IndexStoreDB_Support Error

I am trying to build sourcekit-lsp using xcode, I am on Xcode 11.0 Beta 6. Can anyone here help me why am I getting this error?

There is no error when I try to build this project from command line using swift build command.

I generated .xcodeproj using command swift package generate-xcodeproj

If you're using the generated project, you need to use our xcconfig overrides to add the link to CoreServices:

swift package generate-xcodeproj --xcconfig-overrides overrides.xcconfig

That being said, if you're using the Xcode 11 beta, you could also build sourcekit-lsp directly by using the swift package support that was added to Xcode by opening the Package.swift file rather than generating an xcodeproj.

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Thank you very much, I have been stuck for a while now, It worked perfectly.