[Pitch #4] SE-0293: Extend Property Wrappers to Function and Closure Parameters

Thanks, I’m already aware of the thread you’re talking about and the idea to give property wrappers static storage. The parser could handle additional arguments to the @propertyWrapper attribute. In any case, we’re moving the api explicit spelling to future directions.

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Sorry for taking so long to reply.

This is, in my opinion, better solved by init-based "API-ness":

Otherwise, I think users will end up being more confused with wrappers applying to different places. Furthermore, as discussed in updated proposal text, wrappers should be pretty similar to users. A wrapper author, however, should be aware of the differences when their wrappers are used in public API or when the wrapper deals with side effects.

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Yep that makes total sense as a design direction. No arguments from me!

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Hi, I've had my eye on this proposal but not been following too closely. Could the proposal allow a solution like the following for dependency injection, or would it be descoped to a future direction?

    @DI var myHelperService: HelperService,
    @DI var myOtherService: OtherService
) {
    // …

My expectation here is that the argument would detect the property wrapper's init() and infer that as a default argument, but you could still manually specify a value via init(wrappedValue:).

No, this feature does not infer default arguments. Note also that the discussion has moved over to a 5th pitch thread.

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Would you be ok with me kicking off a re-review of this tomorrow (monday)?


Yes, thank you!

Thank you for all the great work on this, the 3rd review is now live. I'm not sure what the emoji is for a function parameter, but here's a wrapper! :gift:
