Preprocessor to support different platforms

in order to support on linux and certain apple's platforms(os), I need to write duplicated code like below.
Does it have a better solution? like preprocessor that I can restrict to the certain os?

extension Collection {
    #if os(macOS) || os(iOS) || os(watchOS) || os(tvOS)
    @available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13.0, watchOS 6.0, tvOS 13.0, *)
    func parallel<T: Sendable,U: Sendable>(transform: @Sendable @escaping (T) async throws -> U) async rethrows -> [U] where T == Element {
        let newArr = try await withThrowingTaskGroup(of: U.self, returning: [U].self) { taskGroup in
            self.forEach { elm in
                taskGroup.addTask { try await transform(elm) }

            return try await taskGroup.reduce(into: [U]()) { partialResult, name in
        return newArr
    #elseif os(Linux)
    func parallel<T: Sendable,U: Sendable>(transform: @Sendable @escaping (T) async throws -> U) async rethrows -> [U] where T == Element {
        let newArr = try await withThrowingTaskGroup(of: U.self, returning: [U].self) { taskGroup in
            self.forEach { elm in
                taskGroup.addTask { try await transform(elm) }

            return try await taskGroup.reduce(into: [U]()) { partialResult, name in
        return newArr

The * in @available means “and everywhere else”. As far as I can tell your other code is identical, so you should be able to just drop the condition altogether. But maybe I missed a subtle difference?


Thanks. you are right. I didn't know * means everywhere else that including the os like linux or windows.

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