Is there any way to know if an apinotes file is being picked up?

In Xcode 9.3, is there any way to see if an apinotes file is being picked up and used, or if it has errors?

Can I expect the debugger to show the Swift name of an enum case I created?

I've packaged up a third-party library in a Framework, and added module map and apinotes file, and I can import and link it just fine, but when I po a variable that's of an enum type declared in their header file, I just get

po inInfo.status
▿ lgs_status_t
  - rawValue : -12

My apinotes file looks like:

Name: lgscolibri
#	lgs_status_t

- Name: lgs_status_succeeded
  SwiftName: lgs_status_t.succeeded
- Name: lgs_status_in_progress
  SwiftName: lgs_status_t.inProgress

And the header for the enum looks like:

typedef enum {
    lgs_status_succeeded = 0,
    lgs_status_in_progress = 1,
} lgs_status_t;

But I can't use .succeeded or .inProgress in code.

I came across this recently - it's just the name, not the namespace. The change is just cosmetic for C enumerations - Swift sees it as lgs_status_t.succeeded and it can only be used that way.

No, that doesn't work for me, either.

Ah, yes, these go under "Tags", ie:

    - Name: lgs_status_succeeded
      SwiftName: lgs_status_t.succeeded
    - Name: lgs_status_in_progress
       SwiftName: lgs_status_t.inProgress

See if that helps?