.reference.children.endIndex

self.mutableInsert(clonedChildReference, at: index, isNotOwnReference: child.reference !== self.reference)

/// Warning: Pass only clonded nodes of type Element to this function!

I don't understand why any explicit cloning should be needed. An XML
tree can be modeled perfectly well using arrays of value types, which
will “clone” themselves as needed to maintain value semantics.

private mutating func mutableInsert(_ node: XML.Node, at index: Int,
isNotOwnReference: Bool) {

// * If `self.reference` is NOT uniquely referenced and `node` is a String,
// we should rebuilt own reference.
// * If `self.reference` is NOT uniquely referenced and `node` is a Reference
// `isNotOwnReference` is true, we should rebuilt own reference.
// * If `self.reference` is NOT uniquely referenced and `node` is a clone
// reference to `self.reference` where is `isNotOwnReference` is false, we
// should check if there are more than **two** strong references to rebuild
// own reference, otherwise it's an implementation artifact and we can keep
// old reference (any `node` of type Reference is cloned before it's added
// to the child array).
let isNotKnownUniquelyReferenced = !isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&self.reference)

var shouldRebuildReference = false

switch node.kind {

case .element(_):
let hasMoreThanTwoStrongReferences = (CFGetRetainCount(self.reference) - 1) > 2
shouldRebuildReference = (isNotKnownUniquelyReferenced && isNotOwnReference) || hasMoreThanTwoStrongReferences

case .text(_):
shouldRebuildReference = isNotKnownUniquelyReferenced

if shouldRebuildReference {

self.reference = Reference(cloning: self.reference, wholeTree: true)

self.reference.insert(node, at: index)
I’m using CFGetRetainCount(self.reference) to catch that implementation artifact.

Adrian Zubarev
Sent with Airmail

Am 19. September 2016 um 09:59:24, Adrian Zubarev ( schrieb:

Hello Dave,

thank you for trying to help me. I’ll try to explain the issue with some more details.

First here is some code:

extension XML {

public struct Element {

// public for testing
public var reference: Reference

public var name: String { return }

public var children: [Element] {

return self.reference.children.flatMap {

guard case .element(let element) = $0.kind else { return nil }
return Element(wrapping: element)

public init(name: String) {

self.reference = Reference(name: name)

public mutating func add(_ child: Element) {

self.mutableInsert(Reference(cloning: child.reference), at: self.reference.children.endIndex)

// Ignore XML.Node, it's a String or Reference
// Parameter `Node` is assumed to be a clone of a reference passed to `add` or `insert` method.
private mutating func mutableInsert(_ node: XML.Node, at index: Int) {

// Clone own reference all way up to the root
if !isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&self.reference) {

self.reference = Reference(cloning: self.reference, wholeTree: true)

// Extract a reference or just insert a string as a child
guard case .element(let nodeReference) = node.kind else {

self.reference.insert(node, at: index)

// Check for possible debelopment bug
if nodeReference === self.reference {

fatalError("wrong usage of `mutableInsert` function")

self.reference.insert(nodeReference, at: index)


extension XML.Element {

// public for testing
public class Reference : XML.Node {

let name: String

private(set) weak var parent: Reference?

private(set) var children: [XML.Node]

var kind: XML.Node.Kind { return .element(self) }

Now lets focus on the problem.

Every Element is baked with it’s own Reference to be able to traverse the tree from any of it’s node all way up to the root for example.

Lets look again at the scenario I already described:

var root = XML.Element(name: "root")
var elem = XML.Element(name: "elem")

ObjectIdentifier(root.reference) // 0x000060000026ab40
ObjectIdentifier(elem.reference) // 0x000060800026bb00

isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&root.reference) // true
isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&elem.reference) // true


isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&root.reference) // true


// The reference of root has changed even if the second child
// was cloned and added as a new object to the reference.
// 0x000060000026ab40 <-- was thrown away
isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&root.reference) // true

ObjectIdentifier(root.reference) // 0x000060000026c680 <— new one
The way I’m adding children to the tree is that every passed element of type XML.Element stores a Reference, which will be cloned and added as a new standalone object to the children array.

The same happens when we try adding root as it’s own child. We copy root struct which contains the same reference, then we clone it inside add method, then we pass the new object to the mutableInsert function. At that point we don’t need the old reference anymore, I’m speaking of root.add(root). The problem here is that at that time root.reference has 2 strong references which I cannot escape.

I could workaround the problem if I knew the reference counter value, because I could check if the passed Element contains the same reference first. And if it does and we have exactly 2 strong references, I don’t need to recreate root.reference here.

But I couldn’t find any API for that. :/

Adrian Zubarev
Sent with Airmail

Am 19. September 2016 um 05:50:57, Dave Abrahams via swift-users ( schrieb:

on Sun Sep 18 2016, Adrian Zubarev <> wrote:

Dear Swift community,

currently I’m building a value type XML library which is baked behind
the scene with a reference type to manage graph traversing between
nodes. I also like to COW optimize the xml graph, but I run into one
single problem atm.

Image this xml tree:

It’s just a root element with one single child. As for value types it
should be totally fine to do something like this:

// The given xml tree
var root = XML.Element(name: "root")
let item = XML.Element(name: "item")

// The problematic behavior
If this would be a simple value type without any references behind the
scenes you could imagine that the result of the last code line will
look like this:


Yep, that's exactly the right answer for a tree with value semantics.
The simplest way to implement this tree is to use an Array for the child

Basically we copied the whole tree and added it as the second child
into the original root element.

As for COW optimization this is a problem, just because the passed
root is a copy of a struct that contains the exact same reference as
the original root element.

I don't understand why that's a problem.

isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&self.reference) will result in false inside
the add method. it should.

Is there any chance I could force my program to decrease the reference
counter of that last item after I’m sure I don’t need it?!

Which last item? When are you sure you don't need it? What result do
you hope for?

A few more details: inside the add method I’m always cloning the
passed reference just because graphs aren’t that trivial and otherwise
I could possibly end up with a cycle graph, which would be really
bad. After that job I’m sure that I don’t need the passed reference
anymore and I need a way to escape from it.

I’d appreciate any suggestions and help. :)

It's not clear what you want to acheive nor can I picture the code
you're using to acheive it, so it's hard to give useful feedback.



swift-users mailing list
swift-evolution mailing list


swift-evolution mailing list

True, but how do you traverse back the tree from an inner node?

Lets look at this simple tree:

let second = /* get the second node */

second.parent // <— How would you implement this with pure value type?

Two possibilities:

1. You don't. Instead your traversal state becomes a path from the root
   of the tree.

2. You represent the graph more explicitly, e.g.:

   struct XMLNode {
     tag: String
     attributes: [String]
     parent: Int
     children: [Int]
   typealias XMLTree = [XMLNode]

   where parent and children are indices into XMLTree.

If parent were only a struct without a reference type behind the
scenes the parent will also contain the current child, where every
child has the parent and so one. The reference type is there as a
layer to achieve this.

A CoW tree that uses references for relationships internally has some
interesting limitations:

* you have to choose between the ability to share unmodified subparts of
  the tree between copies and the ability to reach a node's parent.

* if you share unmodified subparts, you need to check uniqueness of
  all its ancestors before modifying a node in place

To me, it doesn't make sense to use references for relationships unless
they let you share unmodified subparts. If you don't share unmodified
subparts, you'll get much worse performance from such a CoW
representation than you would using the array representation I quoted

So if you're really committed to using a reference for a parent
relationship, I'd ditch CoW either give the XML tree reference
semantics, or make it immutable (in which case its semantics are
indistinguishable from value semantics).

Hope this helps,


on Tue Sep 20 2016, Adrian Zubarev <> wrote:

What kind of a layer does indirect add on enums?
Can indirect solve the problem here and can it be added to structs as well?
If I’m missing here something, and there might be a true value type solution for this problem, I’d throw the whole project away and rebuild it from the beginning. :)

Best regards,

Adrian Zubarev
Sent with Airmail

Am 20. September 2016 um 08:56:20, Dave Abrahams via swift-evolution ( schrieb:

on Mon Sep 19 2016, Adrian Zubarev <> wrote:

I think I just found a solution to my problem:

/// - Parameter child: The new `child` to add to the `children` array.
public mutating func add(_ child: Element) {

let clonedChildReference = Reference(cloning: child.reference)
let index = self.reference.children.endIndex

self.mutableInsert(clonedChildReference, at: index, isNotOwnReference: child.reference !== self.reference)

/// Warning: Pass only clonded nodes of type Element to this function!

I don't understand why any explicit cloning should be needed. An XML
tree can be modeled perfectly well using arrays of value types, which
will “clone” themselves as needed to maintain value semantics.

private mutating func mutableInsert(_ node: XML.Node, at index: Int,
isNotOwnReference: Bool) {

// * If `self.reference` is NOT uniquely referenced and `node` is a String,
// we should rebuilt own reference.
// * If `self.reference` is NOT uniquely referenced and `node` is a Reference
// `isNotOwnReference` is true, we should rebuilt own reference.
// * If `self.reference` is NOT uniquely referenced and `node` is a clone
// reference to `self.reference` where is `isNotOwnReference` is false, we
// should check if there are more than **two** strong references to rebuild
// own reference, otherwise it's an implementation artifact and we can keep
// old reference (any `node` of type Reference is cloned before it's added
// to the child array).
let isNotKnownUniquelyReferenced = !isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&self.reference)

var shouldRebuildReference = false

switch node.kind {

case .element(_):
let hasMoreThanTwoStrongReferences = (CFGetRetainCount(self.reference) - 1) > 2
shouldRebuildReference = (isNotKnownUniquelyReferenced && isNotOwnReference) || hasMoreThanTwoStrongReferences

case .text(_):
shouldRebuildReference = isNotKnownUniquelyReferenced

if shouldRebuildReference {

self.reference = Reference(cloning: self.reference, wholeTree: true)

self.reference.insert(node, at: index)
I’m using CFGetRetainCount(self.reference) to catch that implementation artifact.

Adrian Zubarev
Sent with Airmail

Am 19. September 2016 um 09:59:24, Adrian Zubarev ( schrieb:

Hello Dave,

thank you for trying to help me. I’ll try to explain the issue with some more details.

First here is some code:

extension XML {

public struct Element {

// public for testing
public var reference: Reference

public var name: String { return }

public var children: [Element] {

return self.reference.children.flatMap {

guard case .element(let element) = $0.kind else { return nil }
return Element(wrapping: element)

public init(name: String) {

self.reference = Reference(name: name)

public mutating func add(_ child: Element) {

self.mutableInsert(Reference(cloning: child.reference), at: self.reference.children.endIndex)

// Ignore XML.Node, it's a String or Reference
// Parameter `Node` is assumed to be a clone of a reference passed to `add` or `insert` method.
private mutating func mutableInsert(_ node: XML.Node, at index: Int) {

// Clone own reference all way up to the root
if !isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&self.reference) {

self.reference = Reference(cloning: self.reference, wholeTree: true)

// Extract a reference or just insert a string as a child
guard case .element(let nodeReference) = node.kind else {

self.reference.insert(node, at: index)

// Check for possible debelopment bug
if nodeReference === self.reference {

fatalError("wrong usage of `mutableInsert` function")

self.reference.insert(nodeReference, at: index)


extension XML.Element {

// public for testing
public class Reference : XML.Node {

let name: String

private(set) weak var parent: Reference?

private(set) var children: [XML.Node]

var kind: XML.Node.Kind { return .element(self) }

Now lets focus on the problem.

Every Element is baked with it’s own Reference to be able to
traverse the tree from any of it’s node all way up to the root for

Lets look again at the scenario I already described:

var root = XML.Element(name: "root")
var elem = XML.Element(name: "elem")

ObjectIdentifier(root.reference) // 0x000060000026ab40
ObjectIdentifier(elem.reference) // 0x000060800026bb00

isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&root.reference) // true
isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&elem.reference) // true


isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&root.reference) // true


// The reference of root has changed even if the second child
// was cloned and added as a new object to the reference.
// 0x000060000026ab40 <-- was thrown away
isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&root.reference) // true

ObjectIdentifier(root.reference) // 0x000060000026c680 <— new one
The way I’m adding children to the tree is that every passed element
of type XML.Element stores a Reference, which will be cloned and
added as a new standalone object to the children array.

The same happens when we try adding root as it’s own child. We copy
root struct which contains the same reference, then we clone it
inside add method, then we pass the new object to the mutableInsert
function. At that point we don’t need the old reference anymore, I’m
speaking of root.add(root). The problem here is that at that time
root.reference has 2 strong references which I cannot escape.

I could workaround the problem if I knew the reference counter
value, because I could check if the passed Element contains the same
reference first. And if it does and we have exactly 2 strong
references, I don’t need to recreate root.reference here.

But I couldn’t find any API for that. :/

Adrian Zubarev
Sent with Airmail

Am 19. September 2016 um 05:50:57, Dave Abrahams via swift-users
( schrieb:

on Sun Sep 18 2016, Adrian Zubarev <> wrote:

Dear Swift community,

currently I’m building a value type XML library which is baked behind
the scene with a reference type to manage graph traversing between
nodes. I also like to COW optimize the xml graph, but I run into one
single problem atm.

Image this xml tree:

It’s just a root element with one single child. As for value types it
should be totally fine to do something like this:

// The given xml tree
var root = XML.Element(name: "root")
let item = XML.Element(name: "item")

// The problematic behavior
If this would be a simple value type without any references behind the
scenes you could imagine that the result of the last code line will
look like this:


Yep, that's exactly the right answer for a tree with value semantics.
The simplest way to implement this tree is to use an Array for the child

Basically we copied the whole tree and added it as the second child
into the original root element.

As for COW optimization this is a problem, just because the passed
root is a copy of a struct that contains the exact same reference as
the original root element.

I don't understand why that's a problem.

isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&self.reference) will result in false inside
the add method. it should.

Is there any chance I could force my program to decrease the reference
counter of that last item after I’m sure I don’t need it?!

Which last item? When are you sure you don't need it? What result do
you hope for?

A few more details: inside the add method I’m always cloning the
passed reference just because graphs aren’t that trivial and otherwise
I could possibly end up with a cycle graph, which would be really
bad. After that job I’m sure that I don’t need the passed reference
anymore and I need a way to escape from it.

I’d appreciate any suggestions and help. :)

It's not clear what you want to acheive nor can I picture the code
you're using to acheive it, so it's hard to give useful feedback.



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One note about the cloning:

var root = XML.Element(name: "root")
var first = XML.Element(name: "first")
var second = XML.Element(name: "second")

root[first][second].add(root) // Lets say we don't clone here anything
In that scenario we would add root as the first item to second.

      <second> <- - - - - - - -+
         <root> | That would be the same item (baked with a class)
            <first> | and that means that the inner `second` also has
               <second/> <- - - -+ a child `root` => cycle graph.
            </first> |
         </root> |
      </second> <- - - - - - - -+


Adrian Zubarev
Sent with Airmail

Am 20. September 2016 um 09:37:22, Adrian Zubarev ( schrieb:

True, but how do you traverse back the tree from an inner node?

Lets look at this simple tree:

let second = /* get the second node */

second.parent // <— How would you implement this with pure value type?
If parent were only a struct without a reference type behind the scenes the parent will also contain the current child, where every child has the parent and so one. The reference type is there as a layer to achieve this.

What kind of a layer does indirect add on enums?
Can indirect solve the problem here and can it be added to structs as well?
If I’m missing here something, and there might be a true value type solution for this problem, I’d throw the whole project away and rebuild it from the beginning. :)

Best regards,

Adrian Zubarev
Sent with Airmail

Am 20. September 2016 um 08:56:20, Dave Abrahams via swift-evolution ( schrieb:

on Mon Sep 19 2016, Adrian Zubarev <> wrote:

I think I just found a solution to my problem:

/// - Parameter child: The new `child` to add to the `children` array.
public mutating func add(_ child: Element) {

let clonedChildReference = Reference(cloning: child.reference)
let index = self.reference.children.endIndex

self.mutableInsert(clonedChildReference, at: index, isNotOwnReference: child.reference !== self.reference)

/// Warning: Pass only clonded nodes of type Element to this function!

I don't understand why any explicit cloning should be needed. An XML
tree can be modeled perfectly well using arrays of value types, which
will “clone” themselves as needed to maintain value semantics.

private mutating func mutableInsert(_ node: XML.Node, at index: Int,
isNotOwnReference: Bool) {

// * If `self.reference` is NOT uniquely referenced and `node` is a String,
// we should rebuilt own reference.
// * If `self.reference` is NOT uniquely referenced and `node` is a Reference
// `isNotOwnReference` is true, we should rebuilt own reference.
// * If `self.reference` is NOT uniquely referenced and `node` is a clone
// reference to `self.reference` where is `isNotOwnReference` is false, we
// should check if there are more than **two** strong references to rebuild
// own reference, otherwise it's an implementation artifact and we can keep
// old reference (any `node` of type Reference is cloned before it's added
// to the child array).
let isNotKnownUniquelyReferenced = !isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&self.reference)

var shouldRebuildReference = false

switch node.kind {

case .element(_):
let hasMoreThanTwoStrongReferences = (CFGetRetainCount(self.reference) - 1) > 2
shouldRebuildReference = (isNotKnownUniquelyReferenced && isNotOwnReference) || hasMoreThanTwoStrongReferences

case .text(_):
shouldRebuildReference = isNotKnownUniquelyReferenced

if shouldRebuildReference {

self.reference = Reference(cloning: self.reference, wholeTree: true)

self.reference.insert(node, at: index)
I’m using CFGetRetainCount(self.reference) to catch that implementation artifact.

Adrian Zubarev
Sent with Airmail

Am 19. September 2016 um 09:59:24, Adrian Zubarev ( schrieb:

Hello Dave,

thank you for trying to help me. I’ll try to explain the issue with some more details.

First here is some code:

extension XML {

public struct Element {

// public for testing
public var reference: Reference

public var name: String { return }

public var children: [Element] {

return self.reference.children.flatMap {

guard case .element(let element) = $0.kind else { return nil }
return Element(wrapping: element)

public init(name: String) {

self.reference = Reference(name: name)

public mutating func add(_ child: Element) {

self.mutableInsert(Reference(cloning: child.reference), at: self.reference.children.endIndex)

// Ignore XML.Node, it's a String or Reference
// Parameter `Node` is assumed to be a clone of a reference passed to `add` or `insert` method.
private mutating func mutableInsert(_ node: XML.Node, at index: Int) {

// Clone own reference all way up to the root
if !isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&self.reference) {

self.reference = Reference(cloning: self.reference, wholeTree: true)

// Extract a reference or just insert a string as a child
guard case .element(let nodeReference) = node.kind else {

self.reference.insert(node, at: index)

// Check for possible debelopment bug
if nodeReference === self.reference {

fatalError("wrong usage of `mutableInsert` function")

self.reference.insert(nodeReference, at: index)


extension XML.Element {

// public for testing
public class Reference : XML.Node {

let name: String

private(set) weak var parent: Reference?

private(set) var children: [XML.Node]

var kind: XML.Node.Kind { return .element(self) }

Now lets focus on the problem.

Every Element is baked with it’s own Reference to be able to traverse the tree from any of it’s node all way up to the root for example.

Lets look again at the scenario I already described:

var root = XML.Element(name: "root")
var elem = XML.Element(name: "elem")

ObjectIdentifier(root.reference) // 0x000060000026ab40
ObjectIdentifier(elem.reference) // 0x000060800026bb00

isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&root.reference) // true
isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&elem.reference) // true


isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&root.reference) // true


// The reference of root has changed even if the second child
// was cloned and added as a new object to the reference.
// 0x000060000026ab40 <-- was thrown away
isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&root.reference) // true

ObjectIdentifier(root.reference) // 0x000060000026c680 <— new one
The way I’m adding children to the tree is that every passed element of type XML.Element stores a Reference, which will be cloned and added as a new standalone object to the children array.

The same happens when we try adding root as it’s own child. We copy root struct which contains the same reference, then we clone it inside add method, then we pass the new object to the mutableInsert function. At that point we don’t need the old reference anymore, I’m speaking of root.add(root). The problem here is that at that time root.reference has 2 strong references which I cannot escape.

I could workaround the problem if I knew the reference counter value, because I could check if the passed Element contains the same reference first. And if it does and we have exactly 2 strong references, I don’t need to recreate root.reference here.

But I couldn’t find any API for that. :/

Adrian Zubarev
Sent with Airmail

Am 19. September 2016 um 05:50:57, Dave Abrahams via swift-users ( schrieb:

on Sun Sep 18 2016, Adrian Zubarev <> wrote:

Dear Swift community,

currently I’m building a value type XML library which is baked behind
the scene with a reference type to manage graph traversing between
nodes. I also like to COW optimize the xml graph, but I run into one
single problem atm.

Image this xml tree:

It’s just a root element with one single child. As for value types it
should be totally fine to do something like this:

// The given xml tree
var root = XML.Element(name: "root")
let item = XML.Element(name: "item")

// The problematic behavior
If this would be a simple value type without any references behind the
scenes you could imagine that the result of the last code line will
look like this:


Yep, that's exactly the right answer for a tree with value semantics.
The simplest way to implement this tree is to use an Array for the child

Basically we copied the whole tree and added it as the second child
into the original root element.

As for COW optimization this is a problem, just because the passed
root is a copy of a struct that contains the exact same reference as
the original root element.

I don't understand why that's a problem.

isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&self.reference) will result in false inside
the add method. it should.

Is there any chance I could force my program to decrease the reference
counter of that last item after I’m sure I don’t need it?!

Which last item? When are you sure you don't need it? What result do
you hope for?

A few more details: inside the add method I’m always cloning the
passed reference just because graphs aren’t that trivial and otherwise
I could possibly end up with a cycle graph, which would be really
bad. After that job I’m sure that I don’t need the passed reference
anymore and I need a way to escape from it.

I’d appreciate any suggestions and help. :)

It's not clear what you want to acheive nor can I picture the code
you're using to acheive it, so it's hard to give useful feedback.



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True, but how do you traverse back the tree from an inner node?

Lets look at this simple tree:

let second = /* get the second node */

second.parent // <— How would you implement this with pure value type?

If you really want to reference the parent node wouldn't it be more appropriate to just use reference types in the first place?

The other question I have is: what do you need this for? Maybe your problem can be solved differently by keeping track of the parent in the algorothm working on the elements?



Am 20.09.2016 um 09:37 schrieb Adrian Zubarev via swift-evolution <>:

If parent were only a struct without a reference type behind the scenes the parent will also contain the current child, where every child has the parent and so one. The reference type is there as a layer to achieve this.

What kind of a layer does indirect add on enums?
Can indirect solve the problem here and can it be added to structs as well?
If I’m missing here something, and there might be a true value type solution for this problem, I’d throw the whole project away and rebuild it from the beginning. :)

Best regards,

Adrian Zubarev
Sent with Airmail

Am 20. September 2016 um 08:56:20, Dave Abrahams via swift-evolution ( schrieb:

on Mon Sep 19 2016, Adrian Zubarev <> wrote:

> I think I just found a solution to my problem:
> /// - Parameter child: The new `child` to add to the `children` array.
> public mutating func add(_ child: Element) {
> let clonedChildReference = Reference(cloning: child.reference)
> let index = self.reference.children.endIndex
> self.mutableInsert(clonedChildReference, at: index, isNotOwnReference: child.reference !== self.reference)
> }
> /// Warning: Pass only clonded nodes of type Element to this function!

I don't understand why any explicit cloning should be needed. An XML
tree can be modeled perfectly well using arrays of value types, which
will “clone” themselves as needed to maintain value semantics.

> private mutating func mutableInsert(_ node: XML.Node, at index: Int,
> isNotOwnReference: Bool) {
> // * If `self.reference` is NOT uniquely referenced and `node` is a String,
> // we should rebuilt own reference.
> // * If `self.reference` is NOT uniquely referenced and `node` is a Reference
> // `isNotOwnReference` is true, we should rebuilt own reference.
> // * If `self.reference` is NOT uniquely referenced and `node` is a clone
> // reference to `self.reference` where is `isNotOwnReference` is false, we
> // should check if there are more than **two** strong references to rebuild
> // own reference, otherwise it's an implementation artifact and we can keep
> // old reference (any `node` of type Reference is cloned before it's added
> // to the child array).
> let isNotKnownUniquelyReferenced = !isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&self.reference)
> var shouldRebuildReference = false
> switch node.kind {
> case .element(_):
> let hasMoreThanTwoStrongReferences = (CFGetRetainCount(self.reference) - 1) > 2
> shouldRebuildReference = (isNotKnownUniquelyReferenced && isNotOwnReference) || hasMoreThanTwoStrongReferences
> case .text(_):
> shouldRebuildReference = isNotKnownUniquelyReferenced
> }
> if shouldRebuildReference {
> self.reference = Reference(cloning: self.reference, wholeTree: true)
> }
> self.reference.insert(node, at: index)
> }
> I’m using CFGetRetainCount(self.reference) to catch that implementation artifact.
> --
> Adrian Zubarev
> Sent with Airmail
> Am 19. September 2016 um 09:59:24, Adrian Zubarev ( schrieb:
> Hello Dave,
> thank you for trying to help me. I’ll try to explain the issue with some more details.
> First here is some code:
> extension XML {
> public struct Element {
> // public for testing
> public var reference: Reference
> public var name: String { return }
> public var children: [Element] {
> return self.reference.children.flatMap {
> guard case .element(let element) = $0.kind else { return nil }
> return Element(wrapping: element)
> }
> }
> public init(name: String) {
> self.reference = Reference(name: name)
> }
> public mutating func add(_ child: Element) {
> self.mutableInsert(Reference(cloning: child.reference), at: self.reference.children.endIndex)
> }
> // Ignore XML.Node, it's a String or Reference
> // Parameter `Node` is assumed to be a clone of a reference passed to `add` or `insert` method.
> private mutating func mutableInsert(_ node: XML.Node, at index: Int) {
> // Clone own reference all way up to the root
> if !isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&self.reference) {
> self.reference = Reference(cloning: self.reference, wholeTree: true)
> }
> // Extract a reference or just insert a string as a child
> guard case .element(let nodeReference) = node.kind else {
> self.reference.insert(node, at: index)
> return
> }
> // Check for possible debelopment bug
> if nodeReference === self.reference {
> fatalError("wrong usage of `mutableInsert` function")
> }
> self.reference.insert(nodeReference, at: index)
> }
> ...
> }
> }
> extension XML.Element {
> // public for testing
> public class Reference : XML.Node {
> let name: String
> private(set) weak var parent: Reference?
> private(set) var children: [XML.Node]
> var kind: XML.Node.Kind { return .element(self) }
> ...
> }
> }
> Now lets focus on the problem.
> Every Element is baked with it’s own Reference to be able to traverse the tree from any of it’s node all way up to the root for example.
> Lets look again at the scenario I already described:
> var root = XML.Element(name: "root")
> var elem = XML.Element(name: "elem")
> ObjectIdentifier(root.reference) // 0x000060000026ab40
> ObjectIdentifier(elem.reference) // 0x000060800026bb00
> isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&root.reference) // true
> isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&elem.reference) // true
> root.add(elem)
> isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&root.reference) // true
> root.add(root)
> // The reference of root has changed even if the second child
> // was cloned and added as a new object to the reference.
> // 0x000060000026ab40 <-- was thrown away
> isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&root.reference) // true
> ObjectIdentifier(root.reference) // 0x000060000026c680 <— new one
> The way I’m adding children to the tree is that every passed element of type XML.Element stores a Reference, which will be cloned and added as a new standalone object to the children array.
> The same happens when we try adding root as it’s own child. We copy root struct which contains the same reference, then we clone it inside add method, then we pass the new object to the mutableInsert function. At that point we don’t need the old reference anymore, I’m speaking of root.add(root). The problem here is that at that time root.reference has 2 strong references which I cannot escape.
> I could workaround the problem if I knew the reference counter value, because I could check if the passed Element contains the same reference first. And if it does and we have exactly 2 strong references, I don’t need to recreate root.reference here.
> But I couldn’t find any API for that. :/
> --
> Adrian Zubarev
> Sent with Airmail
> Am 19. September 2016 um 05:50:57, Dave Abrahams via swift-users ( schrieb:
> on Sun Sep 18 2016, Adrian Zubarev <> wrote:
>> Dear Swift community,
>> currently I’m building a value type XML library which is baked behind
>> the scene with a reference type to manage graph traversing between
>> nodes. I also like to COW optimize the xml graph, but I run into one
>> single problem atm.
>> Image this xml tree:
>> <root>
>> <item/>
>> </root>
>> It’s just a root element with one single child. As for value types it
>> should be totally fine to do something like this:
>> // The given xml tree
>> var root = XML.Element(name: "root")
>> let item = XML.Element(name: "item")
>> root.add(item)
>> // The problematic behavior
>> root.add(root)
>> If this would be a simple value type without any references behind the
>> scenes you could imagine that the result of the last code line will
>> look like this:
>> <root>
>> <item/>
>> <root>
>> <item/>
>> </root>
>> </root>
> Yep, that's exactly the right answer for a tree with value semantics.
> The simplest way to implement this tree is to use an Array for the child
> nodes.
>> Basically we copied the whole tree and added it as the second child
>> into the original root element.
>> As for COW optimization this is a problem, just because the passed
>> root is a copy of a struct that contains the exact same reference as
>> the original root element.
> I don't understand why that's a problem.
>> isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&self.reference) will result in false inside
>> the add method.
> it should.
>> Is there any chance I could force my program to decrease the reference
>> counter of that last item after I’m sure I don’t need it?!
> Which last item? When are you sure you don't need it? What result do
> you hope for?
>> A few more details: inside the add method I’m always cloning the
>> passed reference just because graphs aren’t that trivial and otherwise
>> I could possibly end up with a cycle graph, which would be really
>> bad. After that job I’m sure that I don’t need the passed reference
>> anymore and I need a way to escape from it.
>> I’d appreciate any suggestions and help. :)
> It's not clear what you want to acheive nor can I picture the code
> you're using to acheive it, so it's hard to give useful feedback.
> Sorry,
> --
> -Dave
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