LLDB does not build

I'm trying to build LLDB from source, but am encountering the following bug when running lldb/scripts/build-swift-cmake.py --test from the swift-lldb repository:

Assertion failed: (this->NamelinkMode == NamelinkModeNone), function GenerateScriptForConfig, file /Users/andrewlitteken/Downloads/cmake-3.13.2/Source/cmInstallTargetGenerator.cxx, line 214.
/Users/andrewlitteken/Documents/side-interests/swift-source/swift/utils/build-script-impl: line 299: 23727 Abort trap: 6           "$@"
swift/utils/build-script: fatal error: command terminated with a non-zero exit status 134, aborting

I found a similar issue here but haven't been able to find that pattern in the CMakeLists.txt files. Any suggestions?

Edits: formatting

This looks like it's asserting in CMake?

Assertion failed: (this->NamelinkMode == NamelinkModeNone), function GenerateScriptForConfig, file /Users/andrewlitteken/Downloads/cmake-3.13.2/Source/cmInstallTargetGenerator.cxx, line 214.

You might want to report a bug to their bugtracker.

Turns out I'd just installed CMake outside of Homebrew previously and hadn't updated it recently enough to get the fix. Seems to be working now.