[Pitch #2] Regex Literals

Mishal is not around today but he sent me the logs from the failures, and it might help (without judgement on whether 15 is a high or low number) to break those projects impacted by prefix operator / down a little further:

  • 5 are packages that are part of the composable architecture suite (including CasePaths itself)
  • 5 are users of CasePaths
  • 1 is something that looks like CasePaths
  • 1 is a parser written by @rxwei (sadly not an author of this particular proposal, for irony purposes)
  • 3 are part of a suite that uses pre/postfix / to simulate regular expression syntax

Incidentally, I wanted to give a shout out to @daveverwer and @finestructure for creating such a fantastic resource in SwiftPackageIndex.com that allows for this kind of analysis (as well as all the community members open-sourcing their packages).