Lifting the "Self or associated type" constraint on existentials

I would agree with @dabrahams that such an eventuality would be strictly, and significantly, worse than the status quo for the reasons below. This is why I said upthread that lifting the "Self or associated type" restriction should happen only in tandem with significantly improved diagnostics that allow users to avoid the scenario you outline above.

Certainly there are some "use cases that currently require cumbersome workarounds" that would be enabled by lifting the restriction, and I would very much like to be able to enjoy that functionality. However, @dabrahams outlines above why lifting the "Self or associated type" restriction won't actually enable or enhance a large portion of use cases that people have mentioned even in this thread, such as an existential collection type replacing AnyCollection.

What we often see in the "Using Swift" portion of these forums is that users reach for existential types when they should be using generic contraints--"should" not merely for performance reasons, but because they truly do not need or intend for any type erasure and often do intend to access APIs that require the type relationships being erased. That they run into the "Self or associated type" restriction now and would run into the "method can't be called" issue in the future is not the actual problem but only a symptom of that problem (i.e., using existential types instead of generic constraints).

Today, users are told upfront of this fact if they are dealing with a protocol with Self or associated type constraints. Without the "Self or associated type" restriction, then, more uses of existential types by the typical user would fall into the category of problems that would be best served by features other than existential types. This becomes even more so the case if/when opaque types and other enhancements are added to the language. Given the limited extent to which intentional use cases would actually be enabled by lifting this restriction, one must be careful that it's not outweighed dramatically by the extent to which unintentional use cases would be encouraged--and "unintentional" here referring not to the intentions of language designers but to the intentions of the user who actually does not want or might not even know about the type erasure that's going on.

One component of solving this problem might be to change the spelling so that Any<P> (or, for reasons that will become apparent below, I'll use an alternative strawman syntax Existential<P>) rather than P is the existential type. The goal here is to reduce as much as possible the scenario where users reach for existential types without even realizing that they are doing so. I have to admit that, even after years of working with the language, I still catch myself sometimes unintentionally using an existential type when I meant to have a generic constraint!

A spelling such as Existential<P> neatly avoids the baffling situation that "P does not conform to P," since even on visual inspection it's clear that Foo<Bar> has no reason to conform automatically to Bar.

I'd imagine it could then be possible for authors to conform Existential<P> to P by manually implementing the necessary methods in an extension (i.e., extension Existential where Protocol == P). (If the existential type were to be spelled Any<P>, then extension Any where Protocol == P would naturally prompt the question of whether one can extend Any without constraints, which is a different topic altogether best avoided here.)