[Issue] Collection.distance() works not very well in some situations

[Issue] Collection.distance() works not very well in some situations
The question is that, whether the original Collection Protocol requires index from lower to higher (startIndex < endIndex).

If the original Collection Protocol requires index from lower to higher, than this infinity loop should not happen:

class MyCollectionA : Collection {
    var startIndex: Int {
        return 1
    var endIndex: Int {
        return 100
    func index(after i: Int) -> Int {
        return i + 2
    subscript(position: Int) -> Void {
        return ()

let a = MyCollectionA()
a.distance(from: 0, to: 100) // 50
a.distance(from: 1, to: 100) // !! Infinity Loop
a.count // !! Infinity Loop

if we assume the index is from lower to higher, the implementation of the distance(from:to:) should use "<" with "while" to count distance

    var start = start
    var count: IndexDistance = 0
    while start < end { // instead of using !=
      count = count + 1
      formIndex(after: &start)
    return count

If the original Collection Protocol not requires index from to higher, than the code below should works, but unfortunately, the code in Collection.distance does not allow.


class MyCollectionB : Collection {
    var startIndex: Int {
        return 100
    var endIndex: Int {
        return 0
    func index(after i: Int) -> Int {
        return i - 2
    // start, end, index(after i: Int) -> indices: DefaultIndices
    subscript(position: Int) -> Void {
        return ()

let b = MyCollectionB()
b.count // !! Fetal Error: Only BidirectionalCollections can have end come before start

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