Inconsistent protocol Self problem

Thanks for trying Adrian but, no it doesn't help.

Here's the complete playground:

protocol Copyable
  init(other: Self)
  func copy() -> Self

extension Copyable
  func copy() -> Self
    return type(of: self).init(other: self)

protocol DefaultValueProvider

extension Int : DefaultValueProvider { }

extension String : DefaultValueProvider { }

protocol PropertyProtocol
  func getValue<valueType : DefaultValueProvider & Equatable>() throws -> valueType
  func setValue<valueType : DefaultValueProvider & Equatable>(_ value: valueType) throws
  func copy() -> PropertyProtocol

final class Property<valueT : DefaultValueProvider & Equatable> : Copyable
  var value = valueT()
  init() { }
  required convenience init(other: Property)
    value = other.value

extension Property where valueT : Copyable
  convenience init(other: Property)
    value = other.value.copy()
  func copy() -> Property
    return .init(other: self)

extension Property : PropertyProtocol
  public enum Error : Swift.Error
    case invalidPropertyType
  public func getValue<valueType>() throws -> valueType where valueType : DefaultValueProvider & Equatable
    guard let value = value as? valueType else
      throw Error.invalidPropertyType
    return value
  public func setValue<valueType>(_ value: valueType) throws where valueType : DefaultValueProvider & Equatable
    guard let newValue = value as? valueT else
      throw Error.invalidPropertyType
    self.value = newValue
  public func copy() -> PropertyProtocol
    return Property(other: self)

class Thing : DefaultValueProvider, Equatable, Copyable
  public static func == (lhs: Thing, rhs: Thing) -> Bool
    return lhs.value == rhs.value
  public var value: Int
  public required convenience init()
    self.init(value: 0)
  public init(value: Int)
    self.value = value
  public required convenience init(other: Thing)
    value = other.value

let stringProperty: PropertyProtocol = Property<String>()

let copyStringProperty = (stringProperty).copy()

try stringProperty.setValue("Joanna")

let stringValue: String = try stringProperty.getValue()


let copyStringValue: String = try copyStringProperty.getValue()


let thingProperty: PropertyProtocol = Property<Thing>()

let copyThingProperty = thingProperty.copy()

let thingValue: Thing = try thingProperty.getValue()

thingValue.value = 123


let copyThingValue: Thing = try copyThingProperty.getValue()


PropertyProtocol is necessary because I am holding a dictionary of Property objects and use the PropertyProtocol as a non-generic "type eraser"

And the problem with the conditional extension is that, addressing the Property objects through the PropertyProtocol, neither the copy() or the init(:_) in the extension get called.

If I address the Property objects directly, then all is fine and the extension methods get called.

So, I resorted to doing away with the extension and putting conditional code in the one init(:_) method in Property, which then meant that I then had to use a version of init(:_) in the protocol that took a Copyable parameter, to avoid the Self error.

I have no problem getting around this, it just means a different way of coding.

But, the question remains - why do I get the Self error in the protocol for the init(:_) declaration but not for the copy() method declaration?