Nice, this is even faster than the complex version I had ported from C.
func taylor_adler32Checksum(of data: Data) -> UInt32 {
data.withUnsafeBytes { pointer in
let (q, r): (Int, Int) = data.count.quotientAndRemainder(dividingBy: 5552)
var (single, double): (UInt32, UInt32) = (1 & 0xffff, (1 >> 16) & 0xffff)
for i: Int in 0 ..< q {
for j: Int in 5552 * i ..< 5552 * (i + 1) {
single &+= .init(pointer[j])
double &+= single
single %= 65521
double %= 65521
for j: Int in 5552 * q ..< 5552 * q + r {
single &+= .init(pointer[j])
double &+= single
return ((double % 65521) << 16 | (single % 65521)).bigEndian
This implementation is 6.2x slower than libz (through DataCompression), while the previous version ported from C is 7.8x.