[PITCH] Support for binary dependencies

  1. Support for runtime dependencies : This is what I was initially asking about with dynamic frameworks, and it also considers generic resources as well. This presupposes the existence of a bundling solution supported in Linux and macOS. IMO before we consider implementing support for dynamic binary artifacts, this needs to be resolved. It sounds like this particular aspect should be discussed in Swift PM, Bundles and Resources. Note: this is not a requirement for implementing static artifact support.

I agree with your assessment; ideally that would happen concurrently. If not, we should end up with some understanding of binary packages would support the dynamic bundling, once available.

In my opinion, these are 3 different and major aspects for support for binary dependencies, and each should have a separate pitch, otherwise we'll just talk over each other and following the discussion will become hard (potentially discouraging other members of the community from participating).

I agree it is very useful to detangle the separate concerns. Not yet sure we need to have a separate thread for each, but I'm more than happy to do so if others think it is helpful.