[Pitch #3] Actors

It's not limited to the Clang importer, as existing Swift code is equally as likely to take a completion handler (or other escaping function parameter) that is then called later, concurrently with the actor.

I'm clarifying and expanding on this section somewhat.

Right, it's not memory-unsafe, but reentrancy of actors means that it is very, very easy to trigger new kinds of exclusivity violations. I'm adding more rationale.

This was a mistake: nonisolated(unsafe) should only apply only to stored properties, and should mean "don't do isolation checking." Really, I'd like to replace nonisolated(unsafe) with @concurrent(unsafe) down in the ConcurrentValue proposal, because it's a general "opt this declaration out of concurrency checking" annotation that shouldn't be specific to actors.

I agree that "executable code" is strange. I'll talk about this in terms of calls and references instead.

Ahh... this is somewhat tied in with global actors, which we're separating out. I'll simplify this down to eliminate the notion of actor isolation for requirements here.

This section is a mess. I'm going to rework it a bit.

Thanks for the review!
