It isn’t being LLVM-specific, but for any similar system. The instruction generator has certain primitives, like 16-bit integers or 32-bit floats. LLVM (and probably rivals) also has aggregate primitives, heterogenous and homogenous (and the latter as standard and vector-unit). I want to use those primitives when possible. Saving sizing allocations until run-time, after it’s too late for sized-array-specific generated instructions, means that the array is probably implemented with general buffer pointer and length instructions. Any opportunities for IR-level optimization of the types is gone.
How often do you expect a statically sized array to need said size determined at run-time (with a function) versus a compile-time specification (with an integer literal or “constexpr” expression)? This may enable a 1% solution that anti-optimizes the 99% case.
On Aug 1, 2017, at 2:58 PM, John McCall <> wrote:
On Aug 1, 2017, at 9:53 AM, Daryle Walker < <>> wrote:
On Jul 31, 2017, at 4:37 PM, Gor Gyolchanyan < <>> wrote:
Well, yeah, knowing its size statically is not a requirement, but having a guarantee of in-place allocation is. As long as non-escaped local fixed-size arrays live on the stack, I'm happy.
I was neutral on this, but after waking up I realized a problem. I want to use the LLVM type primitives to implement fixed-size arrays. Doing a run-time determination of layout and implementing it with alloca forfeits that (AFAIK). Unless the Swift run-time library comes with LLVM (which I doubt). Which means we do need compile-time constants after all.
We are not going to design the Swift language around the goal of producing exact LLVM IR sequences. If you can't phrase this in real terms, it is irrelevant.
Daryle Walker
Mac, Internet, and Video Game Junkie
darylew AT mac DOT com