[Pitch] Type Wrappers

I've been working on the implementation for attached macros, and I had the chance to implement @Observable from the Future Directions section of the observation pitch. I was able to replicate the functionality in this type wrapper pitch through composition of the various attached macro capabilities.

The macro approach provides more flexibility, because the macro author can decide what code to generate inside the wrapped type. The macro-expanded code then becomes much more transparent to the programmer than a subscript call, which isn't very informative in terms of what that call accomplishes. The macro still has the ability to add backing storage variables, initializers, nested types derived from stored properties of the wrapped type, and more, and the transformation can be customized depending on what kind of type the macro is attached to (e.g. a struct versus an actor).

After taking the motivating use cases surfaced in this pitch thread and implementing them as macros, I'm confident that macros can fully subsume type wrappers while providing more flexibility to library authors.