I compiled a C module to my target "CoreStructures" to use my common C strucures on the CPU and the GPU
module CoreStructures {
header "ParticleGrid.h"
Now I would like to use one of C structure defined in "ParticleGrid.h" in my *.metal file, but I do not know is it possible or not, compiler do not see my C module in metal file, while it do see it in my swift file
#include <metal_stdlib>
#include <CoreStructures/ParticleGrid.h> // CoreStructures/ParticleGrid.h' file not found
using namespace metal;
kernel void setParticles() {
// FixedCell x;
BUT in swift file it is ok
import CoreStructures
func testCoreC() {
let cell = FixedCell() // OK
Sorry for the confusing question