Is `Environment` being initialized for every action fired intentional?

We are running into this issue when we call store.scope and create a view, FooDetailState, from FooState. A small example would be

// MARK: - State
struct FooState {
    var detail: FooDetail
struct FooDetail { ... }

// MARK: - Environment
struct FooEnvironment {
    let client: PathMonitorClient
struct FooDetailEnvironment {
    let client: PathMonitorClient

The closure we're referring to is provided in the pullback of fooDetailReducer

let fooReducer: Reducer<FooState, FooAction, FooEnvironment> = Reducer.combine(
        state: \.detail,
        action: ...
        environment: { env in 
            .init(client: env.client) 

Then in the view we'd have something like

/// FooView
var body: some View {
    FooDetailView(store: store.scope(state: \.detail, action: FooAction.detail)

What we're noticing is that each time an action is sent to the Store and processed in the reducer, the breakpoint set on the closure environment: { env in .init(client: env.client) } is getting hit--leading us to believe a new instance of FooDetailEnvironment is being created.