Parameterized Extensions


What happened to this pitch? Did it eventually go through review? I can't find the evolution proposal

No, it was never reviewed.

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Do pitches need an implementation to be reviewed?

There is no formal process for turning pitches into reviews, it's simply what [internal team] feels should be reviewed. But generally, yes, as proposals (usually) need an implementation for review.

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An implementation isn't required for a pitch, which is just socializing an idea, but an implementation is required for there to be an official review (swift-evolution process docs):

Refine the formal proposal in the open as you receive further feedback on the forums or the pull request. A ripe proposal is expected to address commentary from present and past discussions of the idea.

Meanwhile, start working on an implementation. Prototyping an implementation and its uses alongside the formal proposal is important because it helps to determine an adequate scope, ensure technical feasibility, and validate that the proposal lives up to its motivation.

A pull request with a working implementation is required for the proposal to be accepted for review. [...]


I feel like I have a lot of questions surrounding the pitch/proposal/review process. Is there a document somewhere that outlines all of these?

And if not, are you available in a public discord/slack where I can pick your brain about it for a minute? :sweat_smile:

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@allevato linked the process documentation in the reply just above.


Thanks! That doc answers one or two of my questions, butā€¦ it doesn't answer my questions about this:

it's simply what [internal team] feels should be reviewed.

i.e. if you as a Swift dev are really passionate about [feature], who do you even talk to about helping get [feature] implemented? Do you just pitch your idea over and over until someone volunteers? etc

There's a lot of nuance to this I'm sure, hence why I want someone to talk about it with in real time

For language features, the language steering groupā€”not some internal team at Appleā€”determines when proposals are ready for review (unless the core team otherwise designates).

A proposal is ready for review when it's been pitched and the pitch feedback addressed, a PR has been raised in the Swift Evolution repo containing the proposal text with any editorial review comments addressed, a reviewable (not necessarily shippable) proof-of-concept implementation exists, and the steering group has done an initial pass to assure ourselves of the above and that the proposal is not obviously defective in some way that cannot proceed to review or would be inevitably rejected regardless of review (we would provide feedback in that case).

How you come to pursue an idea, and how you write it up and implement it (or who you talk to about doing those things), is up to you and outside the scope of this process. But I doubt that pitching the same thing over and over to the same audience is the optimal way to find a volunteer to help you.