JSONEncoder / Encodable: Floating point rounding error

I wonder if this is by design (and if so, why?) or because of a bug, perhaps the one discussed here.

EDIT: AFAICT it seems to be that bug.

Demonstration program here.
func concrete(_ value: Double) -> Float {
  return Float.init(value) // Will call intrinsic
func generic<T: BinaryFloatingPoint>(_ value: T) -> Float {
  return Float.init(value) // Will call ._convert(from:)
extension String {
  func leftPadded(to minCount: Int, with char: Character=" ") -> String {
    return String(repeating: char, count: max(0, minCount-count)) + self
extension BinaryFloatingPoint {
  var segmentedBinaryString: String {
    let e = String(exponentBitPattern, radix: 2)
    let s = String(significandBitPattern, radix: 2)
    return [self.sign == .plus ? "0" : "1", "_",
            e.leftPadded(to: Self.exponentBitCount, with: "0"), "_",
            s.leftPadded(to: Self.significandBitCount, with: "0")].joined()
func test() {
  print("Please wait …")
  let startFloat = (7.038531e-26 as Float).nextDown
  let endFloat = (7.038531e-26 as Float).nextUp
  let endDouble = Double(endFloat)
  var d = Double(startFloat)
  let step = d.ulp
  var mc = 0
  while d <= endDouble {
    let a = concrete(d)
    let b = generic(d)
    if a != b {
      print("Found mismatched conversion (after \(mc) matching conversions):")
      print(" Double:  ", d.segmentedBinaryString, d)
      print(" concrete:", a.segmentedBinaryString, a)
      print(" generic: ", b.segmentedBinaryString, b)
      mc = 0
    } else {
      mc &+= 1
    d += step

I've only tested it with the default toolchain of Xcode 12.1 (12A7403), but when I do, it prints:

Please wait …
Found mismatched conversion (after 805306368 matching conversions):
 Double:   0_01110101011_0101110010000111111110110000000000000000000000000000 7.038531e-26
 concrete: 0_00101011_01011100100001111111110 7.0385313e-26
 generic:  0_00101011_01011100100001111111101 7.038531e-26

Shouldn't this bug fix be in Xcode 12.1? @scanon @xwu