Opaque result types

I have a minimal prototype implementation of opaque result types in this pull request:


Limitations include:

  • The opaque type is spelled __opaque Protocol or __opaque ProtocolA & ProtocolB [& ProtocolC...] as placeholder spelling.
  • Opaque types can only appear as the return type of func declarations, not properties or closures.
  • where clause constraints on the opaque type are not yet supported, nor are conditional conformances on the opaque type. However, the protocols in the __opaque type can be arbitrary protocols, with any number of associated type or Self type requirements. __opaque types can in turn be inferred as associated types of protocol conformances.
  • The runtime and resilience aspects are not yet implemented. Changing the underlying type of a public opaque type will break ABI.

Some known issues:

  • Because of the missing runtime support, I substitute out opaque types during SILGen in a rather hacky unprincipled way. It's likely that the optimizer, particularly generic specialization, may still cause crashes.
  • The type checker currently crashes if there's a type error in the underlying type, such as if it does not conform to the required protocols.
  • Diagnostics involving opaque types will print the type with a compiler-internal representation involving the original decl name and generic arguments, instead of anything human-understandable.

I asked CI to build a toolchain: https://ci.swift.org/job/swift-PR-toolchain-osx/170//artifact/branch-master/swift-PR-21137-170-osx.tar.gz I'd appreciate help kicking the tires on this. Thanks!