Making an official Swift Community Discord server

well that's a nice option, I actually am already a member of it :joy:, but for some reason it wasn't quite what I'm looking for, and I'm not sure why exactly, maybe it's activity level, maybe organization discord-wise, but I would like a more official one

Thank you for posting the Swift Discord link. I went ahead and joined it but it would be nice if Apple had an official Discord.

i did not know that existed so thanks for the link. i donโ€™t think it needs to be official per-se, as long as enough people know it exists and link to it.

do you know who manages that server? i would be willing to add a link to it from the Swiftinit website to help boost its visibility.

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Just noticed some admins of Swift Slack Channel have enabled the free Pro trial recently. We can see all message now but it would be temporary unless Apple or others would sponsor the channel to pay the Slack Pro Plan.

As part of your free trial, you can now access all of your message and file history.

Slack uses customer data to train their models. You must contact them to opt out. However, they still use your data even if you opt out. Yet another reason to not use Slack.

Hi everyone again!, after a long time of this topic, and with no "good" server being made, and the existing one some people referred to being -imho- a bit bad, this is what happened:
"Fine, I'll do it myself" meme

So me and another passionate person (@evrensen467) decided to make a server ourselves, and make the server we wanted to see come true.
This is of course still "unofficial", but hopefully one day it gets more attention from The Swift Project.
But for now, anyone is welcomed to join and casually chat and hangout, we also have help channels, for maybe a bit more casual type of problems, where you kinda feel hard to make a whole Forum thread for, see you there :wave:



This is great, I just joined.

You know, as I was catching up on this thread, one idea I had which might help the Discord be complementary with the Swift forums rather than compete with it: Can this Discord channel you created ALSO be for developers on Apple platforms? As in, it would cover Apple frameworks like SwiftUI, UIKit, AppKit, RealityKit, etc. and can be the bridge between these Swift forums and the official Apple forums.

For example, I would love to get help on SwiftUI related topics at times, or just chat with other indie Apple developers, and so it would be nice if it covered more specific Apple developer topics as well as the non Apple Swift topics like embedded or server side Swift. Also covering developer's experiences with beta releases after WWDC would be cool. I often find myself going between Swift forums, Apple forums, Reddit, and X for this, but I think Discord could be a better fit as a community hub between the technical QA happening on each forum.

Not only this, but connecting with the various Swift and Apple conferences like Try! Swift and local communities around the world would be really great.

TLDR if the Discord could be a bridge to both the Swift and Apple forums, I feel it would complement both without competing with either.

Just a thought, open to feedback.


+1 for having a "global" hub or community for Apple/Swift users ... I dunno if it exist yet or not.


Hi, thank you for joining our new community. :slight_smile:

Can this Discord channel you created ALSO be for developers on Apple platforms? As in, it would cover Apple frameworks like SwiftUI, UIKit, AppKit, RealityKit, etc.

Our help forum is supposed to be versatile and generic in the context of Swift, so we do have tags for frameworks like SwiftUI, AppKit, etc.. we also have tags for different Apple platforms (iPadOS, visionOS, etc..), along with other languages that are commonly interopted with Swift (C++ and Objective-C in particular), for anything else (that's relevant to Swift) you can use the other tag or any of the various topic channels we offer, f.e if you're developing for linux then you can use the #linux channel.

Also covering developer's experiences with beta releases after WWDC would be cool.

Yeah, this is something I had in mind implementing for the next WWDC instead. Not just a channel for beta releases but also to discuss the WWDC events and anything surrounding it, i.e rumors, specific features, etc...

TLDR if the Discord could be a bridge to both the Swift and Apple forums, I feel it would complement both without competing with either.

I think we're already slightly heading to that route, as not all of our channels are strictly about the swift programming language. however the fact remains that this is a swift programming language server, which should be the main area of focus for us, so we might not cover everything you'd use Apple forums for. but this is not to say that it wont change in the future, i'm open for ideas that can balance this out.

If you have any ideas you want to share, or improvements we can do at this point in time then i'd happily discuss with you in the discord server, which is what we have the feedback forum for :D Maybe we should relocate the help forum from the language category into it's own section, as it's not strictly for help with the swift language, but technologies and platforms relevant to swift as well.

Not only this, but connecting with the various Swift and Apple conferences like Try! Swift and local communities around the world would be really great.

This would be very nice indeed! but this feels like a large milestone for something as new and small as our community, this likely would require an effort from the entire community, people with connections, etc... we have a few members from the swift server workgroup team, hopefully they could also help us with this given their involvement and connections :)
edit: if there is anything you think you could help us with here (or in general), please let us know :laughing:

If there is something i wasnt clear about or if you have any other questions, feel free to ping me (@evren) in the server :+1:


Thank you for the detailed reply! This is great and I am basically in agreement with your thinking and want to do what I can to help this new community grow. I'm posting here just for visibility on the swift forums but I'll also post on the discord shortly.

I totally agree with this, The Discord should fit in-between Swift forums and Apple forums, so while it will cover some Apple things the Swift forums do not cover, it should not cover everything the Apple forums do, rather focus where Swift and Apple overlap in addition to including non-Apple Swift topics just like the forums do. So for example, some Obj-C Apple topics might not be covered unless they pertain to an interaction with a Swift API. (as you already mention)

This is how I could see things working at a high level.


I was just reading this year's Stackoverflow developer survey and I noticed yet another "proof" that Swift needs to have a good Discord server.
A few others and I had mentioned this before that the newcomers are much less likely to join this forum (as nice as it is) or the semi-official Slack workspace (as good as it is).
I don't think anyone argued against that though when we were discussing it in the Slack workspace, which is good.