Hi folks,
I've drafted a proposal to add a CaseEnumerable protocol, which will derive
a static variable "cases" for enum types. Feedback is welcome, especially
for refining the proposal before I submit a formal PR.
The draft is here; full text below.
Derived Collection of Enum Cases
- Proposal: SE-NNNN
- Author(s): Jacob Bandes-Storch <https://github.com/jtbandes>
- Status: *Awaiting review*
- Review manager: TBD
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a programmer in possession of
an enum with many cases, must eventually be in want of dynamic enumeration
over them.
This topic has come up three times on the swift-evolution mailing list so
- List of all Enum values (for simple enums)
8, 2015)
- Proposal: Enum 'count' functionality
21, 2015)
- Draft Proposal: count property for enum types
17, 2016)
Enumerating enumerations in Swift is also a popular topic on Stack Overflow:
- How to enumerate an enum with String type?
<swift - How to enumerate an enum with String type? - Stack Overflow;
3, 2014; question score 131)
- How do I get the count of a Swift enum?
<How do I get the count of a Swift enum? - Stack Overflow;
23, 2014; question score 37)
Simple enums are finite, and their values are statically known to the
compiler, yet working with them programmatically is challenging. It is
often desirable to iterate over all possible cases of an enum, or to know
the number of cases (or maximum valid rawValue).
Currently, however, there is no built-in reflection or enumeration support.
Users must resort to manually listing out cases in order to iterate over
enum Attribute {
case Date, Name, Author
}func valueForAttribute(attr: Attribute) -> String { …from elsewhere… }
// Cases must be listed explicitly:
[Attribute.Date, .Name, .Author].map{ valueForAttribute($0)
For RawRepresentable enums, users have often relied on iterating over the
known (or assumed) allowable raw values:
*Annotated excerpt from Nate Cook's post, Loopy, Random Ideas for Extending
"enum" <http://natecook.com/blog/2014/10/loopy-random-enum-ideas/> (October
enum Reindeer: Int {
case Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner,
Blitzen, Rudolph
}extension Reindeer {
static var allCases: [Reindeer] {
var cur = 0
return Array(
GeneratorOf<Reindeer> {
return Reindeer(rawValue: cur++)
static var caseCount: Int {
var max: Int = 0
while let _ = self(rawValue: ++max) {}
return max
static func randomCase() -> Reindeer {
// everybody do the Int/UInt32 shuffle!
let randomValue = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(caseCount)))
return self(rawValue: randomValue)!
There are many problems with these existing techniques:
- They are ad-hoc and can't benefit every enum type without duplicated
and code.
- They are not standardized across codebases, nor provided automatically
by libraries such as Foundation and {App,UI}Kit.
- They are sometimes prone to bugs when enum cases are added, but the
user forgets to update a hard-coded static collection of cases.
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in other languages
Rust does not seem to have a solution for this problem.
C#'s Enum has several methods
<Microsoft Learn: Build skills that open doors in your career;
for reflection, including GetValues() and GetNames().
Java implicitly declares
<Chapter 8. Classes; a
static values() function, returning an array of enum values, and
name) which takes a String and returns the enum value with the
corresponding name (or throws an exception). More examples here
<Chapter 8. Classes.
The Template Haskell extension to Haskell provides a function reify which
extracts info about types
including their constructors.
Introduce a CaseEnumerable protocol. Conforming to CaseEnumerable will
automagically derive a static var cases, whose type is a CollectionType of
all the enum's values.
Like ErrorType, the CaseEnumerable protocol will not have any user-visible
requirements; merely adding the conformance is enough to enable case
enum Ma { case 马, 吗, 妈, 码, 骂, , }
extension Ma: CaseEnumerable {}
Ma.cases // returns some CollectionType whose Generator.Element is Ma
Ma.cases.count // returns 7Array(Ma.cases) // returns [Ma.马, .吗,
.妈, .码, .骂, ., .]
Conformances can even be added for enums which are defined in other modules:
extension NSTextAlignment: CaseEnumerable {}
Array(NSTextAlignment.cases) // returns [NSTextAlignment.Left,
.Right, .Center, .Justified, .Natural]
Enum cases are enumerated in the order they appear in the source code.
The cases collection does not necessitate Ω(number of cases) static
storage. For integer-backed enums, only the range(s) of valid rawValues
need to be stored, and the enum construction can happen dynamically.
Attempting to derive CaseEnumerable for a non-enum type will result in a
compiler error.
Attempting to derive CaseEnumerable for an enum with associated values will
result in a compiler error.
<swift-evolution/0000-derived-collection-of-enum-cases.md at 977a9923fd551491623b6bfd398d5859488fe1ae · jtbandes/swift-evolution · GitHub
I'd like us to discuss these, but they should be folded into either *Proposed
solution* or *Future directions* before the proposal is submitted for
For enums with raw values, a static rawValues property (a collection of
RawValue rather than the enum type itself) could also be synthesized.
CaseEnumerable could have a user-visible declaration requiring static
var cases, which would allow users to add conformances for custom non-
enum types.
- In this case, adding a conformance for a non-enum type would not be a
compiler error, it would just require an explicit implementation
of static
var cases, since the compiler wouldn't synthesize it.
- This would probably require cases to be AnySequence<Self>, or to
introduce an AnyCollection, since we aren't able to say associatedtype
CaseCollection: CollectionType where CaseCollection.Generator.Element ==
It would be nice to have a way of supporting this for OptionSetType
structs. I would recommend that cases for an OptionSetType should
include only the already-declared static properties (not all possible
combinations of them). However, I'm not sure it fits into this proposal.
<swift-evolution/0000-derived-collection-of-enum-cases.md at 977a9923fd551491623b6bfd398d5859488fe1ae · jtbandes/swift-evolution · GitHub
on existing code
This proposal only adds functionality, so existing code will not be
affected. (The identifier CaseEnumerable doesn't make any significant
appearances in Google and GitHub searches.)
<swift-evolution/0000-derived-collection-of-enum-cases.md at 977a9923fd551491623b6bfd398d5859488fe1ae · jtbandes/swift-evolution · GitHub
The community has not raised any solutions that differ significantly from
this proposal, except for solutions which provide strictly *more*
These are covered in the next section, *Future directions*.
An alternative is to *not* implement this feature. The cons of this are
discussed in the *Motivation* section above.
The functionality could also be provided entirely through the
Mirror/reflection APIs, but this would result in much more obscure and
confusing usage patterns.
<swift-evolution/0000-derived-collection-of-enum-cases.md at 977a9923fd551491623b6bfd398d5859488fe1ae · jtbandes/swift-evolution · GitHub
Many people would be happy to see even more functionality than what's
proposed here. I'm keeping this proposal intentionally limited, but I hope
the community can continue discussing the topic to flesh out more features.
Here are some starting points, which are *not* part of this proposal:
Support for enum case *names*. It would be useful to get case names even
for enums which have integer rawValues. This could be part of the existing
reflection APIs, or it could take the form of derived implementations of
Support for enums with associated values.
When all associated values are themselves CaseEnumerable, this could
happen automatically:
enum Suit: CaseEnumerable { case Spades, Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs
}enum Rank: Int, CaseEnumerable {
case Ace = 1, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six
case Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Jack, Queen, King
}enum Card {
case Joker
case Value(Rank, Suit)
// This now works, and generates all possible card types (Joker,
Value(Ace, Spades), ...)extension Card: CaseEnumerable {}
If associated values aren't CaseEnumerable, but all cases are
homogeneous, the cases collection could vend functions of
-> EnumType:
enum LogMessage { case Error(String), Warning(String),
Info(String) }extension LogMessage: CaseEnumerable {}
LogMessage.cases // elements are (String) -> LogMessage
If Swift had anonymous sum types like A | B | C, then E.cases could
vend elements of type A->E | B->E | C->E.
enum Expr { case Apply(Expr, Expr), Tuple(Expr, Expr),
Literal(Int) }extension Value: CaseEnumerable {}
// This example is pretty contrived, but illustrates the
functionality.let fortyTwos = Expr.cases.map {
// $0 is of type `Int -> Expr | (Expr, Expr) -> Expr`
switch $0 {
case let lit as Int -> Expr: // handles .Literal
return lit(42)
case let bin as (Expr, Expr) -> Expr: // handles .Apply and .Tuple
return bin(.Literal(42), .Literal(42))
// all cases are covered
Support for generic enums.
CaseEnumerable could be conditionally supported depending on the
generic argument(s). A great example would be Optional:
enum MyEnum: CaseEnumerable {}extension Optional: CaseEnumerable
where Wrapped: CaseEnumerable {}
// Optional<MyEnum>.cases effectively contains `MyEnum.cases + [.None]`