Pitch - Swift Tooling Workgroup

Personally, I agree. I would love for #2 to define the charter for this group, and its work revolve around that.



I've done something like that in Colab, using the pseudocode below:

!curl [URL of Swift toolchain] | tar -xz
!mv [name of toolchain] /opt/swift/toolchain
!git clone [URL of package]
!cd [package name] && /opt/swift/toolchain/usr/bin/swift build

But for the interactive Jupyter notebook experience, you do have to rely on an external repository to compile libJupyterKernel.so and facilitate automatic downloading of toolchains. I'm hoping to bring this to local Jupyter notebooks, so that my install_swift.sh script can provide a painless and extremely fast setup experience on all platforms.

Although this is limited in use (geared toward scripting/data science), I'm transforming it into a complex build system that supports compiling Swift packages, testing them, injecting Swift modules into packages, and constructing complex build setups. For a beginner, it should provide enough functionality to learn the language and get accustomed to SwiftPM.

Perhaps we could fix bugs in the Swift package manager that occur in abnormal use cases? I encountered quite a lot while making Swift-Colab's new SwiftPM engine. However, not everyone will stress the core Swift tooling components to the breaking point like I am.

these are both great ideas for workgroups, and could be added to a ā€œproject infrastructureā€ umbrella. i think GitHub Actions workflows are also another important area related to these two topics, and could count as ā€œproject infrastructureā€.

better CI coverage would make it easier and encourage more package authors to support multiple platforms at once, which is really central to swiftā€™s growth. so far the swift package index has been able to partially fill this need for packages that already support multiple platforms, but itā€™s much harder to port a package to a new platform since it builds daily.


ICU diffs really should go upstream to the unicode project.
LLVM diffs (which from a quick glance aren't in a mergeable state) should go to llvm.org

The dispatch changes are changes to flags, that can/should be controlled by the CMake invocation.
The majority of the swift changes are build infrastructure, that I don't see why they would not have been accepted. The changes for prespecialization are suspect and that deserves a far more comprehensive approach to resolving the issue which I suspect is code size. The changes to the refcount handling seem odd and possibly hint towards a platform bug rather than a swift issue.
The tools-support-core diffs look like they should be easy to get merged (and they already have been?)
SwiftPM diffs are a workaround, it doesn't have any context on what/why. In fact, it opens up concerns around ODR.

The changes really feel mostly like hasty workarounds rather than patches for cross-compiling. I understand that from their perspective that difference is uninteresting but in order to ensure that the Swift project remains healthy and easy to evolve, those considerations need to be made.

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Sounds like a great workgroup -- and if the focus indeed were about making it easier to use and develop Swift everywhere that'd be amazing. I think that fits all the mentioned tools -- from formatting, IDEs and getting started with Swiftly etc etc.

I'm also seconding the ask for benchmarking tools actually.


which exist but are not super active; it'd be great to have a more vibrant benchmarking ecosystem, like what we kicked off in scala/jvm ecosystem with JMH and GitHub - sbt/sbt-jmh: "Trust no one, bench everything." - sbt plugin for JMH (Java Microbenchmark Harness)

So removing all kinds of such missing tools and roadblocks would be awesome for such group.
Focusing on it becoming simple to quickly get to doing all kinds of such things with Swift.


We are also interested in benchmarking specifically - will try to take the time to write down our discussions and share.

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Yeah I would say IMO the charter would be 2 and 3:
Make developing and building Swift applications, scripts and services on any supported platform a great experience

Most of the other points follow on from that

Edit: expanded the charter slightly for my own selfish interest in Swift scripting :sweat_smile:


One other important tool I don't see mentioned in the original list is Swift REPL. The workgroup could drive a lot of improvements in this area, for example:

  1. Making sure that REPL works reliably on all platforms (we've seen issues on Linux and AFAIR it still doesn't work on Windows).
  2. Improving REPL UX: it could benefit from syntax highlighting support, history search, a dedicated command for displaying inferred type of expressions, improving auto-complete, allowing users to surface doc comments for symbols available in scope etc.
  3. Fixing some other known bugs and inconsistencies, for example see missing XCTest support.

Since the documentation workgroup is focused in documentation experience instead of the documentation itself, I think the tooling workgroup should also take care of standardizing and documenting the usage of SwiftPM and other tools. Thereā€™re too many undocumented pieces in SwiftPM, which can only be inspected by source code. More user-friendly guides and tutorials will largely improve the user experience of Swift toolchain.


Continuing development on the vs code extension would also be great as a lightweight IDE. But currently, as much as Iā€™d love to switch over from Xcode, the experience still feels less refined.


Iā€™d really like a more refined library for CLIs. Argument parser is great, but it can only help with static CLI. But CLIs can obviously be a lot more interactive (some good examples are homebrew, and the GitHub and firebase CLIs. I know thereā€™s some basic formatting in swift tools support, but that only scratches the surface of whatā€™s possible with ANSI escape codes. Having something like ncurses adapted and modernized to a Swift library would be great and make great Seift-built CLIs even better.

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Just FYI that this year's argument parser GSoC project by @KeithBirdKTH is working on interactive mode for argument parser: [GSoC] CLI design for interactive mode Ā· Issue #448 Ā· apple/swift-argument-parser Ā· GitHub

In general though yeah it probably is right to "make building small tools in swift simpler" could also be part of the goals here. It plays well with the "make it easy to develop (small cli apps) in swift".


I wasnā€™t referring to necessarily smaller projects, I just think that simple QoL improvements developers expect from their modern CLI tools should be more accessible. For example, having access to the ttyā€™s dimensions to build more immersive graphics, controlling the inputs buffering behavior to instantly get access to key presses, and even setting the terminalā€™s title are minor changes that can be unnecessarily complex for Swift CLI apps.

i just want to add this is really constraining library development, because libraries would like to have tools (plugins and executables) that only build on certain platforms but support a wider range of platforms than their own tools support. some of these things are tools like linters and formatters that really aren't necessary for most consumers of the library to build.

because SPM cannot distinguish between source and target platforms, packages end up fragmenting into collections of packages that live together in a repository but have separate manifests, because including the tools in the main package would break cross compile builds.

Do you have an example of this in an open-source repository we could look into to understand how to improve the situation?

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Ok, here's a short summary with more details coming if there's interest in the community:


certainly. i will use swift-json as an example.

there is a perception that ā€œā€˜serverā€™ librariesā€ like swift-json do not give a shit about iOS/watchOS/tvOS users. i have always tried to make my libraries build on as many platforms as is feasible, but SPM makes it weirdly difficult to get any kind of CI set up for these platforms, because SPM thinks of itself as a macOS/linux build system.

the relevant issue ticket here is Packages that contain tools (e.g. swift-markdown) don't seem to build on iOS Ā· Issue #1299 Ā· SwiftPackageIndex/SwiftPackageIndex-Server Ā· GitHub .

the gist of it is that SPM builds all executable and plugin targets on all platforms, even platforms (like iOS) that have no concept of executables or plugins. this automatically fails cross-compilation builds, and the only way to get SPM to stop impaling itself on the executables is to disable them on any source platform that could potentially cross-compile to a deployment-only platform.

practically speaking, this means the only way to meaningfully develop swift-json on macOS is to patch the package manifest for local development, reverting it before submitting changes upstream, because macOS is the cross-compilation source platform for iOS, tvOS, and watchOS.

why #1299 is being tracked as a swiftpackageindex.com bug and not an SPM bug is beyond me, because it affects anyone who has CI for non-desktop platforms, and is also using ā€œmodernā€ SPM features, like snippets and plugins, and apparently, command-line tools.

ever since SPM got snippets, a separate but related problem has also cropped up: packages that adopt snippets are not backwards-compatible with swift <=5.6 (meaning, every currently-available release toolchain). for some reason, SPM 5.6 knows about snippets, but it cannot serialize them properly (it crashes), and it also cannot conditionally ignore them, because the path to the Snippets/ directory is hard-coded.

fortunately, the snippets problem doesnā€™t affect consumers of the library, because they donā€™t need to run any of the projectā€™s tools (which crash on SPM <= 5.6). but adding even a single snippet to an SPM project directory effectively means every one of its tools must be gated to swift >= 5.7, including the tools that have nothing to do with snippets, because SPM attempts to serialize the whole package for each tool.

i originally filed the snippets crash as a DocC plugin issue, but have since discovered that it also affects swift-package-catalog and other tools that depend on PackagePlugin.


Here's a snippet of a package.swift that shows the problem:

// swift-tools-version:5.5

import PackageDescription

let dependencies: [PackageDescription.Package.Dependency] = an array of depends
let serverTargetDependencies: [Target.Dependency] = an array of target depends
let serverTargetResources: [Resource] = an array of resources

#if os(macOS)

let package = Package(
    name: "displayserver",
    platforms: [
    products: [
            name: "displayserver",
            targets: [
    dependencies: dependencies,
    targets: [
            name: "Server",
            dependencies: serverTargetDependencies,
            resources: serverTargetResources,
            linkerSettings: []
            name: "ServerTests",
            dependencies: ["Server"]
    cxxLanguageStandard: .cxx14


let package = Package(
    name: "displayserver",
    products: [
            name: "displayserver",
            targets: [
    dependencies: dependencies,
    targets: [
            name: "Server",
            dependencies: serverTargetDependencies,
            resources: serverTargetResources,
            linkerSettings: [ .linkedLibrary("stdc++") ]
            name: "ServerTests",
            dependencies: ["Server"]
    cxxLanguageStandard: .cxx14


Its the linker settings that are the problem in this case. bc I'm building with a destination that is an x-compile to linux, I'm basically out of luck. This Package.swift needs to compile for MacOS, bc that's where the compilation will run, but the compilation settings need to be for linux, in this case, I will be running the gold linker to generate an Arm64 Ubunu 20.04 executable and there is no way to direct SPM to do that.

I donā€™t think SwiftPM is lacking any functionality given your example. LinkerSetting.linkedLibrary has an optional condition: parameter that can be used to conditionally linking for Linux targets, so the #if os() check doesnā€™t even have to exist.

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What about .linkedLibrary("stdc++", .when(platforms: [.linux]))?


@stevapple beat me by a few seconds ;)

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