Option to make Connect Proxy work with HTTP traffic?

The fatal error doesn't happen in the glue handler, but it's caused by the glue handler forwarding data on. These types resolve to this:

Fatal error: tried to decode as type HTTPServerResponsePart but found HTTPClientResponsePart

There are two handlers that could be causing this: either your proxy handler, or the HTTPResponseEncoder. Can you show me your OutboundIn/OutboundOut declarations in your proxy handler?

Right, I missed the crash origin in the stack trace..

typealias InboundIn = HTTPServerRequestPart
    typealias InboundOut = HTTPClientRequestPart
    typealias OutboundIn = HTTPClientResponsePart
    typealias OutboundOut = HTTPServerResponsePart

I have changed the InboundOut when we were fixing the fatal error here

Oh, right: we're still removing the proxy handler. We need to not remove the proxy handler at all. Can you replace the code that removes the handler with code that just forwards on the buffered data, and otherwise leaves the proxy handler in the pipeline? That is, in func glue replace the call to context.pipeline.removeHandler(self, promise: nil) with a call to a new functions that has the body of removeHandler, minus the context.leavePipeline call.

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Holy cow :cow2: It appears to work with these modifications.

But I guess I still need to solve the case when HTTPProxyHandler gets HTTP connection and server redirects/upgrades it to HTTPS.

Would it perhaps be possible to use just the original ConnectHandler in the server bootstrap and inside the initial channelRead detect http and somehow use the HTTProxyHandler? Or is this total nonsense?

Because currently I am creating one ServerBootstrap for HTTPS and another for HTTP. They just bind to different ports.

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Hmm so far it appears to work fine. Safari opens Not secure websites without issues. I cannot believe it :sob:

So the way you'd really do this is to have the handler be able to do both jobs: if the request head says CONNECT then it would run the CONNECT mode, and if it doesn't then it'd do plaintext proxying as we've implemented here.

So I would somehow "merge" these two handlers and based on the initial message conditionally either execute HTTPS handler or HTTP handler code?

Or you mean like a another handler that selects the appropriate handler first?

To get yourself started, either design works. Strictly speaking you can CONNECT after doing other proxying, so merging them into a single handler would be more correct, but you can get off the ground by having a simple handler that looks at the method and adds the right handler to the pipeline.

Not sure if starting new thread would be better, but I think I discovered new issue with my HTTP handler.

Some HTTP sites return HTTP/1.1 302 Found which makes the handler confused and it apparently tries to load the content over and over again.

In the Console I see that (apparently the first) connection with connectTo succeeded and my handler sends the buffered head. But then it tries to connect again and again until Safari fails with "too many redirects error".

When I open the same URL on a desktop it loads the page fine using HTTP (so it doensn't do redirect to HTTPS version). But when I try the exactly same URL over the HTTP handler, I get the loop and 302 status code.

How can I debug this find the issue? Should I detect this 302 from the .head and handle this request differently?

I have also tested this page with Charles Proxy turned on and it worked fine.

Below is output from Terminal using curl, I have redacted the URL because I am not sure if it is appropriate to share it.

* Connected to ( port 8080 (#0)
> GET http://[URL] HTTP/1.1
> Host: [URL]
> User-Agent: curl/7.64.1
> Accept: */*
> Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive
< HTTP/1.1 302 Found
< Date: Wed, 07 Jul 2021 14:04:08 GMT
< Server: Apache
< Location: http://[URL]
< Cache-Control: max-age=0
< Expires: Wed, 07 Jul 2021 14:04:08 GMT
< Content-Length: 217
< Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
<title>302 Found</title>
<p>The document has moved <a href="[URL]">here</a>.</p>
* Connection #0 to host left intact
* Closing connection 0

What is curious to me is that the HTML points to the same URL I am trying to load :thinking:

The Host header should not contain the URL but just the hostname.
Are you sure the URL is exactly the same? E.g. some sites do redirects for trailing slashes and such (e.g. http://blub.com/abc => http://blub.com/abc/).

Also when working with proxies, I highly recommend passing on the raw value coming in (after stripping the prefix). You wouldn't think how many invalid URLs are still flying around in the Interwebs.

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Yea, my bad on "redacting" out the actual content. Apologies! It is indeed the hostname. It is on a subdomain but other pages on the same site seem to work fine with my HTTP handler.

You were spot on! It was dumb trailing slash :frowning: I missed it in the logs and thought that URL would keep it since the default path is "/" and I had trailling slash in the address in Safari :man_facepalming:

Now lets hope my appending of trailing slash doesn't break anything else

So I thought I would start building the "combined" HTTP & HTTPS handler, but realized, that there are obstacles:

Original connect handler:

class ConnectHandler: ChannelInboundHandler {
    typealias InboundIn = HTTPServerRequestPart
    typealias OutboundOut = HTTPServerResponsePart


And my HTTP:

class HTTPConnectHandler: ChannelDuplexHandler {
    typealias InboundIn = HTTPServerRequestPart
    typealias InboundOut = HTTPClientRequestPart
    typealias OutboundIn = HTTPClientResponsePart
    typealias OutboundOut = HTTPServerResponsePart

The original one is "just" ChannelInboundHandler but mine is ChannelDuplexHandler so I guess I cannot just mash their functionality together and use a few ifs right?

I think in principle it should still be fine: your handler will remove itself in the CONNECT case so its duplex nature shouldn't matter.

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Happy to report that "combined" handler actually works :slight_smile:

Hello, I miss the same error like this:

Fatal error: tried to decode as type HTTPPart<HTTPResponseHead, IOData> but found HTTPPart<HTTPResponseHead, ByteBuffer> 

Can you tell me how you solved it at that time,here is my code:

final class HTTPConnectHandler: ChannelDuplexHandler, RemovableChannelHandler {
    func removeHandler(context: ChannelHandlerContext, removalToken: ChannelHandlerContext.RemovalToken) {

        if case let .pendingConnection(head) = self.state {
            NSLog("[HTTPConnectHandler] head = \(type(of: head))")
            self.state = .connected

            if let bufferedBody = self.bufferedBody {
                self.bufferedBody = nil
            if let bufferedEnd = self.bufferedEnd {
                self.bufferedEnd = nil
            NSLog("[HTTPConnectHandler] will fireChannelReadCoomplete")
        context.leavePipeline(removalToken: removalToken)
    enum State {
        case idle
        case pendingConnection(head: HTTPRequestHead)
        case connected
    enum ConnectError: Error {
        case invalidURL
        case wrongScheme
        case wrongHost
//    typealias InboundIn = HTTPServerRequestPart
//    typealias InboundOut = HTTPClientRequestPart
    typealias InboundIn = HTTPServerRequestPart
    typealias InboundOut = HTTPClientRequestPart
    typealias OutboundIn = HTTPClientResponsePart
    typealias OutboundOut = HTTPServerResponsePart
    private var state = State.idle
    private var bufferedBody: ByteBuffer?
    private var bufferedEnd: HTTPHeaders?
    func channelRead(context: ChannelHandlerContext, data: NIOAny) {
        guard case .head(var head) = self.unwrapInboundIn(data) else {
            let unwrapped = self.unwrapInboundIn(data)
            switch unwrapped {
            case .body(let buffer):
                switch state {
                case .connected:
                case .pendingConnection(_):
                    print("Buffering body")
                    self.bufferedBody = buffer
                    // shouldnt happen
            case .end(let headers):
                switch state {
                case .connected:
                case .pendingConnection(_):
                    print("Buffering end")
                    self.bufferedEnd = headers
                    // shouldnt happen
            case .head(_):
                assertionFailure("Not possible")
        NSLog("[HTTPConnectHandler] connecting to URI: \(head.uri)")
//        os_log(.default, log: .default, "Connecting to URI: %{public}s", head.uri as NSString)
        guard let parsedUrl = URL(string: head.uri) else {
        NSLog("[HTTPConnectHandler] connecting to scheme: \(parsedUrl.scheme ?? "no scheme")")
//        os_log(.default, log: .default, "Parsed scheme: %{public}s", (parsedUrl.scheme ?? "no scheme") as NSString)
        guard parsedUrl.scheme == "http" else {
        guard let host = head.headers.first(name: "Host"), host == parsedUrl.host else {
//            os_log(.default, log: .default, "Wrong host")
            NSLog("[HTTPConnectHandler] wrong host")
        var targetUrl = parsedUrl.path
        if let query = parsedUrl.query {
            targetUrl += "?\(query)"
        head.uri = targetUrl
        switch state {
        case .idle:
            state = .pendingConnection(head: head)
            connectTo(host: host, port: 80, context: context)
        case .pendingConnection(_):
//            os_log(.default, log: .default, "Logic error fireChannelRead with incorrect state")
        case .connected:
    func write(context: ChannelHandlerContext, data: NIOAny, promise: EventLoopPromise<Void>?) {
//        self.
        switch self.unwrapOutboundIn(data) {
        case .head(let head):
            context.write(self.wrapOutboundOut(.head(head)), promise: nil)
        case .body(let body):
//            self.wrapOutboundOut(.body(.byteBuffer(body)))
            context.write(self.wrapOutboundOut(.body(.byteBuffer(body))), promise: nil)
        case .end(let trailers):
            context.write(self.wrapOutboundOut(.end(trailers)), promise: nil)
    private func connectTo(host: String, port: Int, context: ChannelHandlerContext) {
        NSLog("[HTTPConnectHandler] start connect to \(host):\(port)")
        let channelFuture = ClientBootstrap(group: context.eventLoop)
            .channelInitializer { channel in
                channel.pipeline.addHandler(HTTPRequestEncoder()).flatMap {
                    channel.pipeline.addHandler(ByteToMessageHandler(HTTPResponseDecoder(leftOverBytesStrategy: .forwardBytes)))
            .connect(host: host, port: port)

        channelFuture.whenSuccess { channel in
            NSLog("[HTTPConnectHandler] connect success to \(host):\(port)")
            self.connectSucceeded(channel: channel, context: context)
        channelFuture.whenFailure { error in
            NSLog("[HTTPConnectHandler] connect fail to \(host):\(port)")
            self.connectFailed(error: error, context: context)
    private func connectSucceeded(channel: Channel, context: ChannelHandlerContext) {
//        os_log(.default, log: .default, "Connect succeeded")
        self.glue(channel, context: context)

    private func connectFailed(error: Error, context: ChannelHandlerContext) {
//        os_log(.error, log: .default, "Connect failed: %@", error as NSError)
    private func glue(_ peerChannel: Channel, context: ChannelHandlerContext) {

        self.removeEncoder(context: context)

        // Now we need to glue our channel and the peer channel together.
        let (localGlue, peerGlue) = GlueHandler.matchedPair()
        context.channel.pipeline.addHandler(localGlue).and(peerChannel.pipeline.addHandler(peerGlue)).whenComplete { result in
            switch result {
            case .success(_):
                context.pipeline.removeHandler(self, promise: nil)
            case .failure(_):
                // Close connected peer channel before closing our channel.
                peerChannel.close(mode: .all, promise: nil)
                context.close(promise: nil)
    private func removeEncoder(context: ChannelHandlerContext) {
        context.pipeline.context(handlerType: HTTPResponseEncoder.self).whenSuccess {_ in 
//            context.pipeline.removeHandler(context: $0, promise: nil)

This post was also posted in the thread iOS HTTP traffic use SwiftNIO, so I'm going to respond there.