Noncopyable type returns from a closure when it is from a package

In a package i have the following code:

public final class Protect<T: ~Copyable>: @unchecked Sendable {
    let locker: NSLock = NSLock()

    var storedValue: T

    public init(_ storedValue: consuming sending T) {
        self.storedValue = storedValue

    public func safe<R: ~Copyable, E>(
        _ execute: (inout sending T) throws(E) -> sending R
    ) throws(E) -> sending R {
        defer {
        return try execute(&storedValue)

Now, I try to return the noncopyable type from a closure inside the wrapper:

struct NonCoypableBox<T: ~Copyable>: ~Copyable {
    var value: T
    init(_ value: consuming T) {
        self.value = value

func foo() {
    let protectedValue: Protect<NonCoypableBox<Int>?> = Protect(NonCoypableBox(42))

    // Referencing instance method 'safe' on 'Optional' requires that 'NonCoypableBox<Int>' conform to 'Copyable'
    let value = { value in
        let v = value.take()
        value = nil
        return v

If i move Protect type into the same package. i won't get this error.
Am I missing something here?
I think it is a bug.

I see a different error when I try to compile your code:

use.swift:16:23: error: value of type 'NonCoypableBox<Int>?' has no member 'take'
14 |     // Referencing instance method 'safe' on 'Optional' requires that 'NonCoypableBox<Int>' conform to 'Copyable'
15 |     let value = { value in
16 |         let v = value.take()
   |                       `- error: value of type 'NonCoypableBox<Int>?' has no member 'take'
17 |         value = nil
18 |         return v

Can you please double-check your example?

i have take

Swift version 6.0.1 (swift-6.0.1-RELEASE)
Target: aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu

I can't reproduce this with either a nightly swift or 6.0.3 which ships along with Xcode 16.2 and is available as a snapshot. Is it perhaps the case that the diagnostic is stale? It makes reference to a method on Optional, but safe is being invoked on a value of type Protect<NonCopyableBox<Int>?>

did you try putting the Protect into a package? then importing the package and call it.

Yup. I put your Protect type into a package and added that package as a dependency for an app target. I also tried to create a test target within the package's domain to see if that might reproduce it and was similarly unable to get this diagnostic to appear.

Then I really don't know. to be honest, I still don't want to use strict concurrency. it is so unstable. I have already spotted a lot of bugs.

You do not need to enable strict concurrency to use a Swift 6 compiler. You can still use the Swift 5 language mode.