Pitching The Start of Variadic Generics

I really like the idea and where this is going, thanks for writing this :+1:

I agree that ... syntax for type sequences might be confusing and ambiguous. I for one got a bit confused as I was reading some of the examples as if they were declaration for variadic arguments instead of type sequences sometimes, and I feel it'd be too easy to confuse them, while it's important to make clear that the different types in a T... type sequence are not necessary the same types each as opposed to variadic arguments.

I also found it a bit confusing to see typealias Element = (Sequences.Element...) in the zip example, as I was expecting the syntax to be more something like (Sequences...).Element or needing some usage of _mapTypeSequence here, as were effectively wanting the element of each archetype here.

Some alternatives I have in mind as an alternative to ... and to avoid ambiguity:

  • postfix * β€” ie T*. Would also maybe allow things like typealias Element = Sequences*.Element
  • postfix [] β€” ie T[] and typealias Element = Sequences[].Element

Personal opinion on those:

  • I like * because it's common and would work well in conjunction to introducing a potential splat operator too using * too (a bit like in Ruby).
  • I like [] because when I see func debugPrint<T[]>(_ x: T[]) I think of the type sequence as being "a tuple (T0, T1, T2,… Tn)" or (T[0], T[1], … T[n]) β€” as if those were mathematical subscripted variables, which acts as a reminder that each Tn can be different (as opposed to T... used as a variadic generic where they'd be all the same).
  • It would also open the door in the future to allow specifying an arity or even a range, eg T[5] for a type sequence / tuple with 5 (possibly different) types, T[1...] for a type sequence of size at least 1, etc
  • But otoh for some subjective reason I feel like (_ x: T[]) is less suggestive of the method allowing a variable number of (potentially heterogeneous) arguments and instead suggests an arity of one there, while I somehow feel like T* would make it more natural to read it as variadic arity (maybe that's my Ruby bias speaking here?)