`@isolated(any)` function types

Swift reserves the right to optimize the execution of tasks to avoid "unnecessary" isolation changes, such as when an isolated async function starts by calling a function with different isolation. In general, this includes optimizing where the task initially starts executing. As an exception, in order to provide a primitive scheduling operation with stronger guarantees, Swift will always start a task function on its appropriate executor for its formal dynamic isolation unless:

  • it is non-isolated or
  • it comes from a closure expression that is only implicitly isolated to an actor (that is, it has neither an explicit isolated capture nor a global actor attribute).

I worry about this difference between implicit and explicit closures. If I understand correctly, this means the following:

struct Example {

  // These tasks have no guarantee as to their
  // execution order on the main actor
  func test1() {
    Task { /* implicitly @MainActor via enclosing struct */
      print("Unordered One")
    Task { /* implicitly @MainActor via enclosing struct */
      print("Unordered Two")

  // These tasks are guaranteed to execute in 
  // source order:
  func test2() {
    Task { @MainActor in
      print("Ordered One")
    Task { @MainActor in
      print("Ordered Two")

This means that there is now an observable semantic difference between implicitly inheriting an actor isolation and explicitly declaring the same isolation that would be explicitly inherited. I don't know of anywhere else in the language where explicitly redeclaring an inherited attribute has visible semantic differences. That seems likely to be a source of confusion, and I'd like to understand better the motivation behind this proposal.

(Or, if I'm understanding incorrectly, I'd love to understand better what is being proposed.)