[Pitch] Primary Associated Types in the Standard Library

Excited to see this!

Personally, I'd rather we not add any primary associated types to LazySequenceProtocol and LazyCollectionProtocol. They aren't likely to be used often, and it feels odd to have them be based on Elements rather than Element like the other sequence/collection protocols. We could always add them later if compelling use cases show up in sufficient quantity.

The distributed actors runtime proposal added a few protocols that could benefit from this feature. @ktoso should weigh in here as well, but my take is:

  • DistributedActor<ActorSystem>
  • DistributedActorSystem<SerializationRequirement>: this protocol has several associated types, but I anticipate any DistributedActorSystem<Codable> to be a Very Useful Thing.
  • DistributedTargetInvocationEncoder<SerializationRequirement>
  • DistributedTargetInvocationDecoder<SerializationRequirement>
  • DistributedTargetInvocationResultHandler<SerializationRequirement>

Definitely the right call. We should bring this in when we've dealt with the Error type, rethrowing conformances, and all of the other exciting throwing-ness of these protocols.
