Pitch: Protocol-based Actor Isolation

Thanks for writing this up. This is certainly an important question:

Neither the actor proposal pitched nor your proposal actually "ensure" this level of safety. The actors pitch doesn't help at all with reference types causing shared mutable state. Your pitch adds a small barrier at the type level by requiring one to conform to a protocol and promise that the type behaves nicely for actors, but this promise is unchecked and easy to get wrong.

The tl;dr here is that I feel that conformance to ActorSendable is an anti-pattern for most reference types, and so we should not use a fundamentally unsafe protocol as the marker that enables cross-actor transfer of these types.

In the long term, I think we can do better than either pitch, making it easier to work with reference types in a way that doesn't violate actor isolation, and provide proper checking. That should be our goal (we've been calling that "phase 2"), even if it's not attainable with the first introduction of actors ("phase 1"). I think the right set of goals for the phase 1 should be, e.g.:

  1. Provide a reasonable subset of types that can be used with actors to maintain actor isolation,
  2. Provide checking to notify the user when they have stepped outside of this safe subset, along with an "unsafe explicit" way to disable the checking for specific cases where the developer knows best,
  3. Minimize the amount of change to existing Swift code that isn't using actors, and
  4. Minimize the amount of disruption when moving a code base from phase 1 to phase 2.

The actors pitch fails #2, because it doesn't provide any checking for them. And it then fails #4, because "phase 2" will start complaining about code that "phase 1" allowed you to write. For me, that's the main failing of the actor pitch as it stands today: it allows you to write new actor code that is silently unsafe and we will later start rejecting.

Your proposal with ActorSendable addresses #2 by requiring types to conform to ActorSendable to be used from another actor. This works well for types that already have useful semantics for actor isolation: types that provide value semantics (discussed in depth in the ValueSemantic protocol thread), are immutable, or are internally synchronized, for example. Of course, those types will behave correctly regardless of your isolation model; the benefit of ActorSendable is in telling you that you've stepped out of that safe subset.

For types that don't have those useful semantics, the ActorSendable design encourages us to do something with them, or be excluded from the model entirely. Some subset of those types can be "deep copied" to give the illusion of value semantics:

class MyValueSemanticClassType : ActorSendable {
  func unsafeSendToActor() -> Self { self.clone() }

This means that passing any MyValueSemanticClassType instance across actors will involve a clone() call, which cannot be reasoned about or optimized away. However, this approximation of value semantics only occurs at actor boundaries: you can't rely on it uniformly in non-actor code, and with self. sometimes being within an actor and sometimes being cross-actor, you can't even rely on it within actor code without a deep understanding of the model.

A better answer in Swift would be to wrap up such types in a struct or enum that does copy-on-write, which is better for performance (fewer deep copies), understandability (we expect most structs/enums to have value semantics), and consistent behavior in actor vs. non-actor code (the wrapper always has value semantics).

The various categories of reference types discussed above, all together, probably don't comprise the majority of reference types. I suspect that most reference types fall into a category not really discussed: reference types that won't by themselves ever escape whatever actor they're in, but can form arbitrarily-interesting object graphs to represent (say) the data model of your program. Generally speaking, you don't want to share these across actors, but once in a while you might need to do something unsafe. This proposal suggests that you do so by conforming to the ActorSendable type:

class MyGraphNode : ActorSendable {
  func unsafeSendToActor() -> Self { self }

... but this is a trap. You've now disabled all of the checking benefits of ActorSendable (goal #2 above) and left yourself with something that will be hard to detangle when we get to phase 2 (goal #4 above).

What this suggests, to me, is that outside of the "easy" cases (value types that can be copy-on-write, immutable classes, internally-synchronized classes), declaring conformance to ActorSendable is an anti-pattern. It's the easy but wrong way to silence checking of cross-actor calls, and we'd be better off with annotations at specific entry points: rather than calling the MyGraphNode type always safe to use with actors, require any function that can be cross-actor and wants to traffic in MyGraphNode to explicitly mark the corresponding parameter as "unsafe".

actor class MyActor {
  func f(@UnsafelyShared _: MyGraphNode) { ... }

This puts the burden on the definition to be careful, and it gives us something searchable when "phase 2" comes along and makes most of these unsafely-shared values unnecessary. Whether @UnsafelyShared is just @actorIndependent(unsafe) from the actor pitch or some kind of property wrapper on a parameter, I don't yet know. Result types would need similar treatment.

To turn this into something concrete: an approach to "phase 1" would allow only value types (structs and enums) to be used cross-actor, with some way of annotating parameters and results that are "unsafely shared" to disable the checking for those declarations that need to opt out.

If the value semantics discussion were to provide a better definition of "value types", we could use that. But we don't have to, because "structs and enums" is already the proxy concept that the language depends on for value semantics, so we wouldn't be making it worse.
