Package.resolved should go in the .gitignore

As I said, the file records the result of the last dependency resolution result. The file is managed by the package manager. A snippet from the proposal:

The version of every resolved dependency will be recorded in a Package.resolved file in the top-level package, and when this file is present in the top-level package it will be used when performing dependency resolution, rather than the package manager finding the latest eligible version of each package. swift package update will update all dependencies to the latest eligible versions and update the Package.resolved file accordingly.

Resolved versions will always be recorded by the package manager. Some users may chose to add the Package.resolved file to their package's .gitignore file. When this file is checked in, it allows a team to coordinate on what versions of the dependencies they should use. If this file is gitignored, each user will separately choose when to get new versions based on when they run the swift package update command, and new users will start with the latest eligible version of each dependency. Either way, for a package which is a dependency of other packages (e.g. a library package), that package's Package.resolved file will not have any effect on its client packages.

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