[Pitch] Conform `Never` to `Codable`

An aside about the word “should”, for curiosity’s sake

Some time ago I put some more explicit thought into the word “should”, and I noticed some rather obvious things that nonetheless seemed extremely important to me because of how commonly it is used in everyday English, and how commonly I believe I see it contribute to conflicts.

Here’s some Swift that captures an aspect of “should” that I think is important:

protocol SentenceSubject {
    func should
        (_ strategy: Action,
         inOrderToAchieve goal: Goal)
    -> PieceOfAdvice

if you have the subject:

struct Person: SentenceSubject { ... }

then you can create a piece of advice like this:

let you = Person()
let advice = 
        inOrderToAchieve: yourDesiredBusTrip

One of the “obvious” things I was referring to is the simple fact that “should” actually takes a second argument, namely inOrderToAchieve goal: Goal.

When I say that “should” contributes to conflicts, I’m referring to a specific, common “programming” error that I believe people make when using it. I’ll clarify:

Since the “should” function is used very commonly but is also somewhat unwieldy, whenever you’re within a domain where you can assume a particular value for the goal it’s also very common to define more ergonomic overloads of the form:

func should (_ strategy: Action) -> PieceOfAdvice

“I want to take the bus to Madrid.” (:point_left: this "macro" provides the overload should(_:))
“You should go buy your ticket from the teller in order to achieve your desired bus trip.”.

The first thing that can go wrong is that someone tries to use one of these ergonomic overloads but finds that they are actually not in a context where such an overload exists (unlike the simple example with the bus where it worked fine). I interpret @xwu ’s question as analogous to a compile-time error telling @anon9791410 that in his (Xiaodi’s) current context there is no such overload should(_:).

This is actually not any kind of issue in my mind though. The listener emits a compile-time error and it gets worked out promptly.

There’s a worse (but also more common) outcome, which I think derives from a strange cultural aversion that we seem to have to this type of “compile-time error” in conversation (i.e., slowing down to clarify before responding). What I think I see happen often is that (because of the aversion to compile-time errors) the listener accepts the usage of the overload despite not having a sound way to resolve it to a particular meaning in the current context, and so tries to use some combination of unsound methods to come up with the best meaning they can and then uses that to respond to the statement (probably erroneously). This is analogous to a “runtime bug”. If both participants suffer from the aversion to using “compile-time errors” in conversation then it is likely that these misunderstandings will stack up, as each person responds to the flawed response with another response that is born of faulty understanding mixed with a strange insistence on barreling ever-forward.

(Analogy: Imagine SwiftGPT, a language model that accepts absolutely any “Swift” code that you write and compiles the “closest” correct program that it can think of to what you’ve written. If what you write compiles then it’s guaranteed to come out identical, but if you have any compile-time error then instead of being told about it you just give SwiftGPT license to change whatever it “needs” to in order to make it “work”. What a nightmare! We’d never ship another stable thing! The point is, what a blessing compile-time errors are.)

(After writing that passage about SwiftGPT I realized that maybe it could be made well enough to actually work fine, and that maybe that’ll be more or less the future of programming… :thinking::man_shrugging:)

Concretely, I think that in the realm of politics in particular there is a lot of this kind of “should” thrown around without much precision about the second parameter (inOrderToAchieve:), and that a lot arguments will go in circles until someone thinks to clarify what each person’s goal is when they imprecisely say “we (as a country) should {xyz}”. In the case where the people have different goals in mind, the argument won’t be immediately resolved, but it will at least be clarified that the disagreement is actually about what the goals are, and not about the effectiveness of a particular strategy toward a particular goal, which can help the participants move forward. If/when they eventually converge on a shared goal, then they can finally debate the effectiveness of different strategies toward that goal.

Thanks for reading!