[Pitch #3] SE-0293: Extend Property Wrappers to Function and Closure Parameters

Thank you for re-pitching this proposal. It looks like all the suggestions emerged in both the previous pitch and its review have been considered and implemented, along with clarifying the behavior of wrapped @resutBuilder parameters.

In the review of SE-0293, the core team suggested the following approach:

Being able to use property wrappers in patterns seems interesting and more general. Has this alternative direction been explored by the authors?

The proposal adds init(projectedValue:) in order to solve the issue of passing the storage a projected value. This however forces API developers to not use the projected value as a projection but in some way as a public mean to access/instantiate the private storage instance, thus limiting the design space. The proposal states that "one of the motivating use-cases for property-wrapper parameters is the ability to pass a projected value", but in reality it should be "the ability to pass a storage instance".
In the previous pitch thread, the authors observed that having $ attached to a parameter label to specify that it's the storage that needs to be passed is counterintuitive given that $ indicates the projected value. I agree, but I wonder if the ability to assign a storage instance to an already initialized wrapped property should be transparently available to users as a general feature.

From the proposal:

Consider the following example:

let useBinding: (Binding<Binding<Int>>) -> Void = { $value in
  type(of: value)  // returns 'Binding<Int>' or 'Int'?

We can have both @Binding var value: Binding<Int> and @Binding @Binding var value: Int and without explicitly knowing which are the property wrappers attached to value, we cannot know its wrapped type.

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