Introducing Documentation Generation for Swift Packages

It seems to be asking for a localization which I don’t know how to provide

png$ ~/tools/sources/Workspace/.build/release/workspace document

Generating documentation... (§1)

Loading “Workspace.swift”...
There are no localizations specified. (documentation.localizations)

✗ Failed to generate documentation. (See Ctrl + F “§1”)

“PNG” fails validation.

Are you sure this is a good default setting? Very very few mature Swift projects allow let alone encourage unicode operators.

Again, I don’t know how much value this provides. Straight quotes in body copy indicate “computer strings” as opposed to English words or phrases, which take curly quotes.

Some of these substitutions also seem just wrong:

Line 73
U+2026 may be lost in normalization; use “...” instead. (compatibilityCharacters)
### **
### **

... and should never be considered interchangeable, this comes straight from Butterick’s Practical Typography. Very modern fonts are capable of spacing the three-periods version correctly via a ligature but few text rendering engines support this.

Right now this is failing with

$ swiftlint lint --strict --reporter emoji
Fatal error: POSIX command failed with error: 13: file Foundation/Process.swift, line 543
Illegal instruction (core dumped)
